First timer curious about developing a relationship with a dog or Equine. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-07-27 04:15:18 by curiouscityboy

Hello everyone, I'm new to this subreddit and have been using it to explore a dormant interest in zoo-eroticism. I would absolutely love to make some of my fantasies a reality, namely making love with a female Equine or Dog. (I'm male) My main issue is that I grew up in a city, live in a city and have absolutely no experience or access to Equines. I DO have access to dogs, and could potentially get a dog of my own in the future. What advice would you give to someone in my position? Possible networks for finding people locally with similar interests? Thanks in advance...

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 7 points on 2014-07-27 08:32:59

Welcome. :)

As the de facto voice of pragmatism and rationality, I will say that any relationship you form with an animal other than one you live with is not likely to end well. I've been there, as have many others; even a platonic relationship under such circumstanes could end in anything from heartbreak to being outed, and as such I would advise you not be hasty - seek what you wish by the book. Depending on where you live and what you do for a living, the practicality of such may be marginal, but you'll be all the happier for it, as will your animal mates.

I see two feasible options you could take. If you're willing to consider moving from the city to a rural or semi-rural area (which requires much consideration and planning on its own), you may be able to buy a small farm and live with dogs and/or horses. Keep in mind that employment in many sectors is limited in rural areas, so your ability to properly provide for your animals (as well as yourself) may be limited.

If you feel you're not able to live or properly provide for your potential animal partners in a rural area, you may have no choice but to continue living in the city, which almost certainly means not seeking an equine mate - sorry, but that's how it is. You may still be able to have a dog, but that doesn't mean you should rush and get one, as being able to properly provide for one is more difficult in the city than the bush. Do your research.

As for finding people locally, that's a pretty bad idea. Right now, at this point in time, the wisest way to stay safe as a practising zoophile is to completely separate zoophilia from your normal life in the public sphere. The only safe way to meet others is to make friends with some online without the intention of meeting them, at least for a couple of years. Most processes related to zoophilia are rather long, and meeting others is no exception.

If a 'dormant interest' means you don't actually want a partner, but rather want to fulfil bestial fantasies without the responsibilities associated with keeping and loving animals, I can't really help you. If you try and find someone who'll let you fuck their dogs or horses, the risk of something unpleasant happening to you are higher than would warrant the risk, not to mention how abusive such a paradigm could be for the animals involved. The best advice I could give is for you to buy some canine and equine sex toys if a thrill is all you want. If you want more than that, true dedication will be required, for the entire lives of any animals that will live with you.

Good luck - choose wisely.

curiouscityboy 2 points on 2014-07-28 00:48:12

Thank you. Very frank and helpful. After giving it more thought, I have concluded that my intention is to develop a long term bond with an animal, potentially a sexual one if both parties are into it. I think the best thing to do is to continue to research until eventually I am ready to have a dog living with me.

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-07-27 16:51:32

I would second a lot of the things said in the other comment already.

You can give up on 'networks' right now, for its too dangerous to go and meet people without an extensive online presence - and then what are those people supposed to do with you as a noob?

In case you are serious with equines i recommend you invest first. Go to a riding school, pay for some lessons and let them show you how to groom and take care of them. That requires extensive knowledge. And you'll be able to see if this is for you. Fantasy is one thing, never seen a horse before is the other...

Then you can make up your mind further.

curiouscityboy 2 points on 2014-07-28 00:49:14

Thank you! Exactly what I needed to hear.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-28 05:39:29

Here, see if you like my sub :-)

Yearningmice 1 point on 2014-07-27 20:07:28

Don't expect to find sex for sale as that is mostly a myth. I've known folks who'd happily let you bang a pony for the price of watching you do it, always gave me the creeps. It opens up the possibility of blackmail too.

I'd never recommend anyone going further than fantasy if it is just about getting your rocks off. Animals deserve respect and attention outside the sphere of sex and to know their feelings takes time.

Now, if this desire is more than just fantasy, owning a dog is pretty simple. Lots of normal folks can help you with the important details. For horses you reallyreallyreally need to get some horse care lessons. I worked in a stable for a while and still didn't feel prepared when I finally owned a horse.

The sex will generally figure itself out if it is meant to be. When you are closer to ready, be sure to ask here about precautions, and safety tips for your partner.

Good luck.