Very powerful writing about why zoos choose not to trust... (
submitted 2014-08-30 02:16:33 by Yearningmice
Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2014-08-30 02:37:27

Very powerful, and accurate. I, we, can only hope that zoos will have the tolerance of society in time...

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-08-30 05:42:01

i remember seeing a bit about this writer a while back. sad to see the book still isn't finished, i'm definitely curious to see it finished.

ThrowwwayGurl 3 points on 2014-08-30 06:13:46

It's odd the thought of having my partner taken away and put down never crossed my mind when I was younger. I really thought that I'd be the one punished far more severely and be put in a mental institution if caught, or at best years of therapy, medication and sent away from my family.

After reading about cases and the consequences to the animals involved, I realize that if I knew then what I know now, I probably would have ended all activities for fear of what would happen to my lover. I didn't really care what happened to me, but in hindsight, I probably wouldn't have faced any consequences that wouldn't have eventually blown over due to my age... but my partner would have been taken away and quite possibly put down. That thought terrifies me even though he's already passed on. Every time I was almost caught comes back to my mind with a new perspective.

"Just by their continued existence, these animals are viewed by society as “an offence to human dignity.”"

The contradiction of human society is mind boggling at times.

"What you're doing with that animal disgusts us, we believe it must be abusive to the animal so we must punish you. And since we cannot have you put to death, we must put the animal to death instead."

zoozooz 3 points on 2014-08-30 10:23:56

I'm not living with any animals but I wouldn't dismiss the other reasons too much. There are basically hate groups of people on facebook. Take for example this recent post and read some of the comments (it's in german):

For those that don't understand german, here are a few highlights:

Even seeing them sitting there... Take a baseball bat and beat them in the face until they don't move anymore. They are filth and filth doesn't have rights.


[...] I know Michael Kiok (not personally, because then he wouldn't be healthy or alive).

or the comments to this post:

[...] This zoophile is filth like child abusers. And filth must be gotten rid of no matter how.!!!


Such a piece of shit should keep out of my sight, then I'll stick this piece of shit something up his ass. then he has fun!!!!

Sure, most of these threats are empty, but are all of them? I wouldn't want to risk my health or life to find out.

And even if all of them are empty threats, I would not look forward to being constantly harassed by people who "want to open the gas chambers again for people like me".

There are several good reasons to stay anonymous.

Yearningmice Equus 1 point on 2014-08-30 13:25:45

But feminists, vegans, and pretty much anyone with an alternate view of the world gets the same threats. Yes, you'll always have those crazies who do more than just talk but we are just one small target. I mean gays in Montreal, of all cosmopolitan places in N America, get beaten up every year.

I do agree the other things shouldn't be dismissed, I'm an active member of horse things around here and it would make life less fun. But really the only important thing is my mate.

zoozooz 1 point on 2014-08-31 11:08:59

I think this is still another level. There are a lot of places on the internet where there are people who literally want to see us dead.

I didn't want to dismiss the care for the animal partners. I just wanted to say personal safety reasons alone would be enough for me.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-08-31 06:13:45

This book needs to get published.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-09-09 07:35:19

zoozooz made a good point. There's no way I'd believe that risk to animals is everyone's biggest fear. That's only what it ideally maybe should be.

Treated generally trust is a very dumb contract and it's one thing to risk your own life to it, it's completely different to risk someone's else's. To make that acceptable either there has to be practical necessity or overwhelming benefit to the dependent, to offset the risk in trust (which should be minimized concurrently) by a large margin, or have some kind of leverage or prediction to eliminate the reliance on dumb trust.

True trust should be a last resort for anyone with animals in this climate. Not to mention its risks are cumulative over your lifetime (others described this well on this reddit). I say "true" because the word is misused heavily to include way too much: Reworded, leverage, incentive and other tactics of control/prediction are not trust and are the lesser dumb tools to use socially. Ideally you try to eliminate the reliance on trust wherever possible, not make it the centerpiece, which is what various idiots have been doing (sorry but it really is stupid, and the only reason that idea survives is that law enforcement and even recently witch hunts are rare; there's nothing wrong with encouraging people to behave in a trustworthy way in itself but everyone ends up with the potentially dangerous wrong idea).