Doing a school project for my health class, I have some questions (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-02-01 03:25:39 by [deleted]

1) /why are you sexually attracted to animals? 2) have you had sex with an animal before?

  1. How is different from having sex with a human?
[deleted] 2 points on 2014-02-01 06:33:43


loveroffilth 1 point on 2014-02-01 09:08:42

1) Their cocks are huge.

2) I put my mouth on one once...

3) Felt more natural than when the 1st guy tried to put my mouth on his dick when I was 20.

DerErzbaronGomez Rarity, we don't wear any clothes. 2 points on 2014-02-01 09:49:43

1) There is no specific reason, it is just the way I feel.
2) Yes.
3) It feels a lot more unforcedly and intense.

ThrowwwayGurl 8 points on 2014-02-01 16:49:09
  1. Certain breeds of canine are attractive to me. I cannot explain why, however I feel a lot of people appreciate the beauty of some predatory or powerful animals, the difference is I don't feel any theres any problem about expressing this appreciation sexually.

  2. Yes, I had a sexual relationship with my Shepherd when I was younger that lasted many years until he passed away.

  3. Animals have no reservations about giving affection, and no issues with sex. It's pure and uncomplicated and driven by their own intense desires. You never have to worry about how he feels after, or doubt that he finds you attractive, or worry about your breath or your performance. He just wants you, in every way possible and with a completely self-driven need. And there is a connection that you can't ignore, of really knowing this creature and feeling what their world is like and being able to share yourself with another species. I would always prefer my current, human partner but I feel as a sexual experience it's no more or less valid to be intimate with another creature.

edit: I'll add that on a personal level, that what I got out of it was very different than what I get from sex with a human partner. Animals don't always make the most considerate lovers. They can finish way too fast, get bored, wander off, scratch you or bump you by accident, etc. But there were moments of pure connection, of having a very warm, heavy, soft furred body pressed against me, holding me down while he had his way fiercely, or while I enjoyed his kisses and his considerable heat both on me and in me, that I could lose myself and just feel for a few minutes. He taught me a little about letting go of something that only humans learn, which is inhibition. This combined with the very forbidden feeling of the act itself was highly arousing in a way that's very different than sex with a human. Not better or worse, just very different.

NBRPony Equiphile 4 points on 2014-02-01 17:04:16

1) What made you choose this lifestyle? / Why are you sexually attracted to animals?

For me this is more of a primary sexual orientation than a “lifestyle” or choice. I didn't choose this “lifestyle” anymore than someone who is heterosexual or homosexual chose to be the way that they are. For as long as I can remember have always had a VERY strong attraction towards equines, and an almost nonexistent attraction to my own species. Being sexual with them was just a natural progression for me. I honestly have no idea what caused this attraction to manifest itself. I have heard many different hypotheses with some stating that this attraction is due to an early childhood experience, and others suggesting that it may be genetic. What I do know is that inter-species sex does occur within nature, and has been well documented. And no, I was never abused as a child. In fact I had an awesome childhood and really great parents.

2) Have you had sex with an animal before?


3) How different is it from having sex with humans?

Different language, different rules. You cannot go into having sex with a non-human animal the same way you would with a human. You need to know the animal is ok with what you are doing, and in order to do that you must understand their language. It should go with out saying that with animals there is a lot of non-verbal communication to pay attention to. Animals can feel pain and pleasure just like humans, and most animals love to receive pleasure once they figure out how it works. They can orgasm just like humans, and with many animals that pleasurable experience strengthens the bond you share with them. While most animals have different physical characteristics of their reproductive organs, they still serve a very similar function. Those differences can change up the feel of the sexual experience quite drastically. Stallions have the flare (the tip of their cock swells and expands when they orgasm) and canines have the knot (the base of the cock expands to lock the male canine in place), and both can be quite intense and pleasurable. With female animals, you have the difference in body temperature, and with some species, they have muscle control that would blow most guys minds.

  • to answer your question posted on another subreddit *

4) Don't you question the feelings of the animals you or others have sex with?

Of course! One must first realize that animals do not have the social hang-ups about sex like humans do. Sex for many different species is no more extreme more than grooming or socializing in most cases. Personally, I want to make sure that I am providing them as much pleasure as possible, and I want them to have a wonderful experience. I have no desire to force an animal to have sex. Being with a partner (animal or human) that doesn't want that kind of attention is a total turn off. I want my partners to be willing and active participants, and 9 out of 10 times they LOVE sexual activities.

Just to touch on the consent issue since this seems to be the biggest hang up people have about this topic. Believe it or not, animals can communicate and consent to sexual relations with a human quite clearly. If you have even a rudimentary understanding of animal behavior and body language, it can be very easy to tell when they are in the mood to play around, and when they are not. Animals can be very blunt about their need for sex especially when they are in heat. Many animals actually LOVE the extra attention and will seek it out if they know you can provide them with relief. Unfortunately many people don’t think of animals as being sexual, let alone having a sex drive. This is the voice of the uneducated masses and people who have never worked with a animals in depth. Non-human animals have a very similar endocrine system as well as similar anatomy to humans. So why wouldn't they enjoy sexual contact? I am definitely not doing them any harm by scratching their “itch” when they are in the mood and blatantly asking for attention.

