why is such a sub fine to be on reddit even if in many countrys its legaly the same as child porn? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-01-26 13:31:50 by [deleted]

i will not report this sub i dont care what gets you of.

Im just a little bit perplex on how some porn thats illegal in a lot of places is toleratet and some other illegal porn not.

NBRPony Equiphile 10 points on 2014-01-26 14:56:38

I would imagine it's because here in the US child porn is very illegal federally, and it is probably the same in other countries as well. Bestiality laws on the other hoof are kind of a state by state, country by country thing. The US federal government no longer enforces sodomy laws, which bestiality would fall under. Either way, bestiality (not zoo-sadism which IS animal abuse) is far less harmful than child porn. After all most people (at least the ones I know) play around with fully grown, sexually mature animals.

YappingCoyote 2 points on 2014-01-26 21:49:18

In my opinion, nothing is wrong with Zoophilia and I'm sure Reddit feels the same way, very open minded individuals. But I just can't stand when people use their animals as sex toys when they offer so much more than that.

But I do see plenty wrong in CP, it's absolutely shameful and disgusting.

freetheloli 1 point on 2014-01-27 05:14:37

In my country its the same. Just being on this sub could get me 3 years in prison

catadriller 1 point on 2014-01-27 01:47:14

Talking about it is not the same as producing it for a paying audience. Same with child porn.

freetheloli 1 point on 2014-01-27 05:13:43

?? I don't realy get what you want to say with that

DarksteelLotus 1 point on 2014-01-27 06:01:48

I believe they're saying that producing bestiality porn (which is illegal in many US states) is different than simply talking about zoophilia (which isn't illegal anywhere in the US). In the US, our freedom of speech guarantees that simply discussing something cannot be made illegal, even if said action is itself illegal. There are some restrictions to that, but I'm fairly certain that this holds true for zoophilia/bestiality.

I'm no lawyer, but I'm fairly certain that unless one were to specifically admit to having sex with an animal, then nothing illegal has occurred in the eyes of the US court system. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's not illegal to openly admit that you are sexually attracted to animals, as long as you don't admit to actually committing bestiality.

I'm not actually sure what would happen if one were to admit to bestiality on the internet or in real life (aside from the universal hatred from a large number of people), so if you're curious you'll have to ask someone more knowledgeable about that.

You mentioned that in your country even visiting this subreddit could land you in prison, but then you also mentioned porn. Is it illegal to talk about zoophilia, or is it simply illegal to view bestiality porn? This sub doesn't have any porn in it. If you're wondering why bestiality porn is tolerated, you should try asking /r/bestiality or one of the other subs.

freetheloli 1 point on 2014-01-27 07:44:01

Possesion view fanfiction and production is illegal.. Maybee i messes up the subreddit..

catadriller 1 point on 2014-01-30 01:16:13

You equate the existence of the sub (legally the same as) to child porn. Child porn is a picture, a film, a drawing, etc. Child abuse is inappropriate interaction with a child. Reddit is a forum. Talking about the existence of... is not illegal here. However your statement has some, a'bit small merit, somewhere, something is illegal. Be afraid, be very very afraid.