Looking for a buddy or two or a hundred (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-04-20 04:38:46 by [deleted]

Hey y'all! I'm just really getting into playing with my doggies, and after a surprising moment this morning my kitty. It's really exciting but I can't exactly run to my normal friends and brag about how deep my dog's tongue went yesterday or anything of that sort. So! I'm looking for friends to share my sexual tails (heh, get it, tails?) with, and maybe learn some new things about bestiality/zoophilia. Hit up my inbox!

electricfoxx 3 points on 2014-04-20 05:25:11

It's really exciting but I can't exactly run to my normal friends

If only.

I've been keeping a journal. I'm one of those college graduates who made the stupid decision of moving back in with parents. I feel so locked down here. "Normal" people are so boring here.

sigh Maybe, one day, I'll leave my "prison" and actually be happy. Until then, it's the Internet for me. I just want to pack my things, quit my job, and go somewhere else. I just need the courage to tell my parents to fucking leave me alone and treat me like an adult.

I think writing could be a outlet for me. I want to write a book about zoophilia. I'm tired of all this "book burning" and censorship. I just feel that, even with Freedom of Speech, you could still be jailed for writing about a taboo topic. People will find a way and if they can't, they just pay off a politician to make it so.

I'm a male interested in large female dogs. I love them so much. I don't want to risk my life doing something stupid, like taking a neighbor's dog. I just want freedom. I want my own life. I want to get the fuck out of this place.

Anyway, I feel that I can write about most anything, but it's still not real; it's virtual.

Affirmed 2 points on 2014-04-20 05:41:12

I've thought about keeping a journal a few times myself. Even if most of the entries would be simple things like "Spent two hours in the pasture with my mare under the stars. Mostly she slept."

Those kinds of moments are just so amazing to me, and there's just nobody to share it with who might understand. Or who wouldn't think it was weird that laying down in the dark next to a horse, just listening to her breathe, is probably the best thing I'm going to do this weekend. You can't really tell that story at work on Monday.

But I've never gotten past just thinking about writing things down. I guess because I feel like I'd just be doing it for myself, which doesn't really help with the problem of having nobody to tell.

_Obvious-Throwaway_ 1 point on 2014-04-20 20:08:13

Oh, I've never thought about keeping a journal. Maybe I do have a good use for these encrypted floppy disks I have lying around after all!

I'm sympathetic to your plight - college student living at home here as well, but my situation isn't as dire. I have a dog of my own, I just have to struggle to keep our relationship a secret. But I'm open to talking about it if that's something you wanna do!

And as far as I know, here in the US you couldn't get in trouble for writing a book about it. There was that zoophile documentary (creatively titled "Zoo"), and AFAIK the producers didn't get in any sticky legal trouble for it (although technically it's wasn't taking any sides.) Of course, the cultural backlash would be significant, so it would be good to use a pseudonym. I think there are more publishers out there who would be open to accepting such a work, but even if you never got it published, you could always self-publish on Amazon. Or just distribute as a PDF.

Male into large female dogs here too - malamutes and wolves = <3! I definitely don't recommend fence-hopping (getting caught could ruin your life), but there are a number of other outlets you could use. Look into volunteering at local animal shelters perhaps - not for any kind of sexual relations (see prior parenthetical), but the companionship would make it 100% worth it. It would also give you experience in caring for an animal, if that's something you've never had experience with.

I'm sure you've heard it a million times, but focus on school and get through it. Despite doing dogawful in school myself, the merits of education are innumerable. What are you studying, if you don't mind me asking?

And if you're interested in sharing anything you write, I have been told I'm an excellent audience. No pressure, of course, but I would love to read some of the stuff you can come up with if you're interested!

electricfoxx 2 points on 2014-04-20 20:36:31

I'm sure you've heard it a million times, but focus on school and get through it. Despite doing dogawful in school myself, the merits of education are innumerable. What are you studying, if you don't mind me asking?

I have a Bachelor of Computer Science. But, most of the jobs around where my parents live are factory or retail. There are two software development places, but neither are hiring. I've tried being a freelance computer technician, but I had about one call every two weeks (each call about $40). Sure, if I got it done in an hour, that''s $40/hour, but there's just not enough work here.

