just curious :-) (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-04-22 13:05:37 by lucaluca90

Hey :-) I just came across this subreddit about a week ago, and now I think about the topic all the time. First of all, even though I'm not a zoophile in any way, I'm very open-minded towards it. I just have some questions for you guys :) First of all, how open are you about your feelings? How many people do know about it? Also, is zoophilia just a mere fetish or a "real" sexual orientation? I mean can you guys also enjoy sex with other humans? and do you fall in love with animals? And why do most posts here focus on dogs? Are dogs especially attractive to most of you or are encounters with them just "easier"? And what about the porn, do you mostly watch these furry hentai stuff or real-life vids? Last question I have is if zoophile sex has to be forced in any way, or do the animals want to do it too. I hope I don't appear like a prejudiced jerk here in any way, really I'm just extremely curious and I honestly think zoo will be "the new gay".

ZoroasterTheCat 9 points on 2014-04-22 13:34:22

Alright, listen here, new gay. A lot of your questions don't have straight answers. Or they will appear very clear cut, but the answer will change depending on who you ask. Most zoophiles are not open about their interests in real life, as the consequences could be very bad. Loss of friends, families, jobs, civil liberties. Some open up to a select few confidants. The community online is usually strong and welcoming, as long as it is clear one is being genuine and honest, though will become canny and suspicious if your motivations are unclear.

While the DMS classifies zoophilia as a paraphilia, zoophiles and many researchers will tell you zoophilia is an orientation, and there is research to back that up. It was found zoophilia cuts across all races and socioconomic backgrounds equally. People from poor rural areas have reported zoophilia in equal numbers compared to people brought up in rich, urban environments. Meaning: it is an orientation one is born with, not a proclivity brought about by proximity or desperation. For a long, long time, homosexuality was classified as a mental disorder, and was only changed due to extreme pressure from homosexual activists.

Dogs do seem to be the primary choice by far, but also of interest are equines, big cats, foxes, cetaceans (aquatic mammals), wolves (often included with dogs, but some prefer them expecially) and cervidae (deer family). For whatever reason dogs are the predominant choice, I'm not sure. Probably because they bond most easily to humans, and we relate to them.

Some zoophiles are zoo-exclusive, meaning they only have relationships with animals, and some are interested in both human and canine partners. Some zoophiles have exclusive, loving, monogamous relationships with their animals, and might even look down upon with derision those zoophiles that engage with multiple animals, calling them 'bestialists,' which usually means someone who doesn't care about the animal or forming an emotional connection, they just enjoy the taboo nature of animal sex. So there is even some fracturing even within the community.

This leads into your last question, regarding the willingness of the animal partner. This is a huge point of contention among zoophiles and 'anti-zoos,' and is typically their first, and usually only argument as to why zoophilia is 'icky.' Animals can concent, they just do so nonverbally. They communicate through body language, any animal trainer, or even animal owner, will tell you. If you have ever tried to clip the nails of a skittish dog, it is very clear when he is not consenting. If a horse is not consenting to whatever is going on around his hindquarters, you are going to receive a swift hoof in the chest. Of course, some people don't care about consent, these would fall in the afore-mentioned bestialist catagory. Then there is the argement that while the animal may consent, he may feel coerced to oblige his human, due to the inherent inequality of power in the relationship. The animal relies on the human for food, shelter, and care, so much so that he might be afraid to not give the human what he wants. However, many human relationships have an inherent imbalance of power (see: sole income earner). Many of these issues are left up to your own interpretations.

lucaluca90 1 point on 2014-04-22 13:42:29

wow, thanks a lot for the quick and long answer! :-)

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-04-24 14:34:41

On point, as always.

NBRPony Equiphile 3 points on 2014-04-22 14:23:48

Howdy! Always happy to discuss this subject with people who have an interest or curiosity about it. There seems to be a lot of misinformation surrounding zoophilia/zoosexuality, so it is always cool to see people who want to learn more about it.

Openness on this subject will depend greatly from person to person. I know some zoophiles who are completely out to most people they know, while others keep their interest a secret to everyone who is not like-minded. Personally I am out with family and like minded friends, but for the most part I live by the philosophy that what I do in private is my business. I don't have a problem discussing my interest with like-minded people, or those that are open-minded and curious about the subject. But outside of online forums I have no desire to advertise my sexuality to others.

There is a wide spectrum of people who are interested in animals sexually. The vast majority of people who share this interest primarily view it as a fetish or a kink however, there is a small minority of people who are genuinely attracted to animals. My personal attraction is toward equines (horses, donkeys, mules, etc) and it far exceeds any attraction I have for my own species. I actually find sex with humans to be weird and rather gross, but being intimate with an equine feels completely normal. Falling in love with an animal comes along with being in a relationship with them. I view my four legged partners the same way someone in a “normal” relationship would view their significant other.

