This is how r/teenagers feels about zoophilia (
submitted 2014-06-26 21:59:36 by zooman1200
Stealthtyper Big Cats and Dogs, Reptiles 2 points on 2014-06-27 01:00:45

I'm really tempted to go there and comment on the "animals can't consent" and "There should be laws to protect animals from rape" bullshit.

I really doubt that would do any good, though. When people get this "I think that's odd and gross so I don't like it. Yuck." -attitude, there is really nothing you can say to change their opinion. I've encountered this multiple times on the internet and also IRL.

These are a great examples of what I am trying to say:

"Gross. Should be illegal as fuck. " "It's fucking disgusting"

No matter what I would say to these two, they got the mental image of a man raping a dog or something and it's -really- difficult to change that mental image.

Same should apply to other taboos, such as pedophilia. Odds are you have a negative image in your head right after you read that word.

I just think more people should understand this:

Zoophile/sexual =/= Animal rapist. Pedophile =/= child molester.

[deleted] 3 points on 2014-06-27 03:37:29


Stealthtyper Big Cats and Dogs, Reptiles 4 points on 2014-06-27 10:53:51

Yeah, I kind of forgot the fact that they are teens.

But I have come across those exact same examples when talking to adults.

I'm in a situation where I told my family I was gay (I'm really zoo-exclusive, and male, 20.) to avoid all the 'whole family waiting me to get a girlfriend.' I thought that would "buy me time" to figure out how I'm going to tell my family that I'm never going to have a girl- or a boyfriend. It also isn't an option for me to just be quiet about it, because I have anxiety issues over this and even if I told them and they would never talk to me again, I believe I'd feel better.

The point of that was that I react to this misinformation quite sensitively. When I told my father I was 'gay', He told me later: "Well, at least you're not screwing with animals or raping children."

I know when to keep my mouth shut so I did with the teens and my father. But the impulse to correct them is definitely strong.

Went a bit off topic, but I hope it's fine.

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-06-27 22:55:32


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-06-28 05:11:06

fascinating? really?

never thought it was that unusual, but the more zoos i talk to, the more it does seem to be a minority.

(i too am zoo exclusive.)

is it worth starting a "local" AMA in another thread?

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-06-28 14:01:44


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-06-29 09:46:59

well.. any specific questions?

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-06-30 00:03:56


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-06-30 09:02:21

i didn't know what it was called until much later when i was finally able to get on the internet (i'm old enough that i didn't grow up with it .. didn't have net access 'til college and didn't really know how to use it for another 2 years), but i knew i was attracted to animals from the time i was .. maybe 12 or 13. not long after i first discovered masturbation. doesn't take too long before you realize you need something to think about or focus on to get off, but it wasn't an immediate realization for me. don't know how long it was before i started exploring my sexuality with my dogs.

despite not "knowing" 'til i was 12 or 13, there are always signs you see in retrospect. if i would have been around an older zoo, he or she probably would have known or guessed i would be a zoo by the time i was between 6 and 8... maybe more definitively by the time i was 10 or so.

as for zoo exclusivity, it wasn't a specific date or time, it was a set of events and simply the course of my development (most likely being a zoophile in any regard was also determined the same way, not any one specific event). i grew up as a bit of an outsider, and definitely not among the popular, attractive kids. i would suppose that my interest in animals (intellectual/factual interest as well as growing sexual interest) kept me from feeling bad about not having a girlfriend like other guys by the time i was in late high school. eventually it got to the point where it didn't bother me at all, though i will say that i did have crushes on certain girls as i was growing up.. it just never (thankfully) developed into anything unhealthy, such as obsessing or stalking, as happens to some young men who are outcasts, but definitely attracted to humans. i had an alternative, and as time went on, it became my preference, and eventually my only desire.

pictures of naked (human) women have never really done anything for me (found a 'dirty' magazine when i was young and shared it with a friend.. i noticed he was far more interested in it than i felt). lots of furry art just looks icky to me if the characters are too human-like in anatomy, and not just genitalia but ... i have never been interested in breasts. only recently have i even found nipples/udders/etc. on animals the least bit intriguing (within the last 4 or 5 years i guess). about the only breasts i find interesting are elephant breasts, and that's probably simply because the idea of it is so odd it interests me.

