How do i get my dog to like me more? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-04-24 22:25:19 by [deleted]

I have a dog. I dont think my dog likes me a lot... I am not a sick fuck who abuses dogs either. What could i do to make my dog like me more?

duskwuff 2 points on 2014-04-24 22:36:07

What kind of dog do you have?

What makes you think he/she doesn't like you?

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-04-24 22:54:39


[deleted] 3 points on 2014-04-24 23:18:37


[deleted] 6 points on 2014-04-25 01:21:39


[deleted] 2 points on 2014-04-25 04:30:45


sollemi 2 points on 2014-04-25 12:50:35

You will have to tell us much more. How old is she, where do you live, do you work all day, what do you usually do together, for how long did you have her, is she different with other people?, does she know other people? Do you regularly take her to the dog-park? How does she react to other dogs etc etc...