Just curious as to how many others are like me (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-10-20 02:15:56 by Waterteck

So I am a zoo (male) but I don't own any animal, and I know I cant own one for a while due to lack of money. Is anyone else like this where they know what kind of animal they love but doesn't have access or ability to own an animal?

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 3 points on 2014-10-20 06:10:12

Yes, certainly.

If you can find the time, I'd suggest you give some of it to volunteer someplace with animals. While it's better to work with them for salary, I'm going to presume you have a commitment in the way of a job or education that prevents you from taking it on as primary employment.

All I can really say for my own personal safety is that deciding to work with animals is one of the best choices I've ever made. Being a zoo without animals is tough, but being able to spend time with them is a way of filling a need that isn't being met at the moment. Plus you can then go home and know that you've made good in the world that is so often cold and empty.

I strongly suggest you consider it - I can almost guarantee that you won't regret it for a moment.

Edited for typo

Yearningmice Equus 3 points on 2014-10-20 11:59:37

Absolutely. I spent almost 15 years without horses in my life because of school then career. It was most certainly a mistake but without a horse it is really hard to get into the equestrian scene. Even though one of my first jobs was working at a stable caring for horses before I went off to college. I think that owning an animal is a rare privilege for those of us who really love them. We tend to make sure we have a home before we get an animal because we understand that it is a lifetime commitment. Many of the zoos you'll find on the net are younger folks who are just now getting their legs under them. So I'd guess about 50% of the active folks you meet will be without an animal. I second Tundrovyy-volk's comments. Make a plan, work to it and try to include your animal of choice. At the very least you will feel good at night when you know you've made the world a better place for just one animal.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-12-21 01:04:49

15 years is a long time.

[deleted] 2 points on 2014-10-20 13:21:07

Short answer: Yes, so many people...

Lostem 1 point on 2014-10-20 20:43:55

Yep. Sadly, I'm one of them

LionessLover69 1 point on 2014-10-20 21:33:21

My situation is similar but I can never really be with my preferred species. Lionesses are very dangerous and I cant find any evidence of a relationship with one. Plus they cost alot.

Good luck, one day you will be able to get the animal of your dreams.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 1 point on 2014-10-21 01:48:03

+1. Its in the works but unfortunately I need more money and a be a bit more settled before I would feel comfortable with owning a dog. I've got a few more goals to accomplish first but I'll get there eventually, hopefully within 5 years.

Pawwsies Canines! 1 point on 2014-10-21 03:52:34

My situation is similar, not due to money, but due to still living with parents who neuter and spay judiciously. That and the fact that we have two cats and a small dog that wouldn't take well to having a larger dog around the house.

Waterteck 1 point on 2014-10-22 02:51:45

Im in a similar situation, I don't live on my own yet although I could with my wages I'm saving, and I have the opposite problem at my house as in my parents have 2 un neutered male german shepherds. Sadly norther can be trusted for reasons I cant say on here. But bottom line is if I were to buy myself a dog right now, if it were female shed be constantly under sexual advances from the 2 shepards. Just like our small female dog. Too small to even bread in her bread of dog yet thoughts 2 mount her any chance they can. Shes given them scars on their faces as proff she doesn't want it but they don't care. And I would never bring another animal, let alone my love into that situation.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-10-21 04:58:27

yeah.. i'm somewhere between lionesslover's situation (my primary attraction is bears) and actuallynotazoophile (though i finally will have a place of my own very soon) ... and something other. i still have doubts about my ability to care for a dog sufficiently. i love them but i have a very hard time with the daily routine. i'm just stuck in my habits i guess. i dunno.

Pr0n_Stuffs 1 point on 2014-10-21 19:23:51

I'm unfortunately in the same position. what helps me the most is allowing myself to fantasize about all the aspects of having an animal, emotional sexual and physical. Although im inexperienced and young, this helps me a lot.

zooygirly 2 points on 2014-10-23 03:37:57

Exactly this. Living situation and money reasons do not allow me to have a pet and take care of it properly, so I simply do not have a pet. Until I'm able to fittingly provide I just won't have one, sadly. But it's for the better.

Cromcorrag 1 point on 2014-10-31 16:11:42

I was in your shoes for several years. Completely understand your situation. Till you can afford your own, volunteer at shelters and boarding stables.