[Serious] Any central Florida zoos looking to meet up? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-08-04 09:39:28 by otterfloridafur

First time poster, just found this sub reddit, is this kinda post allowed here or is there an actual /r/zoomeet kinda subreddit? if its ok to post here.. 24/m/bi living in central Florida looking to meet up with a girl/guy/couples with pets! PM or reply if interested... also if reddit isnt a good place for this any other websites you would recommend for legit meetups? Didnt see any rules against this so posting! feel free to ask me any questions as well if wished..

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 3 points on 2014-08-04 20:54:40


This sort if post is fine, no need to worry.

And reddit is probably as good a site as any for meeting zoos, though of course you'd want to work out the logistics elsewhere.

Please, do be careful. Meeting can be dangerous if you don't already know whomever you're meeting well. As for me, I really couldn't be further from the States, so I'm no help on that front - good luck.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2014-08-05 02:20:12

Im at the wrong coast im afraid.

I've thought about trying to meet up with fellow zoos but I just imagine the conversation going something like, "so, how about those animals then?", "yep, theyre pretty neat" and then thats it.

I dunno, it would make a pretty good conversation thing at a bar and you could get some drinks down ya to keep the conversation going. But then youd be at risk of someone hearing what youre talking about.

I'm just kind of thinking out loud here.

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2014-08-06 23:07:32

Ah, yeah, its more than likely going to be awkward, but eh, no more so than meeting someone up from a dating site, I suppose. Could go well. I'd be up for it. Honestly though, I'm just really worried the person you'd meet would be some horrible, greasy recluse.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied 1 point on 2014-08-07 00:11:19

Honestly though, I'm just really worried the person you'd meet would be some horrible, greasy recluse.

ha, yeah for sure. you could ask for photos beforehand, but that would be pretty awkward if you decided not to meet up with them upon seeing what they look like. justifiable though.

but yeah, I like the idea of meeting up with someone of a similar persuasion but I just think that the risks outweigh the rewards. at the moment i've got too much to loose if someone decides they want to be a have-a-go hero and out all those nasty animal abusers ^/s

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-08-07 03:53:44

i've met 5 other zoos so far, 1 of whom i'm really close friends with now. we've met up 4 or 5 times now i think. i think i'm pretty fortunate. i'd have no problems spending time with 3 of the others.. the other i think i just don't have enough in common with interest-wise. and that's really the bottom line. i think you should spend a lot of time talking with whoever you're hoping to meet up with first. talk about more than just animals.. find out if you have any other common ground. if you don't, then yeah .. maybe not the most fun decision to meet them in person.

phiner 1 point on 2014-08-20 12:03:20

Well, I'm not exactly around your area probably. bit more north of that general region. But it's always interesting to see others at least nearby who have similar interests. :)