show a tomcat a good time? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2013-11-30 11:22:22 by catconcern

so this isn't something I've thought a lot about before now, but since there's a subreddit for everything, this seems like as good a place as any to ask about it.

My roommate recently brought home a new cat, a kitten of indeterminate age (though he guesses somewhere around six months at this point.) He's super cute, playful, snuggly, vocal, gets along great with our other cat. in short he is fucking awesome.

But pretty soon it's going to be time to get him neutered, and I've been thinking about that. I did some research, and the process is - well, I mean they slice open his scrotum and surgically remove his balls. And I can't help thinking, I wouldn't want that done to me. I get why my roommate wants to do it, though, he's an outside cat and will likely spawn broods of new homeless little kittens if precautions aren't taken.

All the same... I was just thinking about it, the other day, how he's never going to really get to have sex the way he ought to. At least, as far as we know, I guess? Basically I've been thinking I should... fool around with the cat. Like, feel him up a little, try to give him the experience of sex, even if it's just me, while he's still got his balls.

Which is... I guess a little uncomfortable, because I'm not - I don't think there's anything wrong with bestiality, I don't think it's gross like a lot of people - I think if you can eat an animal you can probably fuck it too. But I've never really personally saw the appeal. Until now.

So I guess, has anyone done anything with a tomcat before? A lot of this stuff seems like it trends towards dogs and horses, and it's usually either a girl getting fucked by the animal or the animal getting fucked by a guy. none of that is particularly helpful to me - I found this but that's about it.

I don't even know if he'd... want to, I guess. I don't know, it's just a weird new idea, and I'm really kind of liking the idea of doing it - it seems 'right' somehow - in a kind of delightfully perverse way - but yeah. Anyone have any thoughts or pointers or, like, anything?

duskwuff 3 points on 2013-11-30 18:39:15

First of all, I'm pretty sure that how-to was written as a fantasy by someone with little to no experience with cats. There's just way too much wrong with it: purple adjectives, bizarre units ("minims"? REALLY?), and very little real detail. Also, at least one of the acts it describes — having a cat lick food off your penis — is a terrible idea: cat tongues are extremely rough (to the point that this may draw blood from a very delicate area), and you're also liable to get bitten.

So, don't pay too much attention to that page.

As far as your cat goes, it's hard for me to say without seeing him, but unless he's doing male-cat things already, particularly urine marking, it's unlikely that he's actually hit sexual maturity yet. If so, he's unlikely to be all that interested. You can certainly try, though!