Could I get some help with this guy? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-07-14 06:07:34 by [deleted]

Me and another user are in disagreement over what else but zoophilia. /u/CyanBird is his name, I have a hunch he's a troll but regardless, he's causing a stir. And a somewhat public one at that, which is one of the few reasons I want to address this situation at all.

This is where it's taking place. If it's not too much trouble, would a few of you join in and try setting this straight?

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-14 06:18:01


[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-14 06:23:19


[deleted] 0 points on 2014-07-14 06:33:39


Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 4 points on 2014-07-14 06:50:10

Look. I don't care what you think of zoophiles or the individual in question, but there is no reason for you to be rude or disrespectful. Agree to disagree if you must, or just walk away if you don't like what he's saying. Petty arguments are worthless, and insulting someone is no way to make yourself look like anything but an arse.

If you actually want to have a civilised argument about the morality of zoophilia, feel free to start a topic about one. Otherwise, go away.

CyanBird 0 points on 2014-07-14 06:55:23

How about, instead of all that, you fuck off and die? I'm not going to be polite or respectful to people who don't deserve it. I'm not going to "agree to disagree" with a dog rapist. You idiot, Jesus Christ. Where do you think you are right now? Are you this deluded? Take a look at where your life has taken you. Defending this scum.

[deleted] -1 points on 2014-07-14 06:34:37


[deleted] 0 points on 2014-07-14 06:38:44


Lost1010 2 points on 2014-07-14 06:41:24

Oh man this is good for a laugh. I'm showing my girlfriend later.