Canines are far more common because they are easier to own and gain access too than livestock and other farm animals. You don't need acres of land and very specialized housing to keep a dog happy and healthy. There are zoophiles who are just attracted to one species or another and others who are attracted to a wide variety of different species. Even though I am primarily interested in equines, I do find certain species outside of the equine family to be quite attractive. I have played around with doggies quite a few times and they can be wonderful lovers. that said I will take a hot mare over a horny bitch any day of the week. :-P

As far as porn goes, I am primarily interested in horse on horse mating material, or stuff involving guys with animals. Furry stuff is fun, but I don't really consider it to fall under the zoo category unless ferals are involved.

I have never once forced an animal to have sex. Most of the animals I have been intimate with have been VERY willing and active partners. Whiles yes, there are some very shitty people out there who do force sexual contact on their animals, most zoophiles respect their animal’s wishes and only pursue sex when their animal partner is in the mood. Non-human animals can be VERY demanding about having their sexual “itch” scratched when they are hot to trot.

I would be more than happy to elaborate on any of my responses if you have other questions.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-04-22 14:58:45


lucaluca90 0 points on 2014-04-22 15:03:10

well fuck it, I accidentaly used my second account to answer -.- but trust me, it was me :)

NBRPony Equiphile 1 point on 2014-04-22 15:08:52

Nonhuman animals cannot get humans pregnant and vice versa. This has to do with the fact that chromosomes have to match up in order for a pregnancy to occur. Nonhuman animals do not have the same chromosome count as humans. The only animal that could possibly impregnate a human would be a higher primate like a chimp or bonobo but that is still unlikely. One of the major benefits of being intimate with nonhuman animal is that there is no risk of pregnancy and very little risk of catching any type of STI.

lucaluca90 0 points on 2014-04-22 15:16:48

really? then I guess I've read some bullshit :)

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2014-04-22 15:55:03

Doooon't worry. You are never going to get pregnant by engaging with an animal. There are only two ways someone is going to find out: you tell them, or you get caught. Just proceed with caution, and you'll be fine ;)

ThrowwwayGurl 2 points on 2014-04-22 15:06:23

I'm very private and careful about my past. By all accounts if you knew me you probably wouldn't have any idea I secretly take second glances at passing German Shepherds and similar canines.

I'm married and my husband is the only person who knows about my unusual attraction, and is supportive even though he doesn't share my interest. I have no great plans to bring a pack of malamutes into our home or do anything weird or attempt to introduce it into our marriage. I don't do anything more sensational than fantasize from time to time, and it's been many years since my first and only canine lover passed away.

It's kind of boring, but despite leading a normal, happy life, I can never really forget that I'm a zoophile. That means that something went off the beaten path in my brain and I discovered that I have a deep, physical attraction to some dogs. I cannot for the life of me explain it and I am perfectly aware of how unusual it is.

lucaluca90 1 point on 2014-04-22 15:15:33

nobody can really explain his/her sexual attractions, right? actually I think people should start talking about zoophilia ore, so it wil be less of a taboo topic, but of course I can totally understand most zoophiles rather keep it to theselves.

ZoroasterTheCat 2 points on 2014-04-22 15:56:49

Haha, I know the feeling. I sometimes catch myself stating at the dog harder than the pretty girl on the other end of the leash, lol.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-05-03 06:36:46

*Pretty much always stare at the dog more Ftfy

ManIsAshamed 1 point on 2014-04-23 02:38:04

I seem to be the minority here. For the most part, I'm straight. I have these fantasies (never had the opportunity to act on them) because I'm extremely curious how an animal's pussy would feel compared to a woman's, and how an animal's jizz would taste compared to a mine.

_Obvious-Throwaway_ 3 points on 2014-04-23 09:44:24

Ooh fun topic! Not very often something like this comes along!

The following is wrought with personal opinion so please take it for what it's worth!

Offline, there is only one person that I am aware of who may know I'm a zoo, and that's a middle school friend I told nearly 10 years ago. Other than that, I'm a closed book. I wouldn't dare tell another soul - not just because my reputation could be damaged, or my assets put at risk because of the social backlash against zoophiles, but moreso because of the damage it would do to my doggeh. I'm a canine zoo (have been a self-described zoophile for nearly 6 years now, with a dog for going on three) and my dog means the world to me.

For me, zoophilia is a sexual orientation. I promote the idea that it is a firm-wired psychological trait - a combination of genetics and personal experience and upbringing. The scientific evidence surrounding the whole "hard-wired" vs. "personal decision" aspect of zoophilia is sketchy, to say the least. Look anywhere and you will find debate. I know that personally, there were a number of experiences in my youth (combination of bad parenting and some very nice GSDs) that definitely set the foundation for my orientation.