[deleted] 3 points on 2014-02-01 22:51:54


ShadowOfMars 1 point on 2014-02-01 18:07:17

Here's my coming-out statement, written about five years ago, which mostly answers your questions.

I think everyone here would be very interested to hear about your project when it's complete! :)

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 1 point on 2014-02-01 19:55:41

1) Who knows? I don't; all I know is that I'm attracted to canines. 2) Not yet, though I will share that sort of a relationship with a dog one day. 3) N/A

[deleted] 4 points on 2014-02-01 22:49:48

for a second, consider your heterosexuality was a rare and confusing to the public orientation. could you answer these questions then? to try anyhow: 1) because they are sexy beautiful and attractive. 2) yes dogs and horses 3) they smell better taste better are more honest and direct. this really is like asking how eating delicious things is different from eating bland things. One is just better. individual experiences also vary As they have personalities just as humans.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-02-01 23:06:57


[deleted] 1 point on 2014-02-01 23:11:34

also for that feelings question: yes i do. for me that is the difference between zoos and beasties. zoos care. and that dog was very happy. he even initiated it after realizing he can sex me. keep in mind that the full spectrum from caring to calous to rapist is given in normalrelationships too. and for consent besides animals clearly hitting on me sometimes, as long as eating meat hunting and military dogs as well as controlled breeding etc is legal, zoophilia can't be crucified over consent alone, can it?

DarksteelLotus 3 points on 2014-02-02 00:13:39

First off, I'd like to say that I'd be very interested in hearing the results of your project (If you're willing to share them, of course). I've had the unfortunate experience of seeing other people blindly hating on zoophiles for various reasons, many of which are baseless misconceptions. It would be nice to hear if someone were able to clear up those misconceptions, even if only in just a few people.

To answer your questions:

  1. I'm attracted to wolves. I've always been. I've never had an attraction to humans in any way. I don't know why that is or where it came from. I can speculate on several possible causes in my childhood, but I stress that this is speculative and anecdotal; I have no evidence whatsoever that they influenced me in any particular manner. First off, I was always shy as a kid, and I rarely enjoyed interacting with other people. I tended to stick to myself, and I was occasionally teased by others, though nothing particularly serious. I've always liked interacting with animals, and my family has always had multiple pets. Wolves have long been my favorite animal, even before I "sexually awakend", so to speak.

  2. I have not. In a perfect universe I would like to, but there are several issues that make it very unlikely. Wolves are a rarity in most parts of the world. They are also wild animals, and are extremely fearful of humans unless they were raised and socialized by them. Owning and caring for a wolf or wolfdog is an incredibly difficult task. They are very high-maintenance animals, and I have little experience in providing that level of care. Obtaining one would be highly difficult due to laws, licencing, and a lack of reputable wolf and wolfdog breeders. Finally, even if I were to somehow overcome all of these issues, there is the basic issue of motivation and consent. I would feel uncomfortable in engaging in a sexual relationship unless I could be absolutely sure that the animal was just as willing as I am.
    EDIT: I have considered engaging in a relationship with a dog at some point in the future. I do like many of the personality quirks of the more wolflike dogs, such as huskies and german shepherds, not to mention their appearance. However, though they are much easier to handle and care for than wolves or wolfdogs, there are still some difficulties to overcome. There is also still the case of consent. It really depends on what direction my life takes me, I think.

  3. I have never had sex with a human or animal, so I can't answer this question directly. I can, however, state that an animal companionship is very different than a human one. Humans are intelligent and capable of making conversation, so when I talk with people, it fills an intellectual need. Animals are not (obviously), so I often relate with them on a more emotional level. While humans usually fulfill this need for each other, I've found myself preferring an animal's contact over a human's when it comes to emotional support. The emotional contact is more direct, and isn't muddied by any sort of talking between you and them.

DarksteelLotus 1 point on 2014-02-02 00:43:54

I would also like to add something that I haven't seen mentioned much. My attraction to wolves and wolfish dogs is not solely a sexual one. I am very much interested in not just a physical relationship, but an emotional one as well. I firmly believe that people can have a healthy emotional connection to an animal, regardless of whether sex is involved.

If I were to own a dog or wolf as I previously mentioned, and the animal did not reciprocate any sexual feelings, I would be perfectly okay with that. I would be disappointed, certainly, but I would not force myself on the animal. I would still love and care for the animal just the same, as any responsible pet owner should, and I would respect their wishes.

I mention this because it seems that many people see zoophiles as people who simply get off to having sex with animals. While those people certainly exist, many of us truly love our animals just as any regular pet owner does. The only difference is that our relationships are a bit more intimate than most.