Did anyone else notice an increase of post in the other zoo related subs today? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-09-16 20:32:44 by zooman1200
Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2014-09-16 23:03:18

I had a look around, can't see anything out of the ordinary.

What are you talking about?

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-09-17 05:39:49

i have noticed a definitive lack of any posts in the zoo related subs i follow. apparently i'm following the wrong ones.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2014-09-17 06:10:33

I refuse to accept it's my fault.

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2014-09-17 19:49:49

I haven't been as active as I would like, lately :(

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-09-19 07:56:46

i'm not saying it's anyone's fault. i just found it sad. it's like a lot of people just decided to stop posting to reddit entirely.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 1 point on 2014-09-19 10:55:53

A lot of redditors, and zoo ones are no exception, have found that Reddit has lost its appeal. I haven't been using it long enough to see a real change, though even in the last year, the number of knee-jerk reactions in relation to zoo content seems to have increased.

pinkstray 1 point on 2014-09-18 03:05:07

Zoo activity is spotty at best.

Myoki 2 points on 2014-09-19 11:13:54

Always has been. I'm sporradically active in whatever zoo communities I can find but they all seem to fluctuate wildly.

Can't say I blame them. It is a borderline (if not completely) underground community, not exactly something that can be safe to associate with too much.

pinkstray 3 points on 2014-09-20 00:50:07

Sadly so. Zoo shared relationships online define the meaning of "web of trust"

Pawwsies Canines! 1 point on 2014-09-23 02:23:35

I'm very late, as I've not been on this alt in a bit (as we're discussing here, zoo activity is spotty at best), but what subs exactly?