IMA owner of a mini mare... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-03-22 02:49:26 by MammalLover

I'm the owner of a mini mare and a female dog that I would like to share. My problem is that I'd like to only share them with people who would share their critters with me in return. How do I go about doing this?

duskwuff 1 point on 2014-03-22 06:42:44

Make local zooish friends. Not for the sex, just get to know people. Once you know people, deciding whether to make your animals available to them should be a simpler decision.

FurLover4Ever -1 points on 2014-03-25 18:57:36

Hello MammalLover... I have been a "Zoo" since the age of 13 I am now 55. I would love to strike up a friendship with you and your "friends". I have decades of experience and have taught many on this subject. If you're interested in "sharing" let me know. Thanx...

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2014-04-01 18:49:28

Suspect LEO or Troll, lol.

Why would you want to share your pets? If you have what you say you have, you obviously have room and freedom for other barnyard animals. So just buy some, heh. You are taking a hell of a chance seeking out other RL zoos.

MammalLover 1 point on 2014-04-02 04:08:50

I want to share so that I can get something in return. The farm where my mare is staying is small is already has multiple alpacas and llamas sharing the property. I really don't want to add any more critters to the property as it does not belong to me. It belongs to a zoo friend of mine... and the agreement was that I could have ONE of my own critters housed there. I grew up with cattle, so what I'm really hoping for is to find someone who will share a cow in return for my mare. I'd play with one of the alpacas, but HAVE YOU EVER BEEN SPIT ON BY ONE OF THOSE BASTARDS?! Yeeuch!

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2014-04-02 21:10:24

I understand your feeling about cows. I was able to give oral to a very clean milk cow once and it was fun. Her vulva tasted nice and it was sexy and she liked it. I was not able to penetrate her though because there was not enough privacy at the time. I know what you mean about llamas. They look kinda sexy, but the spitting thing is a problem. But I have some insight for you. I only know horses well and I can tell you this, and maybe it'll apply to other animals too. A horse that likes what you are doing, will not kick or bite you. If you are scratching a favored itchy spot, no matter where, the horse is not going to kick you or bite you. I've had my head under mares bellies sucking their teats, knelt behind them licking their clits and vulvas etc. They are not going to try to hurt their buddy. (you) unless you do something to piss them off. That's the reason it's so important to spend a lot of time with them just observing them in the pasture to learn their body language and how they react to each other and others nearby. So I suspect if you got to know the llamas well enough, and found one that liked you, and liked your touch, or maybe was in high heat, she'd let you mount her.

EDIT: Oh... unless you've already done this. I suggest you try anal with your mini mare. Use vaseline for lube. I had a shetland once, who did not like vaginal unless she was in high heat. But she had no problem with me doing her anally and frankly, her anus felt better.

MammalLover 0 points on 2014-04-04 04:16:56

It's been over 25 years since I've been able to play with cows, but I still remember that sharp-pungent tang as my tongue touched her vulva. I remember that at first, it almost turned me off with it's overwhelming (sourness? tartness?), but the thing I remember the most is the after-taste being a lot like green hay or older grass, just more... fermented, I guess. I was not in a position (literally or figuratively) to penetrate her, but I've always wanted to try it. That's why I'm (avid? desperate... maybe?) to find someone who will let me spend some time with a nice cow in return for the love of my mare for a few moments of time. I have played a little bit with the llamas, and as you know from experience, each animal has a different personality and you have to get to know them. Well, to me llamas are an enigma... no matter how long I spend trying to get to know them and get close to them, they seem just as strange an alien as when I met them for the first time. The second problem with llamas is that the females (when receptive) are obvious because they will lay down for the male (you) to mount them, but even if you get that far, their pelvis bone (I think) is at a weird angle (compared to other critters I've had experience with, anyway) that makes the whole affair uncomfortable and awkward. Eventually they run out of patience and give up on you. Then you better be ready for kicks, bites, nips and a lot of slobber being spat in your general direction. I will try what you suggest with my mini-mare, but she seems pretty happy with vaginal penetration, as long as you give her plenty of time between sessions and don't try to "repeat performance" immediately. She also loves her teats to be played with when she's coming into or out of heat (but not so much during).

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2014-04-04 04:55:18

Interesting comments on the cows taste. The one I toyed with pretty much had no taste really, and her scent was "cow". But I was lucky she was very clean because her owners kept their place VERY tidy. Much as with mares, their vulvas, once you rub off all the dirt and crud, smells... like a horse... slightly sweet, nice. I've never met a smelly mare yet, whereas with human females, most are kinda stinky. But I'd love to see how a cow felt compared to a mare. Bull dicks seem a lot slimmer than stallion dicks so I wonder if a cows vagina is snugger than a mares? Unless you are already wise to this advice, you can very likely play with your mare out of season, especially anally if you bribe her with some sweet feed. One mare I play with will let me do her just about any time, except at the far end of her off period. Otherwise, she will let me clean then lick and suck her vulva, clit, teats, but won't let me mount her, till I bring her a few scoops of feed. Then she will stand still and let me do my thing. If she's near her heat period, she will also squeeze my dick rhythmically while I'm fucking her. The llamas... ya, that makes it awkward. that's the problem with many animals is they lay funny, or are too short. Too tall NP, get a ladder, lol... but too short makes for a problem. Although with dogs, it's NP since most don't mind being laid on their backs. I usually do my dogs while they are belly up on a chair, the couch, or my bed.

MammalLover 1 point on 2014-04-07 03:51:08

I appreciate your input. It's nice to chat with someone who's had experience.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2014-04-04 05:11:54

Oh BTW, there is a very small breed cow.. the Irish Derry? I think. They're about the size of a Shetland pony. Might be something to look into. Your friend might be more willing to allow a very small cow on the place.