New Zoo Sub! (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-05-28 00:56:44 by [deleted]

Being someone whose interested in male on male zoo related content, as well as having seen a few requests for this in various zoo subreddits, I'm happy to share with all of you /r/gayzoo! This is for those of us with an interest in male on male zoo related content.

We're happy to welcome any who want to join, and are always welcoming new submissions. Please remember to check out the sidebar, and happy browsing!

Moderators, if this post is in any way out of line (I didn't see anything against it in the sidebar) please let me know asap. I'll be sure to take it down if necessary.

duskwuff 4 points on 2014-05-28 01:12:26

Really, did you have to? It's not like /r/bestiality is drowning in posts as it stands.

TomCruiseAMA -1 points on 2014-05-28 01:19:09

This is currently the only subreddit that caters specifically to male on male submissions. While these types of submissions can be posted in the other subreddits they are few and far between, and not easily located.

ZoroasterTheCat 2 points on 2014-05-28 02:21:20

I tend to agree with Duskwuff. There's no reason to split up the readerbase of a sub that's small enough as it is. We already have /r/Bestiality and /r/Beastiality, confusingly enough. The m/m stuff isn't my preference, but I don't see why it can't already be submitted to one of the many subs we already have.

TomCruiseAMA 2 points on 2014-05-28 02:53:35

I feel like this is getting pretty black and white. Why does their have to be any division in the community? I feel as though /r/gayzoo, which caters to a small part of the already small zoo community, is unlikely to gain enough traction to be detrimental to the major zoo subs. By that I mean to say that it is unlikely enough users will post exclusively to /r/gayzoo to effect the posting rate in the more popular zoo subs, and it's more than likely that those posting fitting content will post in both.

It [/r/gayzoo] is about catering to a minority, without being adverse to the community as a whole.

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2014-05-28 03:19:08

I don't see it as being adverse, per se, but just that we get few enough contributions to the main subs as it is, hates the necessity for creating a niche sub within a niche community? Why not just post them in r/bestiality? It's like taking r/gggggg and making a whole different subreddit for posts with only capital G's. Obviously, I have no sway on the matter one way or the other, anyone can make a sub for anything they like; I just don't see it as being necessary and I don't see the point. Quite frankly, I think the sub is going to be dead, except for a few dedicated posters.

LinkFixerBotSnr 1 point on 2014-05-28 03:19:44
TomCruiseAMA 0 points on 2014-05-28 03:39:48


[deleted] 1 point on 2014-05-28 14:26:27

Don't forget /r/zoofilia !

ZoroasterTheCat 2 points on 2014-05-28 14:45:52

Oh lord, really? I didn't even know about that one. Honestly, I wish I could hit the reset button on all the zoo subs. I approached the mods of /r/bestiality about a merger with r/bestiality, but they didn't go for it.

LinkFixerBotSnr 1 point on 2014-05-28 14:46:34
[deleted] 2 points on 2014-05-28 02:04:09

Neat, if you need help with the style sheet just ask, I know a thing or two.

loveroffilth 2 points on 2014-05-28 10:12:28

Um ok. I'm down. Oh and would love to model for any legally filmed video or stills…

ambrosemerly 2 points on 2014-06-01 18:29:51

i don't condone this, but man do i love topping guys who bottom for animals. they seem to have the sweetess of holes, especially when they're fem sissys.

BaileyDaily 4 points on 2014-06-02 23:20:54

Thank goodness! I hate browsing through and just seeing 100% straight stuff.

mafigliano 2 points on 2014-06-05 14:16:54


Aloivia 2 points on 2014-11-13 21:27:15

I know I'm late to the party, but I'm really thankful for finding this! :D