My personal zoo experience. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2013-07-04 01:02:11 by DOLLfaceHONEY

Somehow out of a quiet, conservative family and community, I managed to grow and mature with a very open view of sexuality. My childhood was split between living in a rural town in one state and the more suburban coastal cities of another. Early in my life I developed a love for reading fantasy. I was in love with unicorns and dragons. I had read several of Anne McCaffrey's Dragonriders of Pern stories and a few of Mercedes Lackley's Heralds of Valdemar novels before I was 13 years old. I'm sure a lot of zoophile's would rate Beauty and the Beast as the movie that first piqued their interest, but I can't deny that The Little Mermaid was actually my younger self's favorite Disney movie. Personally I'm surprised that Disney hasn't been targeted by more conservative mom groups considering how many people blame their 'unique' sexual interests on their movies. (Beauty and the Beast for zoo's and Disneys version of Robin Hood for the furry communities)

I don't want to linger on my childhood, but I think it's important to note one aspect of it, because I really feel like it's contributed to my own sexual views. As a kid, starting around the age of 8, I started to obsess over animals. I'd constantly be imitating them. I watched the discovery channel documentaries. I'd only check out books about animals from both the school and county libraries while everyone else was crowded around the 'Goosebumps' books and 'The Babysitters Club'. I checked out mostly horse books , but others as well. My grandparents (who raised me at that time) ordered those info cards that came in the mail to collect. They bought the binder and I'd clip them in order. I had like five books absolutely full of animal info cards. It's probably a waste of time that I didn't become a zoologist, considering how much I learned and how much I still remember to this day. But the weird thing was the imitation.

My aunts and uncles all commented to my grandparents that I should see a specialist. One uncle just thought it was funny, and he'd always ask 'What dog are you today?' every time he'd see me. I'd try and reply with an obscure breed to try and stump him, but apparently I just succeeded in weirding out my family. At 10-11 years old I could perfectly imitate a horses whinny. I was known as the 'horse-girl' at school. At this time I was over weight for my age, and that combined with puberty and my strange fascination with animals meant I didn't have many friends. I can't really remember being 'shocked' by the idea of humans and animals having sex with each other. I started looking at 'furry' art on the internet at 13, the same time I started roleplaying online with people as a wolf on Neopets and other forum sites. From there I found the forum communities for people who believed they were werewolves. My love of fantasy adult fiction started not longer after that.

The next year I moved to the city with my mom and step dad. This meant a couple things for me. For one, I dropped a lot of the weight my grandparents let me gain as a child, and that I was now exposed to pet's being allowed in the house. My mom and step dad had a lanky mutt named Bobo. He was hyper all the time because they kept him outside during the day and only brought him in to sleep at night. He was fixed, but I remember having my first 'zoo' experience with him.

There really wasn't anything leading up to it. Not a moment of planning, just a strange, random act when we were alone. I grabbed a piece of lunch meat, dropped my pants and sat down in the hallway. Leaning back on my hand with my legs out to the sides in front of me, I placed a piece of the sandwich meat on my knee. He seemed to be immediately put off by the fact that I didn't have any pants on. Honestly I would be been a little creeped out too if I was him. He slowly walked up and carefully snatched the lunch meat up. I put another piece closer to the apex of my thighs, and carried on until I had him carefully snatching up a piece of lunch meat off of my mound. He didn't use his tongue, which frustrated me, but I could tell how uncomfortable he was about it. Suddenly I was so embarrassed over what I'd done. There was a little shame, a little guilt and I didn't try anything with him after that. It wasn't a really jarring experience and it didn't affect my life at all. It didn't even change the way I interacted with Bobo.

Two years after that my mom brought home a fully grown, unentered male white german shepherd named Storm. He was absolutely gorgeous, all white with a bit of creamy tan in his ears and down his spine. His tail had that swooping curve at the end that caused the longish hairs there to look like a silky fan. Any time I took him for a walk, someone would always comment on what a beautiful dog he was, without fail. Unfortunately we didn't have him for very long, and what did happen between us was very tame. I had been laying in bed one afternoon with Storm. My little sister was also in the room, playing on our computer. She was facing away from us. As with any bored 16 year old girl laying in bed, I was getting horny. Storm was laying on his side, also facing away from me. I rolled over onto my side and ran my hand through his fur, petting his belly until I reached his large sheath. I eyed it for a moment, lightly petting around the area before I gently grabbed it. He didn't really react, and it wasn't like I was going to go any further so I quickly grew bored and found something else to occupy my time with. It wasn't long after that my mom found a new home for Storm, so it was about 3 years later before my next chance to experiment with zoophilia.

