I don't understand people. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-05-03 03:18:34 by electricfoxx

I don't know if it is Aspergers or if some people are just really fucked in the head. I don't feel stupid or desperate. I just feel like I understand dogs more.

Human culture is so fucked up I don't know what I am allowed to talk about anymore. Am I allowed to say "vagina" in public?

An unidentified sexual-abuse prevention trainer told The Atlantic that a mother pulled her first-grade daughter from class upon discovering that she learned the word “penis” in school. The mom shouted to the school’s counselor: “You’ve destroyed her innocence!”


Schoolgirls Suspended for Saying 'Vagina' During Reading of 'Vagina Monologues'

My mom is a cool person when it comes to movies. We watched Bad Grandpa tonight. I've been wanting to watch Akira (which is far from as crazy as Bad Grandpa was) with her, but it was difficult for me to tell her about the 2 second topless scene. It's a fucking 2 hour movie. 2 seconds is nothing. But for some reason nudity overshadows all the other crazy stuff in the movie. She was surprisingly okay with it.

It's me. I just don't understand people.

Derpyshy98 6 points on 2014-05-03 03:50:38

People will be offended by sexuality I guess. shrugs

[deleted] 10 points on 2014-05-03 04:57:01

Newsflash for that lady, your child's innocence was over the day you sent her to a public school.

rdvl97 2 points on 2014-05-03 19:53:41

I wish more people thought like this.

diabloman80 1 point on 2014-05-19 04:19:34

Because private school exempts you from learning about sex? By stating that, he basically just claimed in private school are places where the concept of sex is ignored, which is just a short step from teenage pregnancy. Public school isn't bad, kids are going to learn this stuff from other kids who's parents either don't shelter them, or are just too nervous to be the ones to talk to their kids about sex.

rdvl97 2 points on 2014-05-19 04:28:39

dude, i NEVER said it was a bad thing and I NEVER said that all private schools avoid the subject. I was saying that its stupid as hell that some people think that their kids aren't going to hear about sex while they are in school.

[deleted] 4 points on 2014-05-03 18:44:02

Innocence is highly over-valued to the point of promoting ignorance.

Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service 2 points on 2014-05-04 10:18:50

USA still have a problem with sexuality.

In France, we don't have any problem with this words. Saying "vagin", "uthérus", "pénis"... is normal.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-05-13 02:36:10

Or because its an anime and most people dont give two shits about it. Akira is a great movie

Carodenius 2 points on 2014-06-19 22:31:49

This is a cultural thing. Nudity and sexuality are thought to be a damaging thing to a young mind in the US, yet they are completely natural in different parts of the world. In Finland they have the sauna which is for cleansing. In Amsterdam children can see sex shop windows with huge dildos and other sexual items on display while walking on a day trip with their classmates. Trying to hide sexuality is just causing more harm in the long run.

I hope you will find a human that you can relate to. It might not be easy and finding a person that accepts you fully is a really hard task if you are a zoophile. I have a personal experience with this. My friend knew for years that I was sexually interested in canines. He was wary and supportive at the same time and I loosened my guard around him. After I finally had my first sexual experience with a dog I told him it in a slightly joking manner. I guess the whole concept of sex between different species got too real at that point. He was disgusted, horrified and slightly scared. Even after years of discussion and approval he realized it wasn't his cup of tea. Due to the joking nature of the conversation I was able to just play it off. Yet I feel like I lost the closest friend I've ever had. Just remember that no one is perfect. I also relate to animals and also find them more attractive than human partners. I've found humans to be too needy and selfish most of the time.