Can bestialists choose to be such? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2013-11-18 04:57:49 by Tundrovyy-Volk

In this context, "bestialist" is taken to mean someone who is sexually but not seemingly romantically attracted to animals; someone who desires sex but not romance from an interspecies relationship as a fetish for whatever reason.

Can they choose this sexual desire? I certainly did not choose to be attracted to dogs in a romantic and sexual way, but can they choose to be attracted in a sexual manner alone? It seems like the answer should be "no", but I had never really considered it until today. What do you think?

ZoroasterTheCat 3 points on 2013-11-18 14:55:57

I suppose that someone could decide that bestiality fits the criteria for one of their fetishes - submission/domination/humiliation, what-have-you. In that way, it is not the actual act of engaging with an animal that attracts them, but the connotations that engaging in sex with with an animal brings.