My boyfriend asked me to have sex with his dog? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2012-11-04 03:32:26 by Dogtroubles

After sex one night my boyfriend and I were talking and he (out of nowhere) asks me if I would have sex with his Leonberger Mastiff (110 pounds). I said no; but I'm curious: is it safe? legal? is there anyone who wants to share a story?

berin50 13 points on 2012-11-04 04:53:24

Do it. totes safe just Google the shit outta it and put socks on the dog. p.s. if you're hesitant just have him lick you first You'll be a bit more inclined to experiment after you've felt that haha.

Arxl 10 points on 2012-11-04 09:01:35

In most places it is illegal to have sex with animals. Just don't hurt the dog and don't get caught. I suggest seeing him fully erect before letting him mount you. Dogs usually pack heat more than humans and can really hurt you.

ClydeDales 37 points on 2012-11-04 16:47:50

As someone who had extensive sex with a dog over years:

If you are female: As someone said put socks on the dogs frontpaws or wear a leathergirth, doormat or something as he will claw into your flesh and draw a tiny bit of blood on your sides. Not deep but those streaks can be annoying the rest of the day. In general you have nothing else to do but get on all fours, and hold still for him whatever happens. Maybe start with you on the back so he will lick you first, which provides some nice lubrication. Then roll around, hold still and maybe guide his penis (which he will jump on and poke in searching motion against you) with one hand into you. Make sure the dog is generally well behaved and knows some manners and commands. Nothing should suddenly frighten him for the comfort of both of you. But just holding still will work great. When he is done leave him alone a bit so he can take care of his personal hygiene.

If you are a man or want to do anal: first get a stiff dildo the size of the dog('s junk) and carefully see if you can take it straight in there. The dog will ram his straight and rigid as fuck (you'll be surprised) penis into you no matter what. If you are not used to that or get a really weird angle of entry due to no experience you COULD have a low chance of perforating something. That is a trip to the hospital then. You should also try heavy,fast in and out duty with it in the dry run, as the dog will do it this way (which feels quite awesome tbh).

Important: A dog has a 'knot' at the base of his penis (just google for a pic). For vaginal you needn't worry. For anal, if you are not used to such a size VERY MUCH, then DO NOT take the knot in for the first time. As he will need to get out again somehow, can be surprisingly big and he'll probably simply pull hard. Which can hurt a lot or tear you. If you let him in he'll 'tie' with you. Hold still, enjoy, but you friend should control him such that he just stays (by telling him to stay or similar things he knows) as naturally he would jump of and turn (with his penis in you) and that can become uncomfortable. I personally became very good in registering when the dog wanted to jump off and turn, at which point I quickly popped the knot out (if you are good with anal/that size again no prob. If not get a toy first and try). He then just jumped off and was out in a fraction of a sec. All good.

But as a woman or an experienced male with the size you don't need to worry. With a tiny bit if anal experience you can keep the knot out no problem by feeling.

It is illegal in a lot of places, in others not. Just do it inside, DON'T HURT HIM, and don't worry. These laws are remnants of times when sexual moral was dictated by religion and from there seeped into today's laws as 'natural' and 'logical'. There is no objective reason why one shouldn't have mutually consensual sex with a dog, it's perfectly safe and fun.

In the street smartness department, don't let him take any pictures or similar. Just for ensuring a nice future.

Zoopoint 7 points on 2012-11-08 05:15:29

I'm also zoo and have experience with male dogs but there's something worrying about a boyfriend who asks his non-zoo partner out of the blue to have sex with his dog.

ZoroasterTheCat 6 points on 2012-11-09 00:52:42

Firstly - don't engage in any activities that you're not comfortable with. As zoopoint noted, it is a bit strange that your BF would bring this up out of the blue.

Discuss this with him ahead of time, and make sure you truly are interested in this for your own reasons, not just to make your boyfriend happy. If you decide to proceed, or that at least you're curious about it, I would suggest starting slowly. Maybe lay on your back and entice him to lick you for a bit and see if you like it. Girls getting their dogs to give them oral is actually ridiculously common.

If you do wish to continue further, I would suggest wearing some thicker clothing, as you may receive a few scratches. I know some women who are very much into this construct a pair of 'chaps' out of an old pair of bluejeans. By cutting out the seat and crotch of the pants, it gives access to all the places you want accessed, and protects the rest of your legs. If you're worried about anal penetration, make sure to cut the seat low enough, and he won't be able to get in that way.

You could always try missionary as well. Get the dog aroused, and lay on your back underneath him or on the edge of a couch, having him prop his front paws on either side of you. That way you have a bit more control that being mounted on all fours, and receive less possible scratches.

Please update the post and let us know how things go!

ShowSStopper 15 points on 2012-12-01 02:27:27

I.. I think I'm in the wrong subreddit.

Sudtatze 14 points on 2012-12-01 14:44:37

Heh, what were you expecting to find in this subreddit?