I'm no stranger to hard work. I went to an employment agency and they put me in as a plastic injection press operator (3rd shift). That was balls-to-the-wall hard. $8/hour for 40 hours a week. It's not complicated. I've memorized all the steps:

  1. Injection machine creates part (inside door panel).
  2. Robot takes part out of machine.
  3. Drops it in bin.
  4. I shave off edges.
  5. I put part in the press.
  6. I press the button.
  7. Press puts clips in.
  8. I take the part out.
  9. I put part in container.
  10. I put clips in press.
  11. Goto step 1.

That's it, for 8 hours a day. It eventually got to the Lucille Ball point. I got yelled at for shaving off too much and another time for falling behind.

There's two types of tech jobs: ones with corporations that require like 10 years of experience in 5 or more skills, and ones in a small startup (like Reddit). I don't have 5 years of experience with IBM servers (or whatever), so I have been trying to go with the small startup model. But, no one wants to do shit here.

I'm just tired of all the bullshit in this small city. I just want to leave.

_Obvious-Throwaway_ 1 point on 2014-04-20 23:54:44

It sounds like a move would be a really good idea then. What's stopping you from gettin' outta' dodge? Just money, or something else tying you down? (If you don't mind me asking not trying to pry just curious.)

And oh dog I know press operators are vital to the operation of the factory but doing that for 8 hours straight at minimum wage would be enough to drive literally anyone crazy.

I have a startup company queued up, and will be acting on it pretty soon. Obviously I can't provide any details (personal security and whatnot) but I'll be looking for developers. If you have any interest in learning more about that, feel free to shoot me a PM or somethin'. I just need the cash to get the ball rolling, but that's what my investment advisor is for. xD

In any event, I wish you the best of luck! I lived in a small town once, but it was so long ago I barely remember anything. If I had to deal with everything I am dealing with now, then, I don't know what I would do either.

electricfoxx 1 point on 2014-04-21 00:44:44

It sounds like a move would be a really good idea then. What's stopping you from gettin' outta' dodge? Just money, or something else tying you down? (If you don't mind me asking not trying to pry just curious.)

Lack of a social network and my parents' psychological warfare with me (aka "Why do you want to move out?"). I do see others have similar issues.

I love camping. That said, I could probably deal with living this way until I have a job with enough to get an apartment ($9/hour, 40 hours/week). I would love to get a small place, but I don't mind being frugal.

My parents are very adamant with me not moving out.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-04-21 03:19:41


_Obvious-Throwaway_ 1 point on 2014-04-21 04:28:34

Aah, I can see how that would be keeping you. The lack of contacts would make it difficult to make a transition... Best case scenario would be to move out with parents at least appeased. If you're of age to move away, then there is no reason not to.

Yeah, a job would be a vital step towards getting away. Save up whatever money you can. Chances are, if your parents are 100% opposed to your moving out, they'll want to charge you rent. Maybe not, but it might happen. I'd prepare for the eventuality.

I'm sorry you're in such a sucky place, but I'm sure things will improve!

(We should move this to a PM so we don't accidentally hijack this thread. xD )

mafigliano 2 points on 2014-04-20 09:57:38

Lucky fellow. Wish I had some little tail waggers, too.

_Obvious-Throwaway_ 1 point on 2014-04-20 19:33:35

Welcome! Another doggy lover, eh? Community intensifies!

Looking forward to seeing you around - it's been pretty quiet around here but it looks like it might be picking up! I would definitely check out knotty.me - I joined very recently, and the community has been nothing less of amazing. Not at smutty as other places like BeastForum, but if you're looking for friends, there is no shortage over there!

Anyways, look forward to seeing you around!

(Also on an unrelated side not it looks like the guys who downvote every post are back so there's that.)

LykeWake Lizards -2 points on 2014-04-21 08:13:41

I downvoted this because OP comes across as a desperate sex fiend.

Lefthandedsock 1 point on 2014-04-24 18:36:30

No he doesn't... Like, at all.

And no one really cares if you downvoted. Just do it and move on.

LykeWake Lizards 0 points on 2014-04-28 12:57:38

I was responding to the implication that this would only be downvoted by "guys who downvote every post".