Curiouser and Curiouser??? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2013-06-18 19:56:57 by [deleted]

I was just wondering why some of you are into this kind of stuff? Are most people just curious? Are some animals more preferred than others? Are some just not satisfied with human sized penises, vaginas, or bums?

I can understand if females just want the bigger, creamier, harder, and sometimes faster animal. But what about the males who are into zoophilia?

[deleted] 6 points on 2013-06-18 21:28:00


throwawaytrondheim 6 points on 2013-06-21 20:58:53

Male here. I find dogs beautiful. But I am one of those that think I'll probably never find a woman. So a dog could be a substitute for a friend and lover. A companion. It's sad, but it's true.

Don't think it'll ever happen though.

LykeWake Lizards 8 points on 2013-06-19 00:34:33

You're making the assumption that zoophilia is all about sex. I'm sure that's the case for some people, but for me there's more to it: I want to have an animal as my best friend and romantic partner, even if we don't have sex. I don't know why I want this, but I feel like it's the only way I could ever be happy – humans have never interested me much. Most zoophiles are attracted to dogs or horses, I'm weird and attracted to reptiles.

[deleted] 4 points on 2013-06-19 01:32:08

Male here. Oddly started out when I was terribly young. The whole Christian upbringing and teachings about sex. "Sex can and will kill you! Diseases that cannot be cured exist and you can and will die!" scared me into 'anything but sex with anything!" and so, small town (pop. 5000) there's dogs and a couple horses. They mated. Looked, interesting. So I'd go back to those yards/barns at night and be a young kid and explore sexuality. Masturbating myself and just patting the animals. The fur felt great and thus I touched their special stuff too. Made it great fun.

I checked online on my 33.6k Modem (That I had just upgraded to from my 1200 bps.) and asked "Sex with animals. Is it normal?" on a search engine. Found out it wasn't something I was alone in and experimented from there.

So, that's the 'how' the 'why'?" the fur felt great. The danger, the excitement. And not that I knew back then, but now it's more that it's a subversive 'serving animals' needs before mine." and 'being put lower than an animal' so I have been topped by dogs (knotted) and played with horses (no penetrative sex) but I have licked and used my hands on all. So I've never 'fucked' anything for those who'll come out and sling the 'Dogfucker" moniker about.

It's just highly, unusual and coveted. I've not indulged in any 'fun' of this nature for over a decade. (only for no contact. Not for lack of wanting to) now that I live in a metropolis type city without access to animals.

But, if you have more questions, you can PM me directly. I'll answer anything.


CanadaWolf 12 points on 2013-06-19 06:29:11

I dunno, why are some people gay? For some of us it's not something we choose just like you can't decide one day to be gay. It's a part of you, and for me I've always been romantically/sexually attracted to dogs. I repressed it for a long time and tried to be normal, went through a couple relationships with women and dated many more, but it never worked for me, it always ended up feeling like work and I would pretend to be attracted to them but I was faking it.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2013-06-29 00:12:39

Male here, age 50's.

Hard to say why. Have always had an interest in animals sexually, it just came naturally. But being taboo and all, and not being in a position to have a pet capable of having sex with till I was age 40, I wasn't able to fulfill my fantasy's till then.

I'm sort of bi with animals and humans in that I equally like sex with female animals and female humans. But there are some things about animal sex that are better. They are usually more willing to have sex than a human female in my experience. You can't get them pregnant, catch any STD's from them, but on the other hand, kissing is not as nice as with a human.

As others have said here, it's just how some of us are oriented.

PineappleSky420 2 points on 2013-07-01 01:48:28

I'm 27, have a vagina and I've known that I was attracted to animals emotionally/sexually since around puberty, possibly even before then.

I'm equally attracted to both animals and humans, and there are pros and cons to "dating" both. I can't change this part of myself any more than I can change my shoe size and I've never wanted to change it. It is a part of who I am.

I live a fairly healthy lifestyle, I even have quite a few friends who all know who I am and are OK with it. I never include anyone in my social circle who isn't OK with it. I've been out about it for 7-8 years now and I'm not going back. I even have a pride symbol tattooed on my arm so everyone will know.

I am an activist for the community, I've been promoting equality rights (within reason) for almost a decade now. Stumbling through the dark is more like it lol.

I am attracted to many difference kinds of animals and all for different reasons. Personality of said animal goes a long way towards attraction and can vary between species/individual animals. I primarily am attracted to dogs, wolves, bears, sheep, goats, horses, deer, cattle....pretty much anything with hooves I guess lol.

dixonbutts666 2 points on 2013-08-09 02:53:06

I dunno about the boys, but for me it was just the relationship I had with my pup. We were best buddies, and I really felt a connection with him on a different level kinda. I was never abused when I was younger, and im not some psycho or sexual deviant or anything, it just feels right. Part of the appeal is how dirty it is, how taboo.

When I first started, I was a little lonely, and unsure of who I was as a person I guess. I dunno, its hard to describe, but if you wern't a little curious, you probably wouldve never came to this subreddit, would you hon? ;)