New, confused, intrigued, and kind of scared. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-02-23 23:56:21 by tnmare

Hello... I'm new to this little world here and trying to learn more. I have a friend that is a zoo and has been teaching me a lot about it and I figured I would try to learn on my own as well. I tried joining the forum and it said I was answering the question at the bottom wrong and has locked me out. :(

I don't really know what to say other then I am very curious about getting closer with animals and kind of scared considering the animals that I tend to enjoy being around.

I guess? that is it.

pawsorGTFO Canidae 3 points on 2014-02-24 00:47:16

Hey there! Sorry to hear you've had issues logging onto zoo forums, but there are many here who can offer advice and someone to talk to, myself included. I'm guessing by your handle that you're attracted to horses? I'm a canine sort, but would still be happy to chat if you want--shoot me a PM if so. :) is a great forum to check out as well--lots of great discussion and no porn. If that's where you've been having issues signing up, the founder of the forum is on here and can probably look into it.

Hopefully you find what you're looking for here! And welcome.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2014-02-25 12:01:53

I think it took me three tries to guess the answer to the question at the bottom when I first signed up to Knotty. Someone should probably talk to Collie/skritch about that... :/

Opening up to a new world is a major step forward, but I'm sure you'll find comfort in the zoo community if it's something you wish to investigate further. We're here for each other, and if you need some advice/just want to chat, please do send me a PM. I'm the canine sort too, but I have a few horsey zoo friends I'd be happy to introduce you to, if you'd like.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2014-04-01 18:59:31

Lurk moar. That's the best way. Forums like are ok for mild chat, but for real advice from acting zoophiles, check out these Reddit forums where you'll find the most info:


