Just curious if anyone knows a good breed (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-02-24 03:12:16 by Waterteck

Ok I have a problem, I love dogs and want to get a female dog. My problem is a have a pretty big D and the last thing I want is to hurt any dog. So what are some dog breeds that can handle bigger ones easier?

pawsorGTFO Canidae 6 points on 2014-02-24 04:08:19

Glad to see you're concerned about not wanting to hurt your dog!

The short answer is: probably the obvious breeds. Great Danes are a pretty popular larger breed; Irish wolfhounds or St. Bernards may be other options. That said, every dog is different--some Danes and other large dogs may well be able to accommodate a larger guy like you, others may not. Some might only be able to during their heat; if your dog is spayed, that makes things far more difficult.

Regardless of what dog you end up getting, I'm sure you know to take things slowly, use lots of lube, and stop immediately if she shows any signs of discomfort! It's possible she'll only accept, or only be able to accommodate your fingers, especially out of heat (also be sure to keep your nails trimmed and hands clean before doing anything with her).

Lastly, remember that every dog is different, and has their own unique personality. Some love sex all the time, some only when they're in heat, some will never be receptive. Hopefully you'll be willing to provide a wonderful life for her, regardless of her interest in sex, or lack thereof.

Waterteck 3 points on 2014-02-24 05:54:01

Thanks for the suggestions, and don't worry I have read a lot about others in the past and know it is best to avoid any sexual adavnce until at least the 2nd heat. My only othe concern is I might be having to move to an apartment soon so I'm worried that will restrict or remove my ability to get a dog.

pawsorGTFO Canidae 2 points on 2014-02-24 08:11:56

Re: apartments, it certainly could limit your options and make finding a suitable place to live more difficult, but that's something that's often region-dependent. I've seen places where most rentals had no problems with cats but were very dog-unfriendly, and vice versa! You're probably also best off not getting a breed of dog that, unfairly or not, is considered dangerous--good luck finding somewhere that'll rent to you if you have a pit bull. Do your research and find out what options you have, wherever you're moving to. Best of luck!

FurLover4Ever 1 point on 2014-03-25 19:35:56

Have you got your dog yet? If you're still shopping, let me ask you: How big is "big"? R we talking 8" 10"? A labrador retriever can handle all but the absolute largest man. Girth is more of an issue than length. If you're like a beer can in circumference then you've got to stick with the biggest breeds. And St. Bernards ARE bigger inside than Great Danes. I know from decades of first hand experience.

Please provide me with your measurements and post back, either here in this forum or PM me. Hope this helps...

Waterteck 1 point on 2014-04-11 02:48:20

Im just over 8" long and about 1.5" in diameter, maybe a little wider.

Waterteck 1 point on 2014-04-11 17:59:26

And no I haven't bought a dog yet, I'm taking my time on it.

Cromcorrag 2 points on 2014-04-01 19:04:33

Labs are a good choice, especially if you do them anally. But if you want only vaginal, you're going to have a hard time. I had an english mastif once and her vagina was too small for me. But anal, no problem.