Philip Buble died!?!? -- zoophile who was beaten with a crowbar by his father (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2013-10-03 09:03:47 by electricfoxx

Remember the man that beaten with a crowbar by his father for his zoophilia? I think I found his obituary. He was 54.

Strange as it may seem, however, it's hard to prove that Philip Buble doesn't nurture and discipline his love for the canine companion he calls "Lady Buble." He's a one-dog man. A month ago, when Buble's father was sentenced to jail for attacking him with a crowbar—in part out of disgust with Buble's "lifestyle"—Buble sent a formal request to the judge. "I'd like my significant other to attend by my side if possible as she was present in the house during the attack, though not an eyewitness to it, thank goodness," Buble wrote. "I've been informed your personal permission is needed given that my wife is not human." In his legislative testimony a week ago, Buble declared that he and Lady "live together as a married couple. In the eyes of God we are truly married."

Man, this guy has got some balls. The obituary said that he died unexpectedly in the hospital. Hmmm, I don't know, but just wanted to point that out.

LoneWolfZeta 1 point on 2013-10-04 04:35:54

I don't think he was that old.

EDIT:Scratch that. I think it is him. I just didn't remember him being that much older than me.

duskwuff 1 point on 2013-10-04 04:41:04

I didn't know you used this site. :)

duskwuff 1 point on 2013-10-04 04:43:35

Obit says it was in 2010.

Father's name matches. Still a little surprised if it's him, though; his actions in 2001 always sounded to me like those of a younger man.

LoneWolfZeta 1 point on 2013-10-04 15:50:27

virtually everything lines up perfectly. I'm afraid it is him. It's too bad, as I never really got to have a good talk with him.

DerErzbaronGomez 3 points on 2013-11-03 10:58:55

I am really impressed by this this guy. I outed myself one year ago to my familiy and friends but it looks like someone didn't manage to keep silent and now nearly the whole town could know it. As my marefriend isn't my property and nearly nobody knows that I love her she isn't really in danger but I would have been really afraid of that someone is going to hurt Lady Buble if I was Philip Buble. Rest in peace.