What is with Neuter Nazis? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2013-09-08 23:07:48 by electricfoxx

I refer to those would want mandatory neutering laws and such. They go so far as being antinatal.

Okay, one argument is that animals are property so the animal doesn't really care if it is desexed. It's property so shouldn't the owner be the one who decides what is done?

Another argument is that animals are like children. Pop psychology states that children have no sexuality. But, they do. Not to mention that animals are not similar to children. Would you castrate your child?

Michael Kiok: I think women see animals as children and—for them—children aren't allowed to possess sexuality. These women are very eager to castrate everything. They think that men are always brutal and forceful and they want to protect children and animals from them. They think we’re raping the animals, but I believe there are nearly as many women zoophiles as male zoophiles.


I don't the issue is women. I think the issue is spiritualism (associated with femininity) versus materialism (associated with masculinity). Or, child-rearing versus lust. And so on. Some people want an anti-sexual, pure-innocence utopia. The whole "Mary gave birth to Jesus without having sex" bit. This is not just a conservative religious issue. I think some social progressives (liberals) act the same way.

I am a zoophile and I am against zoosadism. However, I am not anti-sexual nor anti-pleasure.

s70n3834r 1 point on 2014-01-02 22:20:55

There is also the pet breeding industry, and agents of UN agenda 21 working their interests there too.