Z.E.T.A. may take legal action against the proposed Germany bestiality law. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2012-11-27 17:40:38 by electricfoxx

http://www.zeta-verein.de/ [German]


Zoophiles are up in arms. "We will take legal action against this," Michael Kiok, chairman of zoophile pressure group ZETA (Zoophile Engagement for Tolerance and Information), told SPIEGEL ONLINE. "We see animals as partners and not as a means of gratification. We don't force them to do anything."

This is crazy. This is big. I'm not really counting on this as being a world changing event, but this is crazy. I think we are at the point of the "The Coming Out for Zoophilia". Not coming out as telling your family, but some acknowledging that they are and that it does exist.

Racism, sexism, ageism, etc. still exists. This won't change most people's minds, but, come on, a lobbyist group for pro-zoophilia. You can't tell me this isn't exciting.

KarnBlueEarring Canidae 5 points on 2012-11-28 15:38:13

I've heard about that, I hope this won't come into law..

[deleted] 2 points on 2012-11-30 06:49:34

Please tell me this is true and a real organization. I didn't read too much of the site because I'm in Tor Browser and didn't translate it, but it looks good.

I don't even know what to think, but I'm excited.

electricfoxx 2 points on 2012-11-30 07:07:10

It's hard to tell if it is legit, but the press seems to believe what they say.

Copy and paste of some sections of the website (translated)


Welcome to the website of Zeta-club!

And so welcome to the unprecedented hands-on project on the subject of zoophilia and Zoosexualität. On this website we would like to introduce our organization and the people behind them with their attitudes and goals. In addition, here are also basic factual information is provided about the topic is available, for example in the form of concept explanations, scientific studies or secondary literature.

On current events relating to the club we have our own blog created. That's where we want to outsource specific comments or corrections to the association's website does not permanently lose its clarity. In addition, there may also be drawn reader comments.

If you are visiting us for the first time or for the first time confronted with the issue Zoophilia, we encourage you, our introduction to read more closely. This way you get to know the most important terms and learn basic things about the club and our project and goals. We would be delighted if you further to explore this website and our blog to visit.

#Association Goals#

Since our club gained more and more popularity, in many places - both within the zoo community as well as outside - tireless debate about whether it is actually required, a zoophile club to have and whether the scene might more harm uses as . It identifies wild claims about our association's goals, from an exaggerated craving for recognition of individual members on the "recruiting" new zoos to amending existing laws (at this point, § § 184a of the Criminal Code and 17 TierSchG called). Below we would like to clarify what exactly is intended with this club and hopefully clear up in this way with the existing misunderstandings.

First of all we would like to set the record straight that it is not our intention, to profile ourselves through this association or to peddle our well more unusual slant. Quite the opposite - basically we prefer to keep us more in the background only to then respond to public and political events, when we see a need for it.

Another common misconception is the claim that the club would be intended to target meetings for the purpose of engaging in sexual activities with animals to organize. Again, this is nearly equivalent to the real world. In fact, restricting the actions of the association only to the determination by words and texts, for example, by participating in discussions on major Internet sites like Facebook, etc., the contact with the media, distributing flyers, etc.. We also oragnisieren us primarily through the Internet, personal meetings for joint constructive work as a rule of divorce, simply because of the great distance between the individual members.

Basically, the idea for the club was created more out of necessity. Through the spread of social networks like Facebook and who knows-whom-and the resulting improved networking of individuals to each other, the number of anti-zoophilia activists has increased rapidly, information such misinformation about us zoophiles can be disseminated faster and it is easier become to organize via the Internet to us. Accordingly, our club is entirely regarded as a kind of support group. There are of course to be factual and neutral content-edge science research on our tendency, but these unfortunately - not least because of the taboo nature of the whole complex of issues - few and far between. And an influential lobby we ended up also not really ...

