Curious wife hoping to talk to others (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-04-21 22:21:53 by KnottyWife

My husband and I have talked and fantasized about this for quite a while (women with dogs and horses does it for him, horses scare me but dogs are very intriguing to me), but it had never been my biggest fantasy, or even one of my regular ones... Until recently, that is. Lately it seems like I just can't get my mind off of it. It doesn't hurt that we have a dog with a very clever tongue, though unfortunately she is female and unable to give me everything I want...

I would love the chance to talk with anyone who shares these desires, especially other women who have gone through with it and who might be able to share their experiences... That said, curious but inexperienced men and women are certainly welcome too! The more the merrier :)

About me: married, late 20s, short and curvy redhead. I grew up living a very sexually repressed life, and have finally been rediscovering pleasure and desire over the past several years. My husband and I have an open relationship, and we both have other partners--right now, I really think my next partner just may be a dog. Any tips on finding a good boy?

We can talk here, over email, maybe even Skype if that is something you are interested in? I am open to talking about what it is that gives us these needs, our experiences, naughty chats, phone sex... The sky is the limit.

Thank you all for hearing me out, and I hope to talk to some of you very soon!

electricfoxx 6 points on 2014-04-21 23:30:38

First rule of zoophilia:

  • Don't talk about zoophilia.

That said, I'd advise DO NOT VIDEO RECORD IT.

I know this is harsh, but I've heard of too many curious people screwing up their lives, because someone found it on the Internet. Close the blinds and you should be good.

Anywho, I'm a male interested in female dogs. I've had some experience with neutered male dogs. They are a no-go if you want him to mount you. He has to have the balls to have interest. Police and working dogs are usually intact (unneutered, unspayed). If you have a large yard and are responsible, I would go for intact. (I really would not mind an intact female having to wear "doggy panties" once a year.)

(I have more. I'll have to reply later on.)

KnottyWife 2 points on 2014-04-21 23:43:33

Thank you for your concern! I am well aware of the dangers, and began taking steps to protect myself and my identity long before this post went up :)

In any case, I look forward to hearing more!

James94aa 1 point on 2014-08-02 19:58:23

Hey if love to chat on Skype. I have a dog who is a tie with my gf

Mypronaccountz 1 point on 2014-04-22 06:46:56

Id have to say yes DO video record it, just do not show your or anyone elses face or -and yes Ive seen this in tons of videos- family portraits on walls... but as a guy who enjoys watching women live out these fantasies, please fucking record it! :) thanks!

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-04-28 13:01:18


ThrowwwayGurl 4 points on 2014-04-22 04:35:32

Hi, I'm a married woman, middle-aged and happy with a very normal life. But when I was younger and discovering my own sexuality, I became close to my family's German Shepherd, and that closeness became an intimate sexual relationship that lasted many years as I grew up. I honestly am not sure if I became attracted to certain kinds of canines because of my relationship, or if I always was born a zoophile and just didn't know it until I crossed that line.

While I'm not active or practicing, I do still enjoy the fantasy and memories, and I enjoy talking to people who may be curious, interested, conflicted or looking for knowledge or advice. All things that I never had and it caused me a great deal of stress to try to figure everything out alone. If you want to chat, I'd be happy to answer any questions or talk about anything, but I rather talk through reddit PMs, which are the most secure way to communicate for me.

I'd also like to echo what the above poster said: Be very discrete. I can give you tips on anonymity too.

mark-of-the-beast 3 points on 2014-06-08 05:56:01

I'm a woman in her early 20's and I've begun having such fantasies, specifically with male dogs.

I only hinted at it to one person and have never acted on it. I'm terrified to think of what anyone would think of me if they found out.

I'm really torn on my feelings here. On one hand, I've had some very vivid dreams about it, and they're amazing, and make me really want to try it out. But on the other hand, I don't want to do any harm to an animal, and I have heard many arguments that it's just like raping the dog. I'm definitely no rapist.

In my dreams, the dog approaches me. Do you know if this ever actually happens or does human/animal sex only realistically happen if the human forces/coerces the animal?

danpetman 2 points on 2014-06-08 10:46:11

The arguments about it being like raping the dog fall down somewhat when the act taking place is a person being mounted. Unless someone is physically holding the dog in place, it's an entirely voluntary act on his part.

As far as I'm aware, most dogs will probably not initiate sex right off the bat, simply because, from their point of view, you do not smell or look like a dog, and so don't fit into the "things to be humped" category. However, it doesn't take a whole lot of training to get them to realise that humping is allowed, and even when it is and isn't appropriate. It's not really any different from teaching a dog to sit or shake hands or play dead. They're not necessarily things it'd know how to do innately, but it's not forcing or coercing a dog to teach it to do them. I think a more apt word would be "encouraging" when it comes to human/animal sex. When you first start you're mostly just letting him know that yes, it's ok for him to do that to you.

As for the particulars of HOW to get your dog to mount, I'm not an owner and have never trained a dog, so I'll leave it to someone more knowledgeable, but rest assured, force/coercion absolutely need not (and should not) come into it.

EDIT: Forgot to mention licking. When it comes to getting licked by a dog, they definitely do sometimes just do it of their own accord without any training. Dogs are somewhat notorious for sticking their noses in people's crotches, and they're not shy about licking things that taste good. It might take a little nudge like getting your fingers wet and waving them under his nose just to let him know that there's something tasty there, but once they figure out that it's a yummy place to lick, a lot of (but not all) dogs will go at it with gusto.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-06-20 14:54:26

Awesome that you are opening up and discovering your sexuality again now that you are out of the repressive environment. I'm a new fan of dog sex and love talking about it. I'm married and wish my wife would consider exploring with a dog. It could be so much fun and its so incredibly erotic. Have fun on your adventures!

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-02 04:20:59

Hello Knotty. This is exactly what i want also. to talk to me about what you like to do with your doggies. it is my biggest turn on. When i was younger my GF used to play with my dog alot and i miss it soo much. I would love to share stories. mmmm soo much. ;)

K9guyninTexas 1 point on 2014-08-28 23:49:26

It is very refreshing to read your post. I am elated to know that there are couples out there who can safely and sanely share this lifestyle with one another. I am a male who is (secretly) into this and would love to have a safe and mature relationship with a (real) human being about this. It would be fantastic to share thoughts and feelings about it without fear of judgement. Good for you and thanks for your post.