Accepting who you are (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-10-13 06:34:16 by [deleted]

Never thought I'd be posting in a place like this... I've recently come to accept and am just starting to be okay with the fact that I'm zoosexual. I realized that I was when I was a young teen, but felt a lot of shame and guilt about it- I still do, I guess, just because I think my partner would hate me if they ever knew.

A little about me: my companion dog, who was best friend and someone I also considered my lover, passed away last year. I'm also attracted to humans, but ever since they passed, my sex drive has completely vanished, as I'd ended up in a very awful depression and was unable to do even the most basic things. until I recently discovered these zoo subreddits. I've never actually watched any zoo porn before (I had no idea where to look), but now that I've found places to view it, I've realized that it's really the only thing I have an actual sexual or romantic desire for, and I just keep thinking about how much I miss having such a deep romantic connection to someone of an entirely different species.

I still feel guilty about all of it, though. And I acknowledge that I haven't a reason to, logically. I study ethology and train animals, I know that animals can and do consent to sexual encounters with humans, but I guess I've just internalized the stigma surrounding it. Anyway, I really hope that I find others to relate to in these communities.

furvert_tail Equine, large canid 1 point on 2014-10-13 08:11:11

Welcome! I had to look up what ethology is, it's nice to read from one who studies it: one of my fears is my own ignorance in that exact area.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-10-13 14:40:47

Hi there, glad you overcame that bump in your life.

Stay true to who you are, you sound awesome!

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 2 points on 2014-10-14 05:54:40

i hope you can come to terms with all of this. if you still love your human partner it could definitely make things difficult, trying to hide such a large part of yourself that makes you happy.

you will definitely find people you can relate to here, as long as you're willing to reach out a bit.

welcome. :)

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 2 points on 2014-10-18 02:39:07

I am not a zoo, but I do know how you feel and where you are coming from. I agree, there is nothing wrong with your attraction, do not let the feelings of society become yours. If you start feeling down about it, there is always the people here and my PM box is always open to anybody who needs to vent or talk for any reason (well for now it will have to be by email to because I seem to be having a weird glitch where nobody ever gets the replies I sent to their PMs).