Let's stay with the times, public opinion about us zoophiles. Generally only very little information about us through to the broad mass of the population, which are themselves in our eyes, is not tragic. Far more worrying is that desire to the quality of this information can be difficult choice: Through the media, etc., as well as Cabin by we learn only of the most outrageous cases where animals are tortured or killed brutally. There are picked the most titillating cases and transferred this without reflection to the total of all Zoosexellen; often make zoophilia opponents do not even stop in front, to spread lies or display images of sick or injured animals for reasons other than alleged victims of sexual violence. The bottom line is that we are perceived as zoophiles drove controlled sadist, but that does not even begin to correspond to reality. In fact, that's the thing that, among Zoosexuellen not just black and white there, but many shades of gray - but at this point we want to enter into detail elsewhere. In order, therefore, to bring it to the point: There are - even if given the propagated over us (mis) information seems almost unbelievable - well zoosexuelle people who love animals, they treat them with respect and respect their wishes. And precisely for this group of Zoosexuellen we want to express ourselves, we want to zoophiles not labeled a sadist, but as people with a real orientation (such as homosexuality) are perceived by those who love their animal partners as well as other their human horses ripper dogs killers etc.. we reject at least as well as the general public.

Another problem is us in our struggle for tolerance in the way, is the fact that animals are the majority of people are still perceived as asexual beings and allegedly would not enjoy sexual intercourse, although the latter has long been refuted scientifically. Even with these misconceptions we want to clean up and show in this context also that it is very possible to be intimate with a pet without it "trained" to have or to hurt him at all this. To this end we have already under Further Reading compiled numerous studies and literature suggestions by which you can learn.

Finally, we come to the last and most important goal of the association - the fight against the threat of criminalization of sexual human-animal contacts. In some neighboring countries such as Switzerland, France and the Netherlands, it has already happened, and now seems to be, given the propaganda of many anti-zoo movements and the likely resulting draft of a new law on animal protection from the Greens (see § 7 para 16 ) in Germany to forge change in the law. Against this - in our opinion - unfair treatment we want to make you strong, as we gather scientific work and provide us with further studies, for example, as volunteers or to the media as the official voice of zoophiles available.

#Board Members#


Michael Kiok


Born in 1960


about me, there is not much to report unusual.

I live a middle class life, am qualified librarian (FH) since 2003 and working in the IT field of libraries.

People say that I'm old-fashioned.

I was married, but no children.

Since I can remember, animals take in my life a feeling of a dominant position, in puberty came to erotic feelings. This I did after the first real experiences at the age of about 15 years, pushed away for nearly 20 years, denied, am not allowed to control every thought and physical reaction and me with self-discipline (violence would also fit) forced into the role of I thought of the society she had prepared for me.

So aggressively as what I exercised against myself, is not recommended. Eventually you get sick. The Internet and various experiences in real life have I then launched into a responsible personality. A development that has been running for about 16 years and has, among other things produced this text here.


David Zimmermann


born 1986

Hi all,

here only briefly the most important thing about me. The interesting posts coming soon in my blog ( first , second )

My life was and is determined by my simple Buddhist-inspired, emotional idealism. Materialistic things for me though quite fulfill a purpose, but are also not desirable. It is therefore far more important for me to make sense of life, a job, have something fulfilling. To seek harmony and happiness to be found, to multiply and leave.

At the age of about 17 years I decided to become a vegetarian because I could no longer bear the pain that I caused. And in this context, I also became the animal rights and animal rights, because I can not accept that animals suffer in this society must.

When I was 21, I trained as a zookeeper at the shelter, because I can be for the better since those who need help, and I mean so much. Shortly after I took a correspondence course in animal psychology to understand it even better. I will help now as a zookeeper, animal psychologist, and Pet Sitter (quite asexual) - for the ones that I now appreciate so much and never want to miss. And now I also help this club - for those of you whom I love so much e (t)

Currently I live with my human and animal life, my partners in Berlin.

[deleted] 1 point on 2012-12-01 07:14:05

Wow, thank you! I kind of love how German translates.

I did see the press sitings, you never can tell, but I'll hope for the best. With such a taboo and controversial viewpoint, an organization like this could get some interesting publicity.

Zoopoint 4 points on 2012-11-30 08:01:31

I've had contact with one of the members of this group. I haven't looked much into it on account of the fact that my German is awful, but they sound quite legitimate.

[deleted] 1 point on 2012-12-01 07:16:47

I saw the post on your blog. I don't know how the German political system works, but do you think the group will be noticed? I know a few media sources have sited them, but it's hard to tell what that means...

Zoopoint 2 points on 2012-12-04 04:29:43

The group is confident that they can effect a change in mindsets. I understand that German legislation is more flexible than that of, say, the United States, and more responsive to the people by merit of how it's assembled, so I would say they have a fighting chance, provided that the media continues being fed and there are many different individuals fighting for their rights publicly.