Dog orgasms? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-07-24 05:25:09 by Jacobson2210

While it's fairly obvious when a male dog orgasms, exactly how do I know when a female dog orgasms? Also, what are some good ways to bring a female dog to orgasm?

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 8 points on 2014-07-24 12:52:48

In my (rather limited) experience, bitches tend to become visibly elated - some tend to run or dance around you for a bit before returning for more, and it is said that the 'happy dance' signifies orgasm. Many also become noticeably wetter, but dogs do not 'squirt' or anything of the sort.

As for bringing a female dog to orgasm... time, trust and care. If you're unaware, a dog's clitoris is located 2 cm or so inside the vagina, along the bottom wall, towards her legs. Only venture with bitches who trust you and know you well, and make sure to cut your fingernails. It is imperative that you focus on her - please pay close attention to her body language. Always be slow and gentle. KY is advised, and it is best if she is in heat; she will love you all the more.

Best of luck - remember that it's about her pleasure, not yours.

I really should reply to posts more often but time zones are an issue.

Edit for clarification.

Jacobson2210 2 points on 2014-07-24 16:38:29

I'm just asking for education right now. I have no bitches in my life who feel comfortable around me enough to let me do that. Maybe one day.

marrymortuary -33 points on 2014-07-30 01:25:01

Uhhh, you're disgusting. I feel really bad for the dogs you've molested and possibly raped.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2014-07-30 06:36:35

I don't care for your opinion on zoophilia; I don't think anyone else does either.

More importantly, I'd never rape/molest any animal, and neither would the vast majority of zoophiles. If you believe that all interspecies sexual interaction is rape, you're misinformed, and you're more than welcome to start a topic if you would like to discuss the matter. Uninformed, ignorant and bigoted comments are not appreciated nor tolerated. Don't criticise what you don't understand.

marrymortuary -8 points on 2014-07-30 14:51:55

Uhh, animals can't consent. They have no voice. When you rub their dicks or suck on them, they do what their prime instinct is telling them to do. Going by the true definition of consent (and not the one you made up to make yourself feel better about your nasty ass tendencies), you are raping animals.

danpetman 4 points on 2014-07-30 15:07:57

So by your logic, when you scratch a dog behind the ears, or give it tummy rubs or any other form of non-sexual petting, you're also abusing the dog, since they can't consent to that either? Not having a voice is not synonymous with not being able to consent to things (otherwise deaf-mute people would be really screwed) since it's entirely possible to consent non-verbally. This is true for animals as well. Who hasn't had a dog come up to them and nose under their hand so that you'll scratch them on the top of the head or something? Any dog owner will tell you that their dog enjoys being petted, and when asked how they know will reply "well, you can just tell, can't you?" and absolutely no-one (except possibly the most hard-line PETA types) see anything wrong with this.

You seem to be making a special case for sexual acts, which doesn't really make sense to me, since if the dog is able to consent to being touched on the head, it's able to consent to being touched on the penis. Saying that they're just doing "what their prime instinct is telling them to do" doesn't make it any more non-consensual than throwing a stick for them to fetch, or dangling a bit of string for a cat to bat at. The issue of consent only ever seems to come up when it relates to sexual matters, which is because, in my opinion, people are grasping for a logical or moral objection to something they just personally think is gross. "Ewww, yuck" is not a strong argument, so people invoke consent without actually thinking about the implications of their statement.

marrymortuary -8 points on 2014-07-30 15:34:14

Yes, of course not having a voice doesn't mean you can't consent. However, mute people, can use body language. Dogs, if they're not being hurt, will go along with the sexual contact being inflicted on them because it's their NATURE to do so.

I get your argument, but I don't agree with it. I don't think animals can consent because they can't give any gesture that they want to go along with the act you're forcing them to do so. They will just go along with it because, like I said, they don't know any better and their mating instinct is so high that they will just fuck you because that's how they're programmed. Why do you think neutered animals don't respond well at all to sexual stimulation by humans or other animals? Because their gender respective hormones are gone and their mating instinct is also gone. When an animal does something solely because it is their instinct and YOU take advantage of it, it is rape/molestation/etc.

Also, petting is different from penetrating or making a dog mount you. Non-sexual petting is just that. It's non-sexual bonding experience. Why do you think touching someone's arm isn't considered molestation by a legal definition?

I get that you'll do whatever you can in your power to convince me that you're not a disgusting freak. It makes sense, people don't want to be perceived badly. But what you're doing is disgusting. There is no evolutionary advantage for humans to be sexually attracted to animals. Humans and animals were, for a very long time, enemies, until domestication came along. Even now, they are enemies in some respect, and if you don't agree with that, you have to see the dichotomy between how a human lives life and how an animal lives life.

Dogs aren't clean. They sniff garbage, sniff pee on the ground, sniff poop on the ground, eat random crap, and then lick their penis or vagina. And then people like YOU come along and either get penetrated or penetrate the dog that has germs all over it.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 3 points on 2014-07-30 21:44:22

Actually, animals can and do give bodily gestures - have you ever been around a dog? When, say, a female dog wishes to consent to sex, she'll offer to a human in her own language; she will lift her tail to an angle of 80-120 deg, which is only used for sex. Mares, for example, tend to lift over the back. Both are unique and easily read if you have any knowledge of animal behaviour whatsoever.

Edit: I told you to move this to a new topic. This thread isn't about consent - you're probably irritating the original poster by going on about it here.

marrymortuary -1 points on 2014-07-31 01:30:49

Good to know, thanks. I've never been with an animal, sorry.

BaileyDaily 3 points on 2014-08-17 23:03:07

I don't think animals can consent because they can't give any gesture that they want to go along with the act you're forcing them to do so.


  • Keeping animals as pets
  • Cutting their genitalia off
  • Artificial insemination
  • Scientific experiments

But the moment you give pleasure to your pet, oh no! I'm sure they hate getting a sexual release. Except when my dog mounts me or initiates foreplay. He clearly can't consent.

When an animal does something solely because it is their instinct and YOU take advantage of it

this is literally every mammal on the face of the planet, including humans. Your view point means that all sex is rape. Please go learn what the fuck rape means.

And then people like YOU come along and either get penetrated or penetrate the dog that has germs all over it.


marrymortuary -5 points on 2014-08-18 01:57:21

You're a retard. I know you're going to do whatever possible to try to make your disgusting habit less taboo but it's not going to work. I get what you're saying, but I don't respect your choice. What you people are doing is gross and yes, it is rape and dog dick is infested with germs.

BaileyDaily 3 points on 2014-08-18 02:36:05

You don't have a reason for thinking like you do. It's foreign and that's all it is. Even modern philosophers disagree with you. It's not rape and implying that it is is insulting to people who have actually experienced rape (me). You cannot even formulate a reason for your opinion, because there isn't one.

If anyone is the retard it's clearly you. Learn to think rationally.

Pawwsies Big Ol' Canines 3 points on 2014-08-18 06:14:18

Nonsensical arguments against sex with dogs aside, YOUR genitalia is infested with germs. So is mine, so is everyone else's. That's how it should be, it's actually pretty healthy. Being exposed to germs strengthens your immune system, so sucking a dog dick technically makes you healthier. Especially since it's mutually pleasurable for both parties.