Fantasy Ranch? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-02-27 04:04:10 by plisar

I'm into zoophelia. My SO is okay with the idea, but we live in the Los Angeles area, and no pets are allowed in our apartment. Ultimately, I'd like to be with a dog, and suck off a horse. Are there any legitimate resorts where I could indulge?

electricfoxx 3 points on 2014-02-27 06:27:55

Are there any legitimate resorts where I could indulge?


The closest I know of was what Douglas Spink had, but that's gone. If one did exist, it would be closed faster than a religious, conservative man's anus.

Time for a Switzerland vacation.

sollemi 2 points on 2014-02-28 00:17:46

It's illegal in all forms in Switzerland.

duskwuff 5 points on 2014-02-27 06:29:05

No. As far as I am aware, such a thing doesn't exist. (If it did exist, there would be someone online who had visited one, and I've never met them.)

Edit: Actually, now that I think of it, I remember a better point someone made once. If such a "resort" existed, somebody would have, at some point, gone there and brought back pictures, and they'd be all over the Internet.

It's kind of like the proof that travel back in time is impossible, because we aren't overrun by time travelling tourists. :)

sollemi 4 points on 2014-02-28 00:17:23

No, there are no such "resorts". Honestly, if you do that, that's not 'zoophilia' imho, that is bestiality and prostitution, it means supporting exploitation. Even if you find offers online or figured out a somewhat obvious way to do this, I would be so so so so cautious and advise not to proceed in that direction. You'll more likely end up at least with some social fallout from getting to know crackheads, or be blackmailed, or outed, or arrested, or even wake up without your liver in the middle of a central American desert.

I'd not proceed on your "resort" route (any newer news reports you may find online on animal bordellos are based on a single piece from a free-of-charge subway magazine from I think Sweden alleging these start to be rampart, but none were ever found, even if the antis try to push one or two home invasions by police at zoos' places up to that level of 'they were running bordellos' - it's all bullshit).

Instead, time to move apartments; and make some good friends in the suitable part of society, isn't it? ;)