VICE interview with a self proclaimed 'heterospecies'. Some good discussion on the topic of consent, animal rights and community. (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-09-26 00:56:15 by actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied

Found this article while I was searching for the Danish Animal Ethics Council 2006 publication: 'Statement on humans’ sexual relations with animals'.

Although I didnt find it I did find an old VICE article that I found to be a pretty decent read through. I figured some of you guys might want to check it out. Im especially curious if anyone else feels they have a natural 'gift' with working with animals as the article suggests. The skeptic in me believes this is just our brains translating the incoming stimuli differently to non-zoos thus making us 'feel' like we understand them more, but Ive got nothing to base this on.

I'm going to warn you now though, don't read the comments at the bottom.

etiedkhalasar 2 points on 2014-09-26 01:29:12

Wow that was...surprisingly nice?

danpetman 1 point on 2014-09-26 02:24:49

My first thought: "Oh god, there's only one a in bestiality"

The article itself gives me mixed feelings. The majority of it is just Spink talking in rather over-the-top language (he mentions "torture farms" for example) with no real input from the interviewer. It feels like more of a diatribe than an interview, and the level of hyperbole and the general tone feels off to me. I would have preferred something a bit more restrained and dispassionate, but I can't really blame the guy for getting all het up about it; he's in jail for it after all. That being said, I really don't feel that Spink is a good spokesperson for zoophiles. Even putting aside his conviction for running an "animal brothel" (which is something even zoophiles would tend to look down on), he's not the cleanest of characters, and definitely not who I would choose to be an ambassador.

Finally, while it's nice that a somewhat mainstream magazine would interview someone like Spink, the beginning of the article, before the interview starts, is not exactly friendly. It uses phrases like "the bizarre, brutal world of bestiality" and "just another animal fucker" which don't really put the reader in a sympathetic frame of mind. It's hardly the end of the world, and I've read far worse things, but still, they could have made a BIT of an effort to avoid the offensive language.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 1 point on 2014-09-26 04:57:01

I agree it was more just the guy talking after given a few starters but he still raises some valid points in my opinion. I hadnt really looked into his background at all but your right about him probably not being the best ambassador for the cause, on the other hand if he's willing to put himself out there in the name of zoophiles then youve got to give him some credit, surely?

Yeah I agree some of the language was over the top but thats just them playing to their audience.

zoozooz 1 point on 2014-09-26 16:36:41

Even putting aside his conviction for running an "animal brothel" (which is something even zoophiles would tend to look down on), he's not the cleanest of characters, and definitely not who I would choose to be an ambassador.

Do you know more? I have tried reading about him a little bit, but it's hard finding anything objective. For example newspapers always write about his animal brothel and how there was one guy from wales there, but they don't even speculate about how many visitors his "brothel" has had in total and nobody will write about the actual relationship between the two. For all I know they could have been good friends. Or the guy could have been a customer at an animal brothel.

I mean I haven't found one newspaper reporting on him who has questioned the story of the vaseline mice and why they were immediately euthanized and why there are no pictures of anything. There is this journalist writing a book about him who does question it, to put it lightly: But I don't know... The whole blog sounds a little bit over the top supportive of him...

What's the truth?

How could I possibly judge his character when journalists have just collectively decided to not do their job when writing about him?

danpetman 1 point on 2014-09-26 17:00:41

I admit that the reporting of the case is replete with exaggeration and outright fabrication, but the guy is still a cocaine smuggler who was caught with 149 kilograms of it in 2005. We can do better in terms of community representatives.

zoozooz 1 point on 2014-09-26 17:59:13

Yea, not the best face for a movement, but for the cocaine itself: as long as people in general see nothing wrong with alcohol and nicotine being legally sold I fail to see what's all the buzz about.

danpetman 1 point on 2014-09-26 19:21:01

I think my position on this would be that while I personally think that criminalization of drugs is not an effective solution, there's a difference between taking cocaine and being involved with wholesale distribution. The drug trade is demonstrably harmful to society, even if the drugs themselves are not.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 1 point on 2014-09-26 07:26:06

I wonder whether Spink visits here. I've been to his site a few times, and while he's never seemed like a bad guy to me, I know there are drastically opposed views on ol' Fausty and his selling of bestiality and coke. If any of you are on knotty, I've brought him up in the past, with... mixed results. He's really made some enemies.

As for the interview itself, I was surprised at its openness as well, and it's definitely nice. I might get in touch with Vice to thank them and see what they're aiming for with their recent pro-zoophilic stance - we have a pretty powerful ally, and that shouldn't be overlooked. Again, watch this space.

I'd say that heterospecies folks are generally and noticeably empathetic in essential nature.

Be careful with things like that, though. Zoos have a history of wolfling down confirmation bias-inducing ego-inflating information and reveling in it, to the extent that it has been suggested that we are better than others when we are not. The comment on having a 'gift' for animals is a misnomer too - we may be more attuned to them because we have a generally greater interest in them, and thereby spend more time getting to know and understand them than the general populace, but there is no reason to believe that a zoo who has never had contact with animals is going to be any better with them than anyone else in a similar situation.

Oh, and here is the Danish Animal Ethics Council statement. :)

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 1 point on 2014-09-28 18:16:19

Oh, and here is the Danish Animal Ethics Council statement. :)

oh sweet thanks a bunch for this. Its actually a far bigger document than I expected, fair play to the Danish.

keep us in the loop if you do decide to get in touch with anyone, It'll be interesting hearing their response.

Cheers man!

Pawwsies Canines! 1 point on 2014-10-03 03:27:15

He's a very strange individual. The way he speaks and the things he says almost make sense, but it's like he's trying to be meaningful and profound but it falls flat. I commend him on being able to be open about being "heterospecies" though, even if he was forced out.

I don't know what to think about him, but Vice did an awful job with the title. It's clickbait at it's finest.