How old were you guys and gals when you realized your a zoophile? How old are you now? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-07-13 20:36:18 by zooman1200
zooman1200 0 points on 2014-07-13 20:36:40

I was 12 when I realized and I'm 15 now

mafigliano 5 points on 2014-07-13 20:38:56

I was 11. I'm seventy now.

zooman1200 -1 points on 2014-07-13 20:43:24

How did you find out?

mafigliano 4 points on 2014-07-13 20:47:46

A friend had a very friendly dog.

zooman1200 -1 points on 2014-07-13 20:48:42

Sounds like a good way to start

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-13 23:46:02


[deleted] 0 points on 2014-08-16 23:10:41

I'm curious if you're serious about your current age. No snark. just curious.

mafigliano 0 points on 2014-08-17 10:26:11

I'm no saying. (tee hee)

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-07-13 21:36:51

a common but important question. i'd always been interested in animals.. we always had pets growing up. once puberty hit, my interest in animals just kindof .. developed into something more. i was never interested in humans sexually. i don't know what the percentage is of zoo exclusives. i was 12 or 13. can't remember exactly.

i hope you're doing alright.. it can be tough for a long while when you realize you're different. feel free to ask anything.

zooman1200 1 point on 2014-07-13 21:47:36

Thanks for the offer but it means a lot but I got over my self hate long ago and I have learned to accept it for what it is

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-07-14 04:59:25

glad to hear it :)

[deleted] -1 points on 2014-07-13 23:48:10

Similar to /u/mafigliano, I was thirteen when I encountered a friendly dog. It got me thinking, and three dogs and several years later I can very comfortably call myself a zoophile.

opentoanything 0 points on 2014-07-14 01:38:41

When I was 11 or so I would lay in bed and like our female dogs pussy for hours. That was about when I knew lol

[deleted] 0 points on 2014-07-14 08:09:19

12/13 or so. 30ish now.

Yearningmice -1 points on 2014-07-14 16:08:03

12, 45ish.

first experience 22.

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-07-15 17:18:24


Omochanoshi At her Majesty Mare service -1 points on 2014-07-16 19:56:15

First time at 13yo.

30yo now.

canadiak9 -1 points on 2014-07-17 15:26:43

Knew when I was 10/11 I believe. I'm 19 now! I can't wait until I get a place of my own and can support my future furry friend!

ZoroasterTheCat -1 points on 2014-07-18 00:16:46

Have you ever had any personal experiences?

canadiak9 0 points on 2014-07-19 03:52:27

Yes, but nothing too crazy.

THE_wobbler 1 point on 2014-07-17 20:13:38

I knew when I was 51. It was the next door neighbors male mastiff. Been at it ever since...with a little timeout for girls now and then.

Have two german shepherds now and a gf also into it.

Brunauss -1 points on 2014-08-22 20:07:35

Isn't it just great to have a relationship at that level?

DoctorWhooves99 0 points on 2014-07-18 03:25:23


DoctorWhooves99 -1 points on 2014-07-18 03:26:02

Now 24

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2014-07-23 05:39:19

figured something was up about age 14 I guess. First experience at 17 (gave a handjob to a family members german shep. I look back and wish I hadn't but I was young, horny and an idiot). only figured I should start calling myself a zoophile this year. I'm 23.

Stegnokilla 1 point on 2014-07-25 05:12:57

12 now 13

tyrynth -1 points on 2014-07-26 13:30:57

Always had pets growing up, and was always taught that they were to be treated no differently than the rest of us. Discovered porn when I was.. 11? 12? Anyway, it never occurred to me that playing with the dogs after was weird, after all, they were people too. Kind of had the same mindset ever since, and I'm 26 now.

Sadly have no beasty prospects at the moment.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 0 points on 2014-07-31 06:27:46

sigh .. if only that kind of perfect logic were more common. "we are all men and women. some of us human, some of us not."

ArconsonofKain 0 points on 2014-08-02 03:07:30

11, 18

pornomancies 0 points on 2014-08-15 07:58:52

I was nine. I'm twenty-seven now.

Pawwsies Big Ol' Canines 0 points on 2014-08-18 06:01:44

Twelve, little bit older now.

zooman1200 -1 points on 2014-08-18 07:38:35

May I ask how much older?

Pawwsies Big Ol' Canines 0 points on 2014-08-19 02:32:46

little bit older now

Gotta keep that anonymity going. Maybe if I get to know you guys a bit more. Sorry, I'm just a stickler for security.