Zoophile Survey (zoovey) (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-03-23 03:15:53 by electricfoxx

When I was first found the furry fandom (2000), I filled out a furvey and the furry code. Basically, they are used as introductions. One of the problem we've had with /r/zoogold is complete silent. Someone will want to join, but then won't post anything.

  • Does it exist already?
  • Would you fill one out?
  • How can it be designed to protect privacy?
  • What questions should be asked?
  • I would like the format to be computer parsable.
  • It should be easy to add and remove questions. (Having versions would help.)

Right now, I am looking for questions.

EDIT: A zoophile code exists. http://zeta.woofle.net/zoocode.html

electricfoxx 5 points on 2014-03-23 03:24:55

My Suggestions:

  • Are you a zoophile?
  • Are you a furry fan?
  • Secure way to contact you? (Email just for this survey)
  • Age
  • Gender
  • Trans* ?
  • Level of education
  • Favorite animals
  • Have you met other zoophiles in real life?
  • How long have you recognized you zoophilia?
  • Are you a vegetarian?
  • What is your opinion about the current animal rights groups?
  • Have you told others about your zoophilia?
  • Do you currently possess any animals? (pets, livestock)
  • Have you had any sexual contact with animals?
  • What is your opinion about commercial bestiality porn?
  • Are you religious?
sollemi 1 point on 2014-03-23 09:36:00

You should specify some answer options in order to make the return bearable for yourself, and rearrange some questions to enable that. Otherwise you wouldn't believe how complicated people can make an answer. E.g.

  • Are you a zoophile? (yes/no)
  • Have you met others? (yes/no)
  • A list of animals you currently possess: (dog, horse...)
  • what is your opinion...? (describe)

Even your draft should have a version number to keep track of. So above is V0.1, I guess.

Make sure to say not all questions need to be answered, otherwise people will lie on those they don't want to answer. Mark questions you definitely want to have answered as such, e.g. with a preceding *

If you want to use it as a gatekeeper for your subreddit, I would substitute the first two with:

  • What is zoophilia (describe)
  • What is bestiality (describe)
  • Are you a furry fan...

This way you would probably learn better what kind of person this is and get an implication what they would contribute.

If this is used as introduction to the group, how do you plan to go about it: Have them fill this out when they want to join /r/zoogold and post it there yourself upon acceptance? Such procedures and everything else you plan to do with the data need to be stated upfront for fairness.

depraveddeviant 1 point on 2014-03-23 16:33:36

Forgive my ignorance but what exactly is zoogold? I always see the link in the margin and have clicked on it, but am just told it's a private subreddit.

ShadowOfTheBeast 1 point on 2014-03-23 17:19:15

+1 for this.

throwaray2 1 point on 2014-03-23 17:27:47

Forgive my ignorance but what exactly is zoogold?

It's just a private bestiality subreddit, it's pretty much dead so you're not really missing much.

electricfoxx 2 points on 2014-03-23 19:12:31

it's pretty much dead so you're not really missing much.

You're right, though I created it with the zoophile in mind. I see a lot of bestiality (human porn with some animals) and not much zoophilia.

electricfoxx 1 point on 2014-03-23 19:09:58

I originally created it to be a safe space, but it did not work the way I thought. Everyone wanted in, but no one would talk. I think it was pretty much: "I'm here for the porn."

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2014-03-23 20:50:23

Yeah, pretty much. It still gets browsed regularly though, because people will comment pretty quickly when someone DOES post. It's a good idea for a sub, but I guess the problem is that as far as zoophilia goes, there's really not much conversation to be had, you know? Not like there are exciting new breakthroughs happening in the world of zoophilia. It's pretty much all the dame questions, until someone wants to share a story.

sollemi 1 point on 2014-03-23 21:16:52

Ok, ehm... Let me and /u/horsepro in?

We are not just about the porn. I submit our /r/finehorses as evidence. Thx.

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2014-03-23 22:10:56

Got you guys added.

sollemi 1 point on 2014-03-23 22:12:05

awesome, thx. See you around, then.

ManIsAshamed 2 points on 2014-03-23 22:02:45
  • I think I am a zoophile, but I've never had the opportunity. I certainly fantasize about it enough though!
  • I am a furry fan.
  • PM me.
  • 40 years old.
  • male
  • no
  • Undergraduate degree.
  • The more exotic the better.
  • I have never met another zoophile in real life.
  • I've had these fantasies for about five years.
  • I am not a vegetarian.
  • I have no opinion about current animal rights groups.
  • I have told my wife about my animal fantasies.
  • I am not allowed pets in my apartment.
  • The closest I've had sexual contact with animals is allowing my pet rats to eat my semen after I masturbate.
  • I like beastiality porn.
  • I am an atheist.
electricfoxx 2 points on 2014-03-23 23:32:20

Thank you, but at this point I am looking to get the survey set up.

What would like to know about other zoophiles?

ManIsAshamed 1 point on 2014-03-25 02:01:21

Nothing. I thought I was answering your survey.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-03-26 00:22:58

Does it exist already?

I'm sure you've looked into it more than I have, but if it exists I've never seen it.

Would you fill one out?

Absolutely, provided my anonymity remains intact.

How can it be designed to protect privacy?

It's pretty simple, just don't ask for specific things like a specific birth date or address, and instead ask for things like an age range or a section of a country.

What questions should be asked?

Your suggestions cover quite a bit, though I might add, "Do you consider yourself attracted to animals sexually, romantically, or both?"

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2014-04-01 18:46:07

I would gladly fill out a survey. Only problem is, I am playing WoW lately and don't log in here very often.