ahem well, that was long. but what the hell.. i'll keep going a little further. just want to talk about species interest. i have a wide range of species that interest me, which .. seems to not be a majority nor a minority, really - about even numbers of those who focus on one species and those who don't, but it's not like i've done any real research into it. my species list has grown over the years and evolved. my primary interest of the past (big cats) has taken a back seat to other species that long ago i had little to no interest in (bears and hyenas). though through it all, i've always had the more practical interest in dogs (makes sense, considering they were the first animals i was able to find release with).

i hope that's worth your time to read. feel free to ask other questions, or for clarification on anything i've said above. there are a few more layers to the onion, i think. if you'd rather PM, that would be fine, too.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-01 06:37:13


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-07-01 17:30:21

i foolishly showed something to a friend of mine before i even had hit puberty just to show "i'm cool enough to know what sex is" .. only i displayed that knowledge via a pet... he felt the need to share that with a sibling who told my parents... don't know if that's still in the back of my siblings' and dad's minds or not, but my mom knew due to other stupidities of mine later on. let's just say i learned to be quiet during sexual exploration and activity.

my dad might have seen something later on, but if he did, he didn't say anything. i feel that my dad and at least one sibling do know, but not strongly enough that i'm willing to risk telling them, and even if i did and they already knew.. it's probably easier for them to not know for certain (if there are any doubts in their minds), so .. i need to try not to be selfish and tell them just to get it off my chest. i think it would make them uncomfortable to know, and is also unfair to force the burden of keeping my secret onto them. even if they would be ok with it, their S.O.s would not be (pretty sure), which means they'd be keeping secrets from their S.O.s and i just don't want to put them in that position.

i never really faced any criticism from friends.. the aforementioned friend isn't really a friend anymore (just drifted apart, before graduation even), but it seems like that event was forgotten. regarding dating, no one ever really says anything. back in school i'm sure it was because i'm rather unattractive, so they all figured "well, of course he doesn't have a girlfriend, LOOK at him." (which of course didn't bother me in the least; i was much happier with the dogs at home.) even now, my friends don't seem to think anything's weird. they just assume by now i'm a "confirmed bachelor". i'm probably one of the lucky ones in this regard.. i'm sure others have family members putting pressure on them to get married or whatever.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-03 12:45:36


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-07-03 19:36:44

i miss acceptance, but i don't miss contact, because i do have it. i thankfully have a wonderful family, a few siblings and friends who are all pretty close-knit. the hard part is keeping such a major part of me (a major source of happiness) a complete secret. it's frustrating and depressing at times. there are times i'll see an animal and want to just shake whoever i'm with by the shoulders and yell "how can you not see how beautiful they are?!!".

as for non-human companions being inadequate.. for mental stimulation, sure. obviously impossible to enjoy music, tv/movies, conversation, etc. with a non-human.

don't worry about prying. i've always found talking about this sort of thing therapeutic. i'll let you know if there's something i'm not comfortable answering.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-04 23:30:21


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-07-05 06:27:39

that depends on how you define "active". there is a site i joined in early 2011, but wasn't really a part of until early 2012 (i was primarily a lurker). i've met a few people now and it's been wonderful, but unfortunately i don't know of anyone real close-by to me (closest is 3 hours away). i'm in the chat room semi-regularly and post a fair amount. i guess that qualifies as active, but i haven't done anything to really help the community.

no, i don't feel being zoo-exclusive makes me an outcast; there are many others like me. there are other things that i feel set me apart, though, but i have to admit this is a point where i'd be more willing to send PMs to discuss it than continuing to post in a public thread.

as far as ending up with someone who accepts me, i'm curious in what capacity you mean. just a friend? sure. something more? .. i guess it's possible my attitude could change, but atm it's a definite no - i wouldn't want something beyond friendship with another human. either way, it wouldn't be a non-zoo. i'm way too shy and introverted to meet people and then feel comfortable enough to discuss such things.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-05 13:55:52


wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-07-05 21:47:25

thank you. i appreciate the vote of confidence, but part of that is simply due to time passing and (at least a little) wisdom acquired. however, there are still a few things i'm embarrassed and self-conscious about, hence my preference for a PM discussion, at least about certain subjects.

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-06-27 19:50:53

Dude, it's /r/teenagers.

Half of them have touched considerably less boob than they would claim and 1/5 think you can get pregnant from kissing. Also: no proselytizing to the young puppies, so meh.