Any younger zoophiles on here with kik (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-04-25 06:09:12 by [deleted]

I'm an m 14 and I would just like to talk to someone my own age about this if you PM you're username on Kk or skype

[deleted] -1 points on 2014-04-25 09:50:48


sollemi 8 points on 2014-04-25 12:54:49

I am the wrong age, be careful out there when you reveal that. Keep all your data to yourself. Kik is a good idea, make sure you also know other ways to protect yourself: VPN, throwaway email addresses etc.

Everyone else: a) mind honey-traps b) remember one of the Zeta guidelines is not to proselytize younger (or for that matter every other) people into it if it's not developed out of their own.

And finally, while I understand and am not a mod, - obligatory slap on the hand that you should not be here by definition.

Kaleaon 1 point on 2014-04-25 20:38:14

Yeah, being careful and cautious is a huge must. Screwing up can mess up your life from A) awhile to B) forever.

Ymbal 1 point on 2014-05-23 19:13:21

Yeah I don't want to be a dick because I know how I felt at your age, but you should burn this account to the ground, make a new one and tell people you're 18, or better yet, actually wait till you're 18. Seriously, be careful.