Zoophilia: 100% Foolproof Contraception (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-07-01 07:38:47 by electricfoxx


I feel so lucky. Sometimes, I (a guy) feel lonely not having a girlfriend (or boyfriend). But, zoophilia means to me that I won't not be loved.

I often feel like an outsider. Brother and sister are both married. I know I can't openly express my love. The recent Hobby Lobby debacle made me feel lucky. Any female canine lover I will have (and I as well) will never have to worry (if dogs can worry). I feel lucky in that regard.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-07-01 16:08:56

heh... this is an amusing (although also entirely valid) positive side effect of zoophilia, but there's more to contraceptive meds that makes this whole hobby lobby thing utter bullshit. there are other health reasons to take those meds that have nothing to do with preventing pregnancy (forgive me, i forget what specifically).

electricfoxx 8 points on 2014-07-01 16:28:47

I find society amusing.

They're all: "Rights! Rights! Rights!" "Freedom! Freedom! Freedom!"

I'm like: "Can you pass some of that Rights and Freedom down this way?"


Society can go fuck itself.