Anal sex with my gelding, FINALLY! : ) (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-08-03 06:11:24 by Cromcorrag

I wrote about rimming him some months ago. Since then, every time I visit him I spend some time massaging his dick and playing with his anus, both of which he loves.

Typical evening: I stand beside him, near his butt. I reach under him and scratch lightly around his belly button. He drops and gets semi hard and I grip the head of his dick and squeeze it rhythmically. He jerks a little. Not thrusts exactly, but little jerks. He leans against me and sometimes almost falls over so I have to brace myself to support him. While he jerks I start massaging his anus with my other hand. His tail goes up full mast, like a mare in full heat. Once I've rubbed his anus clean with my fingers, I get some spit on my thumb and start to thumb fuck his ass and even try to massage his prostate, he loves this. He never cums, (and I've tried sucking his dick, but he gets soft if I do, he just likes being dick squeezed and ass licked) but loves the sensation. Once he has had enough and goes soft, I'll bend over and rim his asshole. He loves this too and will completely relax his anus and sometimes push it out a little.

A couple of times at this point, I've got him some feed, then stood on a bucket behind him and tried to penetrate his ass, but he has side stepped me each time, so I give up.

But tonite was different.

Tonite he was not very into his dick being massaged. He dropped but wouldn't even get semi hard like usual. However, he was VERY into anal play. When I started rimming him his tail went fully up like a mare in heat and he squatted a little for me. As I rimmed him his anus would flinch a little as my tongue went around and inside his sphincter. This was a first. So I decided to try to fuck him again. I got him some feed, and stood on a bucket behind him and tried to penetrate him. My dick is only 6 inches long, and he has a big bottom so the best I could do was reach his anus with the tip of my dickhead. I kept pressing trying to at least get the head in, and it wasn't working. He didn't side step, but I just couldn't get it in. So I decided to just hump him. I kept a grip on his hips and kept thrusting and suddenly, he pushed his anus out and it met my dick. It felt like a little donut going around my dick as my dick slipped into him. He kept it pushed out and I thrust in and out and after only a few strokes I was cumming. As I spurted into him his tail stayed full mast. But before I was fully done he stepped aside. I got off the bucket and stood next to him again and rubbed his anus with my fingers and felt my cum dribbling out of his anus.

Well, that was quite an experience and I'll try it again next visit! After many years of trying with male horses it has finally happened! : ) I look forward to it again. He is a very sexy gelding.

foxyramirez 2 points on 2014-08-03 11:44:38

That's actually pretty impressive. I've never heard of a male horse being responsive.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2014-08-03 16:09:13

Me either. And I've tried many times over the years. First with a male shetland gelding in 1983. He allowed my thumb in his butt, but as soon as it was my dick, would step away and not let me try again. There were a couple stallions in the 90's that liked to be toyed with, but again, wouldn't allow penetration by my dick. Being a TOP, I've mostly stuck to females. But this horse has been different. I've cleaned sheaths and dicks on other male horses and never had them respond like this one has. Next visit I'll try again with him and see if it was just a fluke or if it might become a regular thing : )

Waterteck 1 point on 2014-08-04 04:08:33

You are one lucky guy

Reelix 1 point on 2014-08-14 05:30:53

Congrats! \o/