Shot in the dark... [xpost from /r/animalromance] (
submitted 2013-06-15 08:46:33 by [deleted]
KMunashii 1 point on 2013-06-15 19:51:47

Guess I should x-post my reply here, too, for those interested:

I love reading stories like these too. Unfortunately, the only ones I've found are usually erotic ones.

I do remember a good story with some zoo-romance, mainly from the point of the fox (again, story):

The Fox Woman by Kij Johnson

And a couple others with some zoo implications:

The Old Country by Mordicai Gerstein

PDF Short Story: My Daughter, The Fox by Jackie Kay

This one isn't really romance-related, but I do highly recommend it. It's also written from the perspective of the dog, how he views his owner, and his life with him.

The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein

InHaloBlack 1 point on 2013-06-16 02:57:04

I'll definitely give those all a look, thank you! I don't mind a little erotica, either, don't worry. :)