Fascinated for years, finally got the courage to ask... (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-07-29 04:34:10 by [deleted]

After months of following posts on reddit, I'm joining in the conversation. I apologize for all the backstory, but I thought it was needed to add context to my two questions. If you want to skip all the boring text, the two questions are at the bottom of this post.

I'm a young male human who has been turned on by the thought of large male/female dogs (especially English mastiffs, St. Bernards, Leonbergers, and Labrador Retrievers) for a long, long time. Only a couple people in my life even have an inkling about this part of me. Only reason I'm posting this is because I am confident in the anonymity of my throwaway account. I started over at r/animalromance, and mustered the courage to post here.

The funny thing is that my family never owned a dog, nor have I ever encountered many dogs in my life. And yet, when a Great Dane approached me while I was out walking the other day, I felt my heartbeat suddenly intensify.

I don't even know if I want to act on these feelings, or even own a dog someday. Something deep inside me doesn't want to rule out that possibility, though. A Labrador licked my face once, and I can't help but wonder what it would have been like to make out.

I have two questions...

1) What advice do you have for someone trying to understand a zoophilic attraction that seems to have come out of nowhere?

2) At the very least, I want to make out with a dog someday, but I don't think fencehopping is the answer. What exactly does this word mean? Would it be fencehopping if I was dogsitting a gorgeous St. Bernard and one thing just led to another? How does one make out with a dog?

EDIT: Just remembered that general feelings/fencehopping have already been discussed. Derp. I typed this in a hurry without thinking too much. However, I am still curious about making out. That specific topic does not seem to have been discussed already in this subreddit.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-29 06:39:45

Good luck. Stay relaxed. I am a bit at a loss what to say, you seem to have informed yourself a lot already, but your questions are very open ended. Making out works the same as with humans...

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-07-29 07:47:41

heh heh... hi. :)

i make out semi-regularly with .. hm. is it fence-hopping? i tend to think of her as "the family dog", even though my siblings and i are not in the same household anymore. shrug i don't 'own' her, but i do take care of her (dogsit) occasionally, help with vet bills, etc., so i'd like to think she is at least partially my dog.

getting sidetracked here...

making out. whew .... yes, please! some dogs give lots of "kisses", some don't. i've heard only 1 or 2 people say they've had a dog who knows how to kiss like a human does, so basically, you can expect a lot of sloppy french kissing (if it can even be called that).

advice? yes, you really should avoid fence hopping. it can lead to some serious trouble if you're caught .. but even if you're not, you need to consider the possibility that the animal in question is actually already someone's partner, and put yourself in their shoes. i would not want some random stranger (or even someone i know, in the case of a dogsitting situation) having intimate relations with my girl. MAYBE a fellow zoo i know and trust, but only with permission.

other advice.. well.. i've always thought talking it out helps a lot. you need to sort your feelings out, and it helps to have someone who's been there to bounce your thoughts and feelings off of.

i hope you don't mind if i send you a PM...

[deleted] 3 points on 2014-07-29 08:40:34

Would it be fencehopping if I was dogsitting a gorgeous St. Bernard and one thing just led to another?

That seems like a semantics question. Whether something is fence-hopping is a less important question than whether it is wrong. Let's say John gave you permission to be in his house, and the dog wants to have sex, but John didn't give you permission to have sex with the dog. It's not trespassing, and it's not rape, but I would consider it a violation of John's trust.

Making out is not the same as sex, though. Making out with a dog is safe and legal! If you don't want it to lead to sex, then keep your dick in your pants and don't grope the dog's genitalia.

How does one make out with a dog?

Dogs will often lick your face. Don't turn away; let it happen. When the dog is licking around your mouth, lick back. This should get the dog more interested. Part your lips slightly, and the dog can stick his/her tongue in and out of your mouth.

P.S.: I like your posts in /r/animalromance :)

Edit: to answer your first question, I'm not sure zoophilia can be understood on an individual level. On a larger evolutionary scale, consider that our ancestors have only been human for 0.5 million years, and we've only been walking upright for 4 million years. Beyond that are 200 million years of four-legged mammals. It makes me consider that zoophilia is an evolutionary throwback to a time when our ancestors were four-legged and fuzzy.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2014-07-29 09:03:43

I'm really glad you've joined us here. Let me be the first to say that I thought #speciescrushsunday was brilliant, and I would have posted if it hadn't already been Monday my time.

As for your questions...

1) Understanding zoophilic attraction is somewhat of a red herring in my opinion. It isn't something that's chosen, and it can't be controlled either - hence why it seems to have come out of nowhere, as you said. Rather than asking how to understand it, perhaps you should be questioning what it means to you. How does it make you feel, about both yourself and the world around you? Do you feel ashamed, scared or fearful for your safety? Are you able to embrace it, to love yourself? Ultimately, your journey is one that most of us here are following, and we're here to help you, if you need it.

2) I generally have a rather liberal definition on fencehopping. I consider it intimacy with an animal you do not know well, do not have a duty to work with, and do not live with (ie, legally own). I only consider it fencehopping if all three of these are applicable. So, I wouldn't consider kissing with a dog you're dogsitting to be fencehopping, especially if you're not doing it on a 'first date'. Heh. Of course, there are risks involved, so be diligent and take due care.

As for kissing with dogs, if a dog has any interest in it, they won't hide it. It's as simple as allowing a dog to lick your face and then opening your mouth. Most dogs are rather sloppy kissers, but some do kiss very deeply indeed.

[deleted] 0 points on 2014-08-13 03:54:45


[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-31 03:48:24

Wow... this is a lot to take in. Thanks for your input, guys. I took a chance with this post and I'm glad to see that there's people who care.

[deleted] 0 points on 2014-07-31 07:02:22


[deleted] 2 points on 2014-07-31 07:36:45


[deleted] 1 point on 2014-07-31 08:10:53


[deleted] -1 points on 2014-07-31 16:07:31


[deleted] 2 points on 2014-07-31 20:48:50


[deleted] 2 points on 2014-08-01 04:57:05


[deleted] 1 point on 2014-08-01 04:56:05


[deleted] 1 point on 2014-08-18 01:02:23

Pm me if you want. I'm in your boat.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-08-19 10:50:57

Should've said "I know how you feel"