What are peoples preferences? (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-09-22 04:18:04 by LionessLover69

What sorts of animals do people prefer? I'm just curious as to what are more common. You can guess my preferences based upon my user name.

zooman1200 3 points on 2014-09-22 04:24:39

I would assume dogs and horses

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 2 points on 2014-09-22 04:43:08

primarily dogs. I wouldnt deny a mare if offered though.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2014-09-22 08:26:32

most people you'll find like dogs and horses.

there could be a lot of reasons for that, some of them actually inherent from millenia of living alongside them and through the domestication process, we left our mark on them and vice-versa. .. but that's just a hypothesis.

the other obvious possibility is simply that those are the animals we're around the most and respect the most and can interact with the most. horses are rarely food to us vs. other species that we interact with plenty, but don't respect (for lack of a better way to put it.. not sure respect is quite the word i really want here). other animals (thinking wild animals here) we respect but aren't able to interact with safely.

to actually answer the question for myself .. well.. i don't know if i'm an anomaly or what, but i'm attracted to LOTS of different species, which is a blessing and a curse. humans are about the only mammals i'm really not interested in as more than friends.

to be more specific, my strongest attraction has varied over the years. i used to be most attracted to tigers, but now it tends to be grizzly, polar or spectacled bears (black bears and asiatic black bears are ok, too). i'm also interested in/intrigued by hyenas.

from a more realistic standpoint, though, i'm quite attracted to canines and could be happy with one of any number of breeds (or species, if certain wild species were already domesticated). i also find horses attractive and would like to get to know them better (i've had basically no experience with horses).

i'm also interested in many, many other families/genuses - big cats (lions, tigers, cheetahs and cougars, mostly), cervines (deer, elk, moose), bovines (cows, wild and domestic), pinnepeds (seals/sea lions), cetaceans (dolphins/whales), mustelids and other small carnivores (wolverines, badgers, otters, raccoons, etc.), lemurs, large bats (flying foxes, specifically) ...

i'm a messed up ball of want. i would get cozy with any interested mammal (male or female, though i do mostly prefer females) that wouldn't hurt me.

Pawwsies Canines! 2 points on 2014-09-23 03:26:36

I feel the same way, I'm primarily attracted to dogs but I feel that I could be with almost any animal if they were willing to be with me. Humans just don't have the same hold over me as other species do.

Canines are easier to keep in general, and dogs have been domesticated for thousands of years. It's a really fascinating subject and it's too bad not many scientific studies have gone into zoophilia and why we're attracted to animals.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 3 points on 2014-09-23 08:22:06

agreed about the lack of studies. "why are we attracted to a species other than our own?" is indeed the big question (IMO).

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-09-28 23:09:36

That always seems like a(nother) waste of research dollars to me.

Myoki 2 points on 2014-09-24 10:49:18

Couldn't have said it better myself. Respect ♥

You pretty much hit the nail on the head; I've grown up around dogs. Been a suburban girl my whole life, not a whole lot of room around here for horses, and yeah, like you said, dogs are easily domesticated because of our history with them.

But, like you, my interest has gone all over the place, not helped by the fact that I'm also a furry, and seeing certain species in art often gets me into the actual species. One cute picture of an alligator and I was on an alligator kick for a while. I think they're just adorable and would love one as a pet (good luck with that, though).

It's been dolphins, hyenas, tigers, cervidae of all kinds... Though mostly it's stuff smaller than me; like foxes, otters, raccoons, foxes (I really like foxes). So yeah, it's an interesting little thing to have so much love for other species outside our own. I like to think we might see more studies in our lifetimes.

NBRPony 1 point on 2014-09-22 13:51:57

The domesticated species will always be the most common. Between dogs and horses I think the canine folks far out-number the horse folks. Dogs are just easier to keep. I am primarily interested in horses and other equines, but I am also a fan of female bovines. Farm animals in general are a pretty big turn on for me these days.

Yearningmice Equus 1 point on 2014-09-22 16:58:34

I've lost my heart to a particular mare. Definitely equine centred although I'm open to almost anything.

DoctorWhooves99 1 point on 2014-09-22 23:04:13

I love Husky:)

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 1 point on 2014-09-23 19:33:39

Late is better than never. ;)

I echo what others have said; dogs and horses, of both sexes, though I tend to prefer studs and stals to bitches and mares, and I prefer dogs to horses overall.

Edit: you can count wolves, dingoes, coyotes, African wild dogs and zebras as dogs/horses that I find attractive too, of course.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-09-24 08:59:24

don't forget dholes! (asian wild dogs). see past SCS for pictures... i can't remember which date. sometime in august, i think.

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-09-23 21:02:46

Me horses.

Most people horses and dogs.

Used to be that cows had a huge fanclub, but nowadays many people live in the cities.

After that in general more mammals than non-mammals.

Dolphins get an honorable mention for making more people fall in love with them than you would think.

Zoodonym 2 points on 2014-09-24 00:55:47

Dolphins, surprisingly enough, and horses. I'm curious about dogs, but I'm also severely allergic so I feel like that's tempting fate and asking for a disaster.

danpetman 3 points on 2014-09-24 01:23:11

You wouldn't be wrong. People have died from anaphylactic shock due to dog cum in the past after getting mounted and not knowing that they were allergic. Apparently cum generates a stronger reaction than fur or dander, so getting a cupful of that inside you is a recipe for bad times.

mcigoakt 1 point on 2014-10-01 22:06:04

Aside from humans, I'm only really attracted to mares. Part of me wonders if it's at least partly because among non-humans, they have some of the most human-looking vulvas. Dogs do absolutely nothing for me, though I became rather aroused after reading first-hand accounts of dolphin encounters.

Battlecrops dogs, big cats, snakes, ungulates 1 point on 2014-10-06 01:21:35

Dogs are definitely number one (I wonder why that is for so many people?), cats big and small, snakes, and I like deer a lot too. I didn't care too much for horses originally, but now I'm more curious about them.