I don't know if I should go further... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-07-05 02:18:51 by throwtro

I was masturbating today (im a dude) and my dog (not even a year old) came by and started licking my crotch. It feels great but I feel fucking bad for doing it... so I don't know if I should go further. Does dogs get weird attitudes when having sex with humans?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-07-05 06:01:22

i would recommend waiting 'til your dog is full grown.. is it male or female? IMO, dogs to not get weird attitudes about sex unless their humans impart it on them. most animals take things entirely at face value without judgement. until the dog is old enough to fully understand the sexual aspect of it from experience, IMO, it's more about the taste than anything sexual. some dogs just really seem to love the taste of cum...

[deleted] 5 points on 2014-07-05 13:41:01


[deleted] 2 points on 2014-07-05 18:23:57

Sue me.

I will confirm that neutered males won't want to take things too far, at least, mine didn't. But he couldn't get enough of cuddling and kissing, which was perfectly fine by me.

[deleted] 3 points on 2014-07-06 08:51:43
