Dog memory? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-07-21 03:00:15 by Jacobson2210

Well the dog has recently become rather attached to me due to my actions. This has confused my family so I need to know, if I lay off of masturbating him for awhile will he eventually forget or give up?

Lostem 1 point on 2014-07-21 05:57:35

Something as dramatic as intercourse isn't easily forgotten. Laying off masturbation will most likely make him confused and be more aggressive. It usually depends on the dog but I would recommend proceeding with the masturbation.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-21 06:09:02

Not an expert - I googled that and found several things, this seemed not too bad: As it gives sources. However some of the other results clash with the statements made here in particular when it comes to past events.

In general, it is safe to say that for animals the two major motivators are food and sex. You gave him one, so he'll probably remember for a long time that you are sexable, as his brain wired up a connection that tells him so. This connection can be weakened again, by not being reinforced, but that would probably take an enormous time. My dog essentially never forgot it per se, even if i was gone a long time. But that is anecdotal evidence.

If you never react to him asking, he may eventually stop asking, though. Yes.

Why is this a problem, can't your family accept that sometimes the world changes, and you and the dog 'for some reason' discovered you 'like each other' more than you thought? Can't you make something up that you spend more time playing ball and so on with him?

Or is he being too obvious? In that case you should connect it too something else thathelps him understand when it is time and when not. Some people e.g. bring out a small bell and attach it to the collar, or take the dogs collar and put it on themselves or wear a special, distinct set of clothing. If you always have something obvious like that at a time, and otherwise reprimand him when this item is not there, he'll make a connection over time. You can then steer if you wish to receive advances or if this would be an inapropriate time, eg in public.

Jacobson2210 3 points on 2014-07-21 16:13:50

He's being obvious, and honestly as this was more of an experiment I found that I really don't enjoy it. I am very open minded sexually and decided to try it. It isn't really my thing and I wanted to stop. But the dog continues to make advancements. Eventually I hope he will give up and just enjoy it when I play tug of war with him. The reasons it's confusing for my parents is because our dog is rather old he's become depressed. They find it weird that this past week when I walk in he becomes like a puppy again.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-21 16:32:33

Well, with 'obvious' I would understand seeing his lipstick or something. If he is just generally 'excited and happy to see you', tell the story that you played a lot of ball or something with him and just be like: 'What? Do we have a pet so he can rot in the corner? Jez' Stand on that, they'll get it eventually. Also, play a lot of ball or so with your pets, they deserve it in any case.

If he digs his nose into you etc make a pshsh! noise and wave at him to show it's not ok for you at this time. If the parents are not around, and the problem is really really grave, use a spray water bottle in addition. Just don't hit him or so, he doesn't deserve that. Not even the water bottle, really.

He'll give up in a bit on trying from his side, if you signal firmly that it's not going to happen. I'd be really happy with receiving such attention ;) Sorry to hear you didn't like it. Horses maybe?

Jacobson2210 2 points on 2014-07-21 16:43:35

I'm thinking Females. The male thing was just to see how it worked as when it comes to humans I'm straight. If I had a female dog things would be different.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-21 16:49:09

Ah, I see. That's alright of course, everyone as he likes. Hope these ideas can help with your issue. Please mind the general pet needs of your current pet in the normal ways anyway. Good luck meeting your perfect partner for the future!

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-21 16:42:25

Also, if you have to spend family evenings together or so and he keeps jumping around you (I am trying to picture the exact problem...), I'd funnel his energy and attention into some exercises. Teach him a new trick of rolling over or whatever he can't do at this time. First, it takes his attention of the first thing, he'll after a little time fully concentrate on the 'game' or new trick. And second it corroborates your story that you just have spent more time with him. ;)

Gluefucktory 7 points on 2014-07-21 12:33:52

What are they doing to make you think they are confused? Unless the dog is making obvious sexual advances in public, which you need to control by setting a routine when you have sex, like setting down a special blanket.

ZoroasterTheCat 3 points on 2014-07-21 13:44:45

This exactly. Have several 'triggers' that let him know when the time is right. Special blanket, special blue jeans (or whatever) , only in one specific room.