Around 2 years after Storm, I joined the army and was stationed in Texas. This part of my history can get pretty lengthy, and it's still pretty sensitive so I'm going to skip over a lot of details. I got married right out of AIT (job training basically) and moved off post. I got pregnant a month into our marriage, and about six months after that my then-husband was sent to South Korea for a year. A few months before he left, however, we bought a doberman pinscher puppy and named him Loki. When it was just Loki and I was when things started to get interesting. Loki was impossible to keep away when I was masturbating. I'd be sitting in my chair in front of my computer with my vibrator and Loki would be right there, sniffing curiously and trying to lick at me if I let him get close enough. He was still very young, only 6 or 7 months, but he was big enough to get his paws up on my chair and his nose right in my crotch. Despite my earlier explorations with dogs, I still pushed him away at first. He was just a puppy! That mentality didn't last long however.

DOLLfaceHONEY 1 point on 2013-07-04 01:02:54

Despite how open I was to the idea of letting an animal perform a sexual act on me, I still had to come to terms with what I was about to let happen. Loki was so insistent every time and I couldn't think of a reason to NOT do it. Obviously it would be fulfilling both of our desires. When I finally let him, I felt silly for waiting so long. It wasn't some magical experience or anything. Loki was a little TOO excited if anything, and I thought I could feel his teeth every now and then, so I had to hold his muzzle to control how fast and how much he licked. Loki would lick everything, sometimes for as long as I let him, other times he'd only lick for a few minutes before wandering off. If I wanted him to come back though all I'd have to do was call his name and he'd be right back between my legs. It was almost unbelievable how intuitive he was about it as well. It seemed like he would try and stick his tongue as deep as he could inside of me, as if trying to find the source of my wetness. Then he'd lick all around my mound before moving down to my ass. I don't know how many people can claim that their first rim job was from a doberman pinscher.

Not long after my first time with Loki, I bought a webcam so I could chat on cam with my husband. Our first time on cam together, I brought out my vibrator and masturbated on cam for my husband. As usual, Loki was right there, trying to get his nose past the vibrator. My husband laughed and said I should just let him. I was pretty surprised, though assumed he was joking. When he insisted again that I should 'stop torturing' the puppy, I mentioned that I had already let him. After that we were open about the fact that I let Loki lick me. Our marriage fell apart about a month later when he insisted that I let him cheat on me with a couple girls he worked with, claiming that it was just like me fooling around with Loki. He did anyways and when he got back from Korea he took our MSN chat conversations to my 1sg. In those conversations we were talking about my interest in bestiality. My 1sg called me into his office and showed me the papers, where I denied it, saying that he had somehow edited them and told him about our imminent divorce. Due to a LOT of bullshit, we weren't divorced for nearly 8-9 months afterwards.

After my husband came back, he took our daughter and (once again, a whole other story right there)our dog and left the state. All I have left of Loki are a lot of really great memories. One of those being what was probably our last time together. After I had my daughter, my little sister came to stay with me to watch her and help take care of our apartment. One night I was laying on the couch while my sister played on my computer. Loki came up and jumped on me, standing over me and trying to lick my face. I was trying to dodge his nose when I noticed him bucking his hips, humping the air over me. Pushing him off I walked to my bedroom and clicked my tongue, beckoning him to follow. I laid down on the edge of my bed, already turned on by watching him trying to hump. Laying back I started to finger myself while he licked. It was less than a minute later that I felt myself getting close. I had barely touched myself, and as I relaxed my hand, Loki was immediately on my clit, licking with a sudden fervor that had me arching off the bed as my orgasm crashed down on me. It was incredible, Loki had never finished me before, and I had never cum so quickly. It was such a unique experience, and that night has stuck with me these past few years. Usually it takes me a long time to cum, with a lot of concentration on my part. Orgasms that I have with men usually don't feel as good as when I cum by myself. It's mostly due to my insecurity I imagine, something that I didn't have to worry about with Loki. I can't cum by just thinking about the guy I'm with fucking me. I have to be extremely concentrated on a vivid fantasy in order to orgasm. USUALLY that fantasy partner isn't human.