I feel absolutely zero sexual attraction to females of my own species. To be frank, I am kind of repulsed by it - not the females themselves, but the idea of sex with them. While I still considered myself zoocurious, I would occasionally look at pornography involving people, and it just didn't do anything for me. I've never dated a female, and I don't intend to.

That being said, there is also a very large population of zoophiles who are not zoo-exclusive (strictly attracted to animals). They do actively enjoy sex with people and animals, and can even be in consenting relationships with people of the same gender who are either zoo-friendly, or zoophiles themselves. Once again, it goes back to the nature vs. nurture idea above.

As far as falling in love with your animal goes, oooooh god yes. That's what separates zoophilia from bestiality, in my opinion. When you look at those who are into bestiality, you see a lot of physical, sexual attraction without any regard for the animal. In this sense, the animal becomes a tool for self-stimulation. Zoophiles, for the most part, hold the animal to a much higher regard. In many cases, there is sex involved (although a non-sexual zoo is definitely a thing!) - I for one partake frequently with my girl - but sex is just one tiny piece of a much larger puzzle. Some people walk their dogs because that's something you do if you have a dog. I walk my dog because it's bonding. It's a date. Anywhere I go, if I can, I take my girl. The connection between a zoo and their animal lover transcends the typical relationship between any ol' person and their animal.

It's important to note that it's not just one-sided, either. I can confidently say that the attitude my dog has towards me mirrors the way I feel towards her. It is a reciprocal relationship, for sure, and not one based off of any physical exchange (treats, toys, etc.) but off of a mental and I hate the term but it applies spiritual one. It really is a bond in every sense of the word.

As far as the focus on dogs - a lot of people argue that it's the accessibility to canines that makes dogs the #1 go-to animal lover. I can't really add any input to this one - I know for me it was just growing up with good dogs in a bad home that kind of influenced my behaviour. In any event, that's just how I turned out. I would imagine the fact that most people have had dogs growing up lends canines to be a more accessible option? It's interesting for sure, but I couldn't really give you an answer there.

As far as porn goes, I don't watch it. Even when I didn't have a dog, it was more fantasizing - pornography as a general rule never turned me on. I would, of course, eye some choice bitches so to speak har har pun and hope to catch a glimpse of something, but I don't really do that so much anymore. Unless it's a GSD or big wolf dog. But don't tell my dog I said that.

In response to your second-to-last question, the debate about consent is extraordinarily controversial - there's not enough evidence out there to scientifically prove animals are okay with boinking with people. A lot of people point to the fact that animals are trainable, and an animal providing a response that could be seen as consent during sex is just the result of teaching the animal to be used in a sexual manner.

I don't see this at all. I never trained my girl to be receptive to sex with rewards or through coercion or force. I never forced her into a position where she had to expose herself to me sexually in any way, shape, or form. When she became sexually mature (around her second heat), and it was fair to initiate sexual contact without psychologically damaging her, I would take it slowly, turn it into a game, and never continue if I felt like she was in any way uncomfortable. And, over time, she grew to see the experiences as positive, and would initiate subtle sexual exchanges - exposing her belly, sitting on my hand while we were playing, etc. We continued to push the envelope, with me stopping whenever either she or I would feel uncomfortable.

That's a lot of detail to what is ultimately a simple answer: for us, sexual encounters are not forced at all. I would never dream of making my dog do something she did not want to do, and the progress is at her pace. I will say that I often try to initiate "activities" between us, but there have been a number of times when she straight-up demanded we fool around, right now, this instant with just vocalization and body language. I'm talking, her growling at me while I'm on the computer, wagging her tail, pacing, until I get up and follow her to the couch where she will with no uncertain terms show me what she wants. I was going to keep the details to a minimum but it's usually oral, is what she wants. In case you were wondering.

To conclude this outrageously long reply, I don't think zoo will be the next "gay." A lot of zoo's are quiet and don't want a kerfuffle - they just want to be left alone with their animals and continue on about their lives. There are some radicals out there, who push for global acceptance of zoophilia and animal marriage rights, and I have nothing against any of them: they're free to do as they wish, just like everyone else, just as long as they're not hurting anyone else. But for the most part, zoos are pretty quiet about their sexuality, and don't really feel the need to make it known. That's my experience, anyway!

Anyways, I hope my post elaborated on some things that weren't covered by other people, as well as provided some more personal insight. Really, everyzoo is going to answer all of your questions differently based on their own experiences. The above is just how I would go about answering. :D

lucaluca90 1 point on 2014-04-23 11:27:58

Thanks! Yeah this "nature vs. nurture" question is very interesting I think. I'm pretty sure it's a combination of both, but with way higher amounts of nurture. This would also kind of explain the focus on dogs for me. You talked about dogs from your childhood right? Lots of people own dogs, and considering events from childhood lead to ones sexual orientation, it's obvious that more zoos tend to be attracted by dogs than by, say, kangaroos. But of course, I'm not an expert either. About the "new gay" thing: First, I'm not a zoophile, I don't know any zoophile in person and I don't even know that much about the history of LGBT or black rights. But still, I'm more than sure that, not long after the gay rights are more less fully achieved, a new minority will follow their lead, presumably a "sexual" one. And if you take a look at different (sexual) minorities, I think zoophila is quite likely to be the one. Of course right now, most zoos keep things private, as sex with animals is illegal in most countries and also not accepted by society at all. But this movement will not happen next year, neither in 5 years, probably not even in 20. But I still think it's likely for zoophilia to become "the new gay" one time.

