Does anyone else remember The Romance of Tippy and Silverwolf? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-09-10 03:19:51 by zpquestion

Hopefully the title rings a bell. If not, The Romance of Tippy and Silverwolf was an incredible series of stories and poems written by a man about his loving relationship with his dog. I loved that work to death some 8-10 years ago, but now it seems to have been wiped from the internet.

I've been looking hard, but I can't find it. Does anyone else remember these stories? Has anyone saved them, or have any idea where to find them?

duskwuff 1 point on 2014-09-10 04:39:26

That's a really good question. I'm pretty certain that I have a copy somewhere; I'll upload it somewhere and post a link when I find it.

duskwuff 1 point on 2014-09-10 04:49:46

Well, fuck, I can't find it either! I was able to find an old URL for it, but it's been dead for a LONG time. If it helps you any, though:

zpquestion 3 points on 2014-09-10 05:01:01

Thanks for responding.

I have good news!

Through pure, blind luck, I found the archived page!! I was so excited.

Some of the stories aren't working, but a lot are.

From what I recall, that's definitely the site. If you're curious, I was fumbling around and remembered an old page on delurking and wanted to read it. A google of delurking brought up a source from I stuck that site in the wayback machine (holy memories, batman), and found silverwolf in the site's resources.

So wonderful :)

duskwuff 8 points on 2014-09-10 06:25:12

YES! That's the one!

And through a HUGE stroke of luck, I found a copy archived off in a spot I wasn't looking before! Looking at the dates, it looks like I must have downloaded it around 2004.

And whoa, it's a lot raunchier than I remember. Damn. Maybe that's why I saved it. :)

I've uploaded the site to:

You can also download the whole thing as an archive at:

zpquestion 2 points on 2014-09-10 15:14:42

WOW! Thanks very much. I will save this forever.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 3 points on 2014-09-11 00:56:33

ooo nice find. Ive never seen this before but I'm liking it so far.

edit: ok, holy crap this is amazing. whoever wrote this has such an awesome writing style. thanks for bringing this to the community.

Twerk4Hitler 1 point on 2014-10-27 20:36:18

Is this based off a true story?

Twerk4Hitler 1 point on 2014-10-28 19:13:03

oh god what the fuck these are the most depressing stories i've ever read


"I scream at night to hold you, to feel you against my side. I shake in fear, in anger, in the damp coldness of alone. A man already when your heart I met, a king became I touching you. Now, a speck of dust defeats me, a hollow empty sound sends me cowering into darkness. With a memory, terror envelopes me at the thought of never holding you again."

I wonder what happened to the author. He seems to have disappeared from the net in 2004.

Pawwsies Canines! 1 point on 2014-09-13 04:51:48

I liked this one. It's a bit of a tear-jerker, at least for me.

Shadow4321 1 point on 2014-11-04 02:50:30

Hello. I was a friend of Silver in RL, though it's been a few years since I've seen him. I'm happy to see his writings still shared, and think he would be too. To answer a couple questions: He did claim the stories were true, and I have no reason to doubt him. I know personally that she existed, years before either he or I discovered the internet, and before I had any interest in zoophillia. My ignorance at the time I found the stories and recognized her picture probably was responsible for him leaving the web community a dozen or so years ago, though he was in ill health at the time too. The last time I spoke to him, after discovering I enjoyed sex with my dog that was named after one of his, he told me he just wanted to be left alone with his memories and that sex alone did not make you a zoo. I argued that and lost a friend.

His poems were depressing sometimes, but that is because Tippy died well before he began writing of her.