Zoo curious (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-04-20 03:47:09 by CuriousKitty7

Just discovered this sight and was very surprised to find a sight filled with people like me, Zoophiles, just learned the word today ahah. Excuse me if i sound stupid but i am just very eager to hear other peoples input and their stories, i have never found anything online involving beasitality, well i have but nothing encouraging it, just people saying how disgusting and evil it was...not very encouraging to actually seek out others also interested. I guess the whole point to my little ramble is that im new, curious, and hoping to maybe make some friends on here ahah, people who will give me advise instead of shun me.

ZoroasterTheCat 2 points on 2014-04-20 04:16:50

Hi there, nice to meet you. I think you'll find that most people in the zoo community are pretty friendly and welcoming, you'll like it around here. How long have you known you've had your interest?

CuriousKitty7 2 points on 2014-04-20 04:41:45

thanks, thats really reassuring. A few years actually, first started when i was 15 and my aunt's dog (pit) followed me into the bathroom. Thinking nothing of it i let him sit in front of me as i peed, what surprised me though was when i was getting up to pull up my pants and he licked me...it felt GOOD and he was just so eager, i was just amazed ahah.

ZoroasterTheCat 3 points on 2014-04-20 04:55:18

Hahaha, it was love at first lick! That's great, did you get to keep that relationship with him going?

CuriousKitty7 3 points on 2014-04-20 05:49:45

for a while, i kept making excuses to go to my aunt's just to see Dallas (the pit) and further explore what i had discovered. I would just let him lick me and mount me a few times (with clothes on), i had seen how large he was and got scared that it would hurt or something, but as the days went by i couldn't stop thinking about it because ive never had a man please me properly and wondered if its be different with a dog. but as my luck would have it, by the time i built up the courage to try...Dallas was given away:(

ZoroasterTheCat 2 points on 2014-04-20 06:17:33

Oh nooo, that's so sad :( Why they give him away?

mafigliano -1 points on 2014-04-20 09:54:58

Beastforum. com is a good site. Plenty of similar stories and people to chat with. Good luck.

duskwuff 2 points on 2014-04-20 19:01:50

No. No, it really isn't. Please don't recommend it.

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2014-04-24 18:30:44

I also disagree with you. Beastforum is a wasteland and the majority of its users are blithering idiots.

mafigliano 1 point on 2014-04-24 20:14:22

Name someplace better.

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2014-04-24 20:48:23

Knotty.me or any zoo/beast subreddit.

Seriously, any other community than beastforum.

_Obvious-Throwaway_ 1 point on 2014-04-20 19:23:31

Hey! Welcome to the community! This subreddit has been kind of quiet, but it's looking like there might be more activity, so stay tuned!

Yeah, there are a lot of bigoted (is that too strong a word?) individuals out there who want to jump to conclusions and assume zoophilia is animal abuse. There's really no arguing with them, so the next best thing is hanging out with like-minded people.

I would definitely check out knotty.me if you're looking for a little more personal community. The link is in the sidebar if you're interested. There's a fairly active IRC chat, too!

zoozooz 1 point on 2014-04-21 11:13:10

Wikipedia articles. Read them:



The biggest take away: There is a small number of "Zoosadists" who take pleasure in torturing animals. That's much like with heterosexual or homosexual people, where there is a small number of psychopaths who rape and torture people. There are some people who do not want to see animals hurt but don't care too much about them and care more about sex. But there are also a lot who really do like and love animals. When it comes to porn there are unfortunately way too many videos where the animal isn't directly harmed but the humans are not too interested in their pleasure... I find that pretty sad.

And what should I say that is encouraging? Make sure that the animals you are with are enjoying their time with you and I don't see any problems.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-02 04:30:59

Hello Kitty I am trying to find someone to talk to me about what they do with their doggies or their past experiences. it is my biggest turn on. When i was younger my GF used to play with my dog alot and i miss it soo much. I would love to share stories. mmmm soo much. ;)