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-04-25 22:35:55

This seems to have been very thoroughly cover already, but I'll throw my two cents in anyhow. And before anything else, thanks for being open minded about this; if you were a prejudiced jerk you'd be making accusations rather than asking questions so as far as I'm concerned you're a-okay.

I'm generally an introvert, so I already keep a lot to myself. My zoophilia is definitely an example of this, due mostly to the consequences it could have if it became public knowledge. That being said, I'm very open about it anonymously and I have told my best friend.

I define zoophilia as a paraphilia, rather than a sexual orientation or a fetish. Maybe it's just me, but I think a fetish is more superficial and a sexual orientation has more to do with gender. Breaking down the word, paraphilia means a love of something that isn't as central or common. So a zoophile is a person who loves animals in a less platonic way than most people would. A beastie is someone with an animal fetish rather than a love of animals, just consider it a lesser extent of zoophilia. Or don't consider it at all; even among zoophiles it isn't an especially well known term, it's just a distinction I like to make.

Not that I've ever experienced it, but I'm sure I could enjoy sex with other humans. Being exclusively attracted to animals is possible, but to my knowledge it's less common. And yeah, we can definitely fall in love with animals. I was in a relationship with my dog Sigma who died just over a month ago, and I just can't get over him.

I'm interested in a wide variety of mammals, and I don't think I'm alone in that, but my hypothesis on why dogs are so common comes down to availability and possibility. As you suggested, it's easier to get with a dog than, say, an orangutan. Dogs are a lot more common and we spend a lot more time with them. As for the other factor, dogs are a lot more capable of having sex with humans than, say, a cat. The genitals of dogs and humans are similar and the actions themselves aren't too far off. That being said, you could probably find an orangutan for some monkey love and there are ways to be with cats if you're in the mood for some pussy, but it can get a little complicated.

Not every zoophile is the same, but in my case you're correct about the furries. Full fledged bestiality porn isn't too difficult to come by however, so there's also that. I think that of the porn I do watch, sex between two straight humans is actually the least common.

I've never forced a partner into anything. Some people do and that makes me sad, but keep in mind that humans don't always treat each other with respect either, so this trait is hardly exclusive to zoophiles. My mate Sigma was never up for anything beyond oral; I understood his limit and I respected it. And it certainly didn't have to be me who started things, he loved to kiss just as much as I did.

Something that concerns me though, is that you seem to have lost your nose OP. When you said hey you had it, but between then and asking your first question it inexplicably disappeared. Hopefully you'll be alright, but I figured I should express my concern.

lucaluca90 1 point on 2014-04-26 12:35:15

Thanks :) first of all I'm very sorry for your loss. I guess some names for the whole zoo theme are yet to be given, for example "zoosexuality" for people who are exclusive zoos and "zoophilia" for those who aren't. However I don't understand that last part haha. I'm pretty new on reddit what do you mean by "nose"..?

lucaluca90 1 point on 2014-04-26 12:37:39

oh I'm so stupid right?! pls don't destroy that joke by explaining it here look my nose is back hahaha :'-D

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-04-26 16:49:51

Heh, good to hear. Since you're new I'll also let you know, after you've made a comment you can click the edit button under it to change what you've said. An asterisk will appear next to how long ago you posted it, letting others know that it might say something different than it originally did. But, if you manage to edit the comment within a minute or so of posting it the asterisk won't show up, which is called a ninja edit.

Edit: This is just an example, I never actually edited this, but if you do edit a comment it's considered polite to add a brief explanation of why you did.

lucaluca90 1 point on 2014-04-27 14:01:38

good to know thank you :-)

Nymoo 1 point on 2014-06-13 23:55:32

Nothing that comes from people as taboo, weird, unnaceptable or fucked up is an illness of the mind, not even creepy psycho murderers. We're something special, something beyond anyone's comprehension without actually discovering it for yourself, so in no way should you feel guilt, bad, or taboo with yourself for wanting to fuck a dog. You're not ill, just natural. Unfortunately the society thinks otherwise, but hey, I'm confident that one day every single thought and fantasy will be something you will be able to talk about with a stranger on a bus. Basically 'awkward silences' and 'breaking the ice' becoming unknown, alien terms.