Hunting Lures: A Bit of Urophilia. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2013-08-11 22:24:33 by electricfoxx

You've probably guessed (from my username), I have an attraction to foxes. Michigan's deer hunting season is coming up and I had some curiosity about the red fox urine. From fox owners I thought it would smell horrid. Like opening Pandora's Box. It's not so bad. Just a bit strong.

Really. There is a whole freakin' business around animal urine. </sarcasm> (Used as pest repellant or hunting lure.) I feel weird, yet I have never felt as close to being myself as I am with animals.

Anyone else have feelings on this?

A perfume of methyl p-hydoxybenzoate would be interesting.

demsweetdoggykisses Username Explains It All 3 points on 2013-08-12 04:08:05

I'll be the first to admit I like the smell of certain animals. I love doggy breath and the smell of fur, wet or dry and I don't find animal body fluids to be any more or less gross than people's as long as the creature is healthy and clean.

But I draw the of pleasurable smells line at feces/waste. Nature made it somewhat powerful or repugnant for a reason, and most of what animals get out each others urine and feces smells are lost on us humans, who do not have anything close to the chemical analyzers of another animal. For them it's a signpost that says things about the creatures age, health, diet, territory, mood and even intentions. For humans, no matter how many times you smell it, it just smells like piss.

I know you're probably looking for more supportive opinions and ideas what you can do with ah uhm "product" like this, but I didn't see any comments at all, so I wanted to at least share mine.

electricfoxx 1 point on 2013-08-12 07:14:39

Thanks for the reply.

I think that smells, especially those on the bottom end, are very connected to sex. Did you know that musk perfume contains scents from the musk deer? Chanel No. 5 uses it.

It was mostly a curiosity. Human females are said to have a "heat", but because humans wear clothes, you can't tell or smell who is receptive. We have become civilized. You don't just go over and smell a woman's crotch.

"Yep! She's ready, boys!"

I'm bored here. I'm tired of the shit that spews from mouths of morons. If I could, I'd come out as zoophile and give the haters two middle fingers up. I can't be gay or bisexual, because stupid fucks hate freedom. I can't be zoo, because LGBT people want freedom so they try to be as noncontroversial as possible by putting down zoo.

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

[deleted] 1 point on 2013-08-12 17:27:07


electricfoxx 1 point on 2013-08-12 17:53:18

Thanks for the reply.

I put myself in the individualist category. I'm also bisexual. I have friends in the Democratic Party of the US (to specify the exact politics of which I talk about), but I find their politics too limiting. Democrats here want gay assimilation. They want their hippie paradise where everyone gets along and shits rainbows.

Why is gay assimilation causing problems for zoos? To assimilate is to fit in. They are trying to fit in with the Moral Majority. They aren't anti-religion to deal with Leviticus. They say Leviticus doesn't matter. I deal with the matter using the First Amendment (freedom of speech, religion ...). I have my own religion and everything should be cool by using the First Amendment. But, no, the Moral Majority secretly hates freedom.

I have asked myself: What do I want? Sure, money, a house, a pet, and so on would be nice. But, what I really want is FREEDOM. What if I get you a million US Dollars, but you had to spend it how I want? Sure, you're rich, but that doesn't matter.*cS6KxL-0TFiaFpS8aFf5TeRN4eaAFPPrhWh1qn5VQlUbUHZOTAJeBnwEnGXW1-GgbzeQcn5oaWm5RvFfr1h8gpklJhhXlf/foundfreedom.pdf

[deleted] 1 point on 2013-08-12 18:55:11


electricfoxx 2 points on 2013-08-13 02:40:26

But I'd very much like if it was acceptable to share my other urges without shame. (lefthandedspatula)

In community college I found a wonderful book, Erich Fromm's Escape From Freedom. This particular escape is conformism (The two others are authoritarianism and destruction). You conform, because you don't like dealing with social alienation. Fromm explains in the last chapter how to get freedom.

We believe that there is a positive answer, that the process of growing freedom does not constitute a vicious circle, and that man can be free and yet not alone, critical and yet not filled with doubts, independent and yet an integral part of mankind. This freedom man can attain by the realization of his self, by being himself.


We believe that the realization of the self is accomplished not only by an act of thinking but also by the realization of man's total personality, by the active expression of his emotional and intellectual potentialities. These potentialities are present in everybody; they become real only to the extent to which they are expressed. In other words, positive freedom consists in the spontaneous activity of the total, integrated personality. (p222, Fear of Freedom, Fromm)

The problem is that not everyone is self-reliant. I don't want to lose my job. I can't just "be myself".

[deleted] 1 point on 2013-08-13 03:15:43


LykeWake Lizards 1 point on 2013-08-14 11:59:42

Please know that there is community here, and that we're here for each other.

This is always nice to keep in mind :)