exclusively zoophile women (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-06-18 21:00:50 by [deleted]

Is there a site on reddit or online that caters to women attracted to animals?

On beast forum there are so many guys that aren't even attracted to animals just "depraved dirtly sluts".

It'd be pretty great. If anyone else (that is a woman) would join I'd LOVE to start a woman's space for bestiality that won't be inundated with voyeurism (might as well be the definition of bestiality from the huge straight male perspective on zoophilia in general)

danpetman 2 points on 2014-06-18 22:43:34

While I wouldn't be eligible to join, I think this is a great idea. The zoophile community online is overwhelmingly male and sometimes painfully hostile to women. The only flaw I see is that it'd be difficult to keep the unsavoury elements from spoiling it.

ZoroasterTheCat 2 points on 2014-06-18 23:43:25

It is a good idea, and I would support it. I don't really know how approachable the mods of BF are, or how open to new ideas they are, but I DO know they are REALLY active. (How else could the ban so many users?) I would suggest sending them a PM about creating a Female-only board on the site. The hardest part is, how do you moderate the membership? I mean, you could start your own private sub. You'd have to approve any person wanting to join, like with zoogold, but if any creepers do get in, you just ban them and remove their comments. Wouldn't be that hard to moderate.

As far as the subs I mod, I try to keep everything as polite and civil as possible, and certainly discourage any users creeping on people who are brave enough to share their experiences. I like to think, especially with zoogold, that it would be a pretty safe space. After all, it's good for the growth and activity of the sub. If people feel like they're going to be harassed, then they stop posting, and then the activity dies, along with the sub.

ThrowwwayGurl 3 points on 2014-06-19 03:14:06

Women who are into zoophilia... they seem to be some kind of lost treasure for those voyeuristic men. I get so many messages from guys that want to hook up, "watch", meet me for dinner and romance, talk on the phone... it's sometimes cute, sometimes edges into creepy. So I'd love to see a place where women can go, specifically girls who might be confused or conflicted and want to talk about their feelings without getting pounced on by a dozen guys.

But I feel that if there's a place where people know it's women only, it's going to be like a motherload, a lost city of gold, the promised land, Zion of the zoophiles. Every guy in the neighborhood will want to stand on a milk crate and peek over the fence.

Without really strict moderation it will be hard to preserve the integrity of the concept. I imagine a hilarious scene of a bunch of guys in really awful drag sitting in a circle talking to each other, each going "So... you ladies wanna tell some stories?"

I guess you could ask for some kind of verification, but that's going to alienate every paranoid woman like myself who much rather not divulge any personal info or pictures, so I really don't know how you can actually implement the idea. I'll keep watching though and hope it works out :)

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-06-19 07:49:05

bah. :( i'm so sorry it's like this for women. it's so difficult to make your way through feelings you know aren't sanctioned by the majority of society, having to hide, etc. not being able to safely reach out for that help and/or camaraderie is just shitty. hopefully you can chat with others privately, at least (perhaps throwwwaygurl would be willing to discuss things with you).

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2014-06-19 09:17:28

It's fair enough if you're looking to find a female-only zoo group, but I don't believe avoiding voyeuristic men is the right reason go about it. Although BF has a lot of users, the benefit wears thin very quickly. The spruiker in me advises that you take a look at the zoo forums at knotty.me; it's an open community with very little interest in women purely because they make love with animals. You won't find porn or anything of that nature, and while it's male-dominated like most, if not all zoo sites, there are certainly active female users. It's the zoophile orientation that's important there - sex and gender are scarcely mentioned by anyone, and nor are they important to the community.

Edit: Some seem to believe it's a clique - I prefer to think of it as tight-knit and cohesive. While it can seem closed to outsiders, the best way to feel welcomed is to come in and find yourself a spot, rather than standing on the doorstep and politely waiting for an invitation like some seem to do.

mafigliano -2 points on 2014-06-19 20:57:19

Sounds boring to me.

Yearningmice 1 point on 2014-06-20 22:24:22

I hope you find your safe spot. Having sat and watch female zoos from over their shoulder go online I sympathize. I've found even supposed "zoo-exclusive" males saying thing that just aren't right. And done of the private messages make me want to... Well, get angry anyhow.

Knotty.me is not clique ridden that I have seen, I think certain folks used to being the centre of attention say that 'cause they are annoyed. Perhaps ask for a female only subforum if you like the place? I'd expect a lot of fake women to try join up though. If you do find something please let me know. A few friends would like to have that kind of safe space.

arnset 1 point on 2014-06-21 22:11:48

R/animal romance seems to have a lot of women on it