Sex with neutered dog (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-09-17 02:39:53 by mbeastn_

I had my first sexual encounter with my dog today. It was very short however, as I tried to give him a blowjob but I couldn't figure out how to get him fully hard and what to do with the sheath. I've read up a bit, and I think I can get him hard and to orgasm, but what I'm wondering is how long it'll take for him to become acclimated to me being around his penis. And also, is there any way I can get him to mount me? If any of you are wondering, he got his testicles removed relatively old and had developed pretty far sexually, so I think he'd be content with me sucking him off.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2014-09-17 05:49:03

This is the best advice I've ever read as to what you should do when it comes to studs, from our very own /u/ThrowwwayGurl.

I don't want to tell you you're out of luck, but most males lose their interest once they've been neutered, regardless of how old they were at the time. Most intact dogs are very eager, sexually - they do not need any acclimatisation, and why should they? Males of all species want to get their rocks off - humans are hardly alone in that. The contrast between neutered and intact males is stark, and quite surprising if you've only been around the former. It certainly shocked me, the first time.

What I'm saying is that many neutered males won't become erect because they have no interest and no testosterone to drive their libido. That isn't the case for all of them, as some do retain interest, but it is true for the most part. If ThrowwwayGurl's advice doesn't work, he isn't into it, which means you shouldn't try to suck him off. If he wants it, he will make it abundantly clear; if you are left in any doubt whatsoever about it, he isn't interested, and you need to respect his wishes. Remember than his wellbeing is more important than your desires.

Edit: As for mounting, eager males (again, exuberant intact ones) try and do it when you first get their interest, sexually. Less energetic males will wait until you assume the position, and others won't try and mount at all. Here is a pretty comprehensive guide on it, though I do doubt that your dog will have any interest. That isn't his fault, and you shouldn't love him any less if that's the case.

4-paws 2 points on 2014-09-18 01:17:44

Dogs are like people, and you will need to create a safe mood and space for him to feel comfortable. Be sure you have time, and be very relaxed, there should not be urgency. It is necessary for the experience to be very positive.

If your dog is not yet accustomed to touching, this will take longer, do not go fast. I do not think ThrowwayGurl's advice is so good, because I think it would scare many dogs, and it is something they can be uncomfortable with. You can try it, but I think it will create anxiety if a dog knows not the experience and is neutered. I think the best idea would be to try slowly at first still in the sheath to see if the dog likes it.

Remember this is a bond built from love and trust, this is even more important in castrated dogs. The relationship should be an extension of affection, and will probably not function if this is not there.