New Vice documentary: Animal Fuckers (
submitted 2014-08-30 19:34:35 by ZoroasterTheCat
electricfoxx 3 points on 2014-08-30 19:41:46

I'm selective about who I tell that I'm bisexual. This is just crazy.

ZoroasterTheCat 2 points on 2014-08-30 19:46:57

I know. Insanity. I don't know if those guys are brave or stupid. Both, I guess.

doghumper 4 points on 2014-08-30 21:44:45

I guess I'm biased but the animal rights activists appeared way more crazy than any of the zoophiles in that video, and Vice did a pretty good job at presenting the arguments for legalization.

Too bad they didn't dive into what happens to the animals of those that are arrested. They have a nasty habit of ending up dead, claimed to be too "damaged" and unadoptable. My greatest fear is the police taking or shooting my dog for any reason. One day, maybe the veterinary becomes suspicious :(

ZoroasterTheCat 3 points on 2014-08-31 01:28:10

The reason why most ARAs sound crazy is because the majority rely on appeals to emotion to state their case, or just plainly don't back up their stance with any argument whatsoever. "This causes distress to the animal!" Yeah? Why? Because you say it does?

zoozooz 2 points on 2014-08-31 10:39:14

I always wonder why journalists and in that case Vice doesn't ask at least some questions. When they show the facebook page with that unknown dead dog from an unknown location, why don't they ask if this sort of animal cruelty isn't actually already illegal and whether this kind activism isn't intentionally misleading.

You wouldn't think it works, but it does. Look at the comments on those petitions and there are tons of people who believe that animal cruelty is not illegal and that with a signature on the petition they help making animal cruelty illegal.

There are dozens of petitions to "ban bestiality" but I have not seen a single one that has an honest description of what they are actually trying to ban.

Really, the only thing people need to do is to start thinking critically to not take part in such "activism".

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-09-01 03:10:30

They claim there are a hundreds of animal brothels in Denmark drawing animal sex tourists from the surrounding countries and then fail to provide any evidence. Denmark's a pretty small country. If the practice were so widespread, then it would have been found out by now. It's those ghost stories that got bestiality banned in Sweden.

zoozooz 3 points on 2014-09-02 08:20:58

"They" also claimed the same about germany:

Now you can be fined to up to 25.000€ for having sex with a nonhuman animal and apparently it's no topic anymore. To my knowledge there never wasn't even an estimation of how many of those "animal brothels" supposedly existed and there was never any investigation into whether those supposed animal brothels stopped after the change of the law. Maybe someone should start asking questions whether that law actually had any effect on anything.

Of course a few anti-zoophile "activists" still say this is not enough and want to make it a felony (mostly by arguing that it is always animal cruelty and ignoring that animal cruelty is already a felony).

DoctorWhooves99 1 point on 2014-09-01 19:15:03

This makes me wonder how man people have actual had some sort of zoo expince in there life, any one else