About a year after the army I went to my dad to stay for a couple months. My dad has a huge rottweiler named Baron. He isn't fixed, and he is probably the biggest puppy I've ever seen. He just wants to be pet and loved on constantly. My dad has him trained very well, which surprised me since I've never known my dad to train anything. Baron, it turns out though, is not one of those dogs interested in mating with humans. It didn't take me long to figure that out, however he is totally open to hand jobs, which I happily provided him with. It was with Baron, however,that I almost got caught.

It was my first night I was going to try anything. Baron slept on the patio during the winters, and so I crept out there after my dad had gone to bed. It was freezing outside, and when I opened the patio door Baron was sitting there happily, probably wondering what the late night visit was all about. I sat down in front of the door and started lavishing him with affection, petting his huge head and scratching behind his ears. A couple minutes after that I rolled onto my hands and knees and pulled my pajama pants down, hoping he'd mount immediately. No go though. He backed up a couple steps and I repeated my process and pets and love and then pulled my pj's down once again. Same thing happened. I didn't have time to wonder why though as I heard footsteps approaching the patio door. I was still on my hands and knees though, pulling my pants up over my butt when my dad started to open the door. I put my hand against it as it cracked open and finally stood up. My dad was pretty confused obviously as he asked me what I was doing, to which I replied that I was looking for blankets for Baron since it was freezing outside. My dad just kind of chuckled and said he was fine as I retreated into the house. It was the next day that I found out how much he enjoyed hand jobs. I realized then that Baron had probably saved us from a lot of humility that night, considering how HUGE he was, not to mention his knot.

It was about 6-7 months later, when I was moved into my own apartment that I went and visited my dad and told him I was taking Baron to the dog park. Instead I brought him back to my apartment, determined for at least one more try. He just wouldn't mount me, and I quickly got the feeling that he was 'politely refusing'. I took him then to Petsmart since I needed to buy him a new collar anyways, and then we went back to my dads to drop him off.

DOLLfaceHONEY 1 point on 2013-07-04 01:05:16

It was around that time that I found the beastforum website. I've talked with a few people from it, and met three. One person was a single guy that lived in the same small town I did at the time, the other two were a couple in Oklahoma. Nothing happened with the single guy I met, but the couple and I had an interesting evening in their home. They had two large black dogs, one was a little younger, so he didn't get any action. The other dog however was more than happy to give me my first actual experience being penetrated. When we got to their house, we all sat down in their living room. They gave me a glass of Mountain Dew Code Red and then they opened the patio door and in came their dog. I really wish I could remember his name. The girl sat down in the middle of the rug in the living room and her dog came right over, tail wagging, licking at her face happily. She was wearing a loose fitting dress, and as she rolled onto her hand and knees, she hiked it up over her hips and her dog quickly mounted her, grabbing her hips between his paws and pulling her back to meet his thrusting member. It was over quickly, and seeing the angry red scratches from his claws on her pale skin did nothing to deter me. I wasn't even shy about getting undressed in front of these strangers. I kicked my pants off and crawled to the middle of the floor.

It was this night I think that I learned the difference between zoophilia and bestiality. As much as I enjoyed getting railed by their black lab mix, it really wasn't everything I had hoped for, and I realized quickly that it was because there wasn't any sort of emotional connection. Honestly I didn't feel much pleasure at all, I almost felt disconnected from the moment. I knew nothing about these people or their dog. The people were nice, and we all seemed to be enjoying ourselves, but I just couldn't get my head in it. I felt like I was in some surreal memory of another person. I didn't stay in contact with them, other than a couple friendly messages on beastforum, and since then I've moved states again.

Sex is different for everyone. Everyone that identifies as a zoophile will experience it differently. While I don't think I count as a zoophile since I've never been IN LOVE with a dog or other animal, I like to think that I understand what it must be like. If I had to explain my interest in zoophilia, I'd say that it's mostly just a really nice fantasy of mine. I don't go out seeking sex with animals, but when the opportunity presents itself, so far I've never declined.