Broaching the subject with my [M35] fairly conservative wife [F36] [x-post /r/IFukMyDog] (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2013-12-30 07:53:39 by cuckMyWife

Hello everyone! What an awesome thread...

As the title suggests, I'm happily married (have been for over a decade, now), and have always had a pretty powerful fantasy about watching my wife get hammered by a larger dog (Boxer, Alsatian, Lab or similar).

My wife is (outwardly), quite conservative and generally portrays a "good girl" image. However, with a little encouragement, and an assurance of secrecy, she can be a complete deviate (threesomes, toys, flashing, light BSDM, etc).

At the moment, she has some pretty deeply ingrained misconceptions about zoophilia (mainly centered around consent and abuse). I know if these concerns are completely allayed, and the opportunity presents itself, she would absolutely love the experience.

Logistics aside and legals aside, what is the best way to:

A) Broach the subject or introduce her to dog-loving as a concept

B) Subsequently discuss the possibility of engaging in the practice

*At this point it's probably worth noting that my wife loves to be hammered from behind - hard - and I mean really hard. Aside from the thrill of being dominated by a dog, she will absolutely love the physical sensation.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks again!

thousandcows 5 points on 2013-12-30 11:40:18

The first thing you should look at is how you're both already communicating things. You didn't say she had ever expressed any interest in zoophilia, and yet you say this:

she would absolutely love the experience.

This is dangerously presumptuous unless either your trolling or she's actively said that she has an interest. As a zoophile it's easy to fall into the trap of thinking that since we either never had reservations, or somehow "broke through" and suddenly realized that sexuality with an animal isn't that bad, that we think others would probably feel the same if given the opportunity.

But many, most people probably, will never find the idea of sex with an animal the least bit appealing, and we all should remember that. Zoophilia is considered an abnormal but real state of sexuality, it's being slowly revealed to be a deep and mostly harmless paraphilia that only a small percentage of the population actually has. Most others will never feel that attraction or desire, no matter how tastefully and sensitively it's approached. So you should keep this in mind before bringing the subject up at all. It might be like if your SO suddenly wanted to introduce scat play into the bedroom and said "I know you'll love it if you try it." It's that revolting to some people, and not just because of social rules.

Which also brings me to another point about your fantasy. You say you want to watch her having sex with a dog, not that you want to introduce zoophilia to your relationship, not that you want to share it with her, but you want to watch her. This is more of a bestiality fantasy. I'm not judging it or saying it's wrong, but do keep in mind that it may feel to your wife that you want to see her humiliated, and that's what really turns you on.

So unless your wife has that as a kink too, you'll probably want to start with bringing it up through fiction and fantasy and asking her if she is aroused by the fantasy of sex outside her species, and if so you encourage this fantasy until it's comfortable enough to outright ask her if she wanted to enhance the fantasy through real acts. And be accepting if she has no desire to even fantasize about it.

cuckMyWife 1 point on 2013-12-30 22:50:43

Thanks for the thoughts, TC - you've put in a huge effort, and it's really appreciated.

Overall, we experiment with toys and concepts fairly often. She's had a very conservative upbringing and often has some pretty wild misconceptions, (threesome = slut, anal = painful, toys = deviate, watching porn = depraved, etc). In every case where we've discussed and subsequently tried something new, she's enjoyed the experience and we've included it in our regular repertoire.

I guess the point of this exercise is more to introduce the concept, then see where we go. The problems is, I have no idea how to broach the subject without sending her running for the hills.

Anyway, on to some of your key points:

This is dangerously presumptuous unless either your trolling or she's actively said that she has an interest.

That's a fair call (not the trolling, but the other bit). I made this assumption based on the physical sensation only, plus the fact that she absolutely loves being hammered from behind, and loves being dominated. You are right, though - if she's not keen on engaging with a dog, she wouldn't enjoy it. That said, if she wasn't keen - I wouldn't suggest it either.

You didn't say she had ever expressed any interest in zoophilia

That's also correct. She's not suggested or expressed an interest. It's something I'd like to introduce to her - gently.

So you should keep this in mind before bringing the subject up at all.

Absolutely. There's been a number of times where either one of us has brought up something a little out-of-the-norm. In some cases we give it a go, in some it's outright dismissed. Either way, we communicate well and don't let it affect our marriage.

you'll probably want to start with bringing it up through fiction

Great idea. Any suggestions (novels, short stories or good movies with plot lines)?


Thanks again, TC. A well considered reply that has given me a lot to ponder. Any further suggestions or comments would be really appreciated.

thousandcows 1 point on 2014-01-01 21:31:59

Any suggestions (novels, short stories or good movies with plot lines)?

Unfortunately I'm still hunting for the perfect "introductory" piece of visual art or literary work myself. The internet is chin deep in really bad bestiality videos and stories, but you can start looking at submissions over at some of the larger sites like and start sifting through the stories or post a request for something that isn't just the usual "slutty girl fucks dog she's dogsitting" type stories. As for movies? There's next to nothing I would suggest mainstream, unless you want to watch something like Twilight together and use it as an opportunity to talk about what it would be like to have a lover that can turn into a wolf. While I don't mean to generalize, a lot of women would be much more receptive to just the suggestion of the taboo, the flirt with the fantasy, rather than be exposed to any of the really awful bestiality videos out there. You're not going to convert anyone with one of those standard videos with the 10-minute close-up of a girl licking the side of a red, slimy, knobby dog penis and then using it as a dildo for another 30 minutes of extreme close up. These kinds of images do nothing to reinforce that fantasy of being taken by a wild creature. If you ever get far enough that she would want to see any clips at all, and assuming that she enjoys porn, the only one I could recommend would be Beach Babe Buffy. Even though the quality is terrible, my wife who has no real interest in zoophilia said she did find this one arousing.

I hope this gives you something to start with. Good luck.

cuckMyWife 1 point on 2014-01-06 01:55:06

Thanks again TC. I've see the Beach Babe Buffy movie before - freakin' awesome.

I thoroughly agree with you - the standard, bad, semi-staged, amateur hour stuff is not the way to go. If I wanted to watch a woman using a giant red dildo, I'd Google "woman using giant red dildo". The appeal to me (and hopefully later, my wife - if I find she's keen) is the dog "going for it" - not just being used as a glorified sex toy".

My wife is in to erotic literature - and has read Warewolf and Satyr books before. After your considered comments, this will probably be the path I take.

I'll let you know how I get on, but this may take several months...

Thanks again.