Questions and Concerns (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-11-06 18:57:28 by throwawayjam78

Hi all. I've recently reluctantly accepted the fact I have a slight beastiality fetish. I don't like animals myself, or would I ever fuck one. But recently the thought of a dog and girl has been a fun one to think. I was denying it for a while because being aroused by something you used to be disgusted by isn't easy to accept, but I just resigned to my fate.

However, this is where my concern/question pops up. The thing that got me to accept it was an accident. I was searching the internet for porn, as you do, and stumbled across a video of a dog and a girl on Tumblr. Then I may or may not have found a few more and watched those too.

The problem is, I don't even know if that is legal. Do I have to worry about some kind of legal consequences for watching such stuff? I thought about searching up other videos, but I don't know how legal it would be for me to do so, and I'm not trying to get in legal trouble or have the info that this turns me on out in public.

I figured you lot would know better. Thanks.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 1 point on 2014-11-06 20:14:55

It's a mixed bag, and the laws in many places are nonspecific and ambiguous. The solution is to "ensure" (because 100% risk-free browsing is never possible) your safety regardless of the legal status.

Use Tor, or get yourself an encrypted VPN. Here is an overview of the services - it is imperative that you choose one that doesn't log. If you're unaware, a VPN tunnels data between you and a remote server, which in turn does your browsing for you. It lets you mask your IP and location, and, so long as you set up well, makes it practically impossible for anyone to find you. They're not free, so expect to pay about $50/year. I personally recommend PIA.

Take care and enjoy your porn in peace.

~ T-V

throwawayjam78 1 point on 2014-11-06 20:27:50

So, since I've watched videos like this without that stuff, am I at risk? I read this, but I'm not convinced I'm okay. A part of me is freaking out a bit

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 1 point on 2014-11-06 20:55:09

Potentially, but you're placed at greater risk every time you watch more, so it's best to to something about it now and hope it'll turn out fine.

The most likely outcome is that everything will be fine. Hell, the most likely outcome even without any prevention is that it'll be fine. That said, it's better to take action now and keep your risks as low as possible.

throwawayjam78 1 point on 2014-11-06 20:57:57

Oh boy, well, I've watched a bit more today....

Guess I better take precautions or stop. Thanks.

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2014-11-07 14:02:45

Honestly, unless you live in an area that actively, heavily monitors the internet usage of all it's citizens, it's really not something you have to worry about. A VPN is a nice, added layer of comfort, but for the average bestiality viewer in the US or the UK, it's really not a necessity. No LEA is going to be checking your browsing history unless you've already given them reason to do so due to some other, much more serious crime.

ZoroasterTheCat 1 point on 2014-11-07 14:04:15

My question about VPN service, how does it affect your speeds? I get good speeds from my ISP, but if I'm using a VPN to tunnel to another server someplace else with (probably) slower speeds, will this serve as a bottleneck?

Yearningmice Equus 1 point on 2014-11-07 15:09:59

I use a free one and it can actually improve speeds depending on a lot of things. If it stays connected(problem with the free one) I do not notice any speed difference.

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 2 points on 2014-11-07 20:16:24

You should never use a free one. :X

Tundrovyy-Volk Canidae 1 point on 2014-11-07 20:19:05

In my experience, the overhead is about 10%. The faster your connection is, the less significant the overhead is, and if your speed is very slow, it can be crippling.

danpetman 3 points on 2014-11-06 21:53:50

While having/watching animal porn may be illegal where you are (a handy list is available here) the chances of any legal consequences for viewing it are remote in the extreme. In the UK, viewing bestiality was made illegal in 2008, but the only cases where someone has been convicted for it have been when they've already been arrested for something else and had the contents of their computer searched. There is no "animal porn taskforce" trying to track down people who view it, there are no elaborate sting operations underway to round people up. It's in no way a priority for the police, so they only go after people for it when it's right in front of them. You could kind of view it as driving with a broken tail light. It may be illegal, and if a policeman SEES you doing it, then they may well pull you over, but no-one is actively looking to catch you, because it would be a colossal waste of time and resources to do so.

My advice would be that, if it makes you feel better, by all means use anonymous browsing services and the like, but if you don't, don't stress yourself out about it. People simply do not get arrested JUST for viewing animal porn, so as long as you're not doing other stuff that might cause the police to take an interest in you, you really have nothing to worry about.

throwawayjam78 2 points on 2014-11-06 23:32:07

That's comforting to know. Thanks dude, that's gonna help calm me down.

danpetman 2 points on 2014-11-07 00:22:40

No worries. While knowing the potential hazards is important, I think sometimes people get a bit too carried away with safety to the point that they're just making their lives needlessly more difficult and stressing themselves out. It's kind of like never leaving the house without full body armour on in case someone tries to stab you. I mean sure, it COULD happen, but unless you live somewhere with gangs of knife-wielding psychos roaming the streets, it's not really a necessary precaution.

actuallynotazoophile ok, I lied. 1 point on 2014-11-07 04:06:21

The way I see it, no one has been jailed purely for viewing bestiality and Im still living my normal ^heh life after watching this stuff for maybe...jeez coming up to 10 years now I reckon. I'm a sample size of one, but at this point Im pretty much of the opinion that if anything was going to happen, it would already of happened.

Probably not the wisest stance I could adopt but it works for me so far.

[deleted] 1 point on 2014-11-08 10:13:23

Fortunately, they could not prosecute everyone who ever watched bestiality porn. That would literally (and I mean literally) be millions upon millions of people.

While they could try to shame those all, or make an example of a few by grabbing them and hand out laughable high terms (which I think did happen although not exactly planned like that) - there is not the jail space for all of them. Perhaps you could ticket all these people, lots of traffic tickets are processed every day, too. But then you piss off millions of people who's votes you want to have at once a little bit. For what? Because I watched it once for fun or jacked-off a few times to that pony video - the fuck what is the government doing? People won't accept a mass prosecution for this, just by the mass of affected. Although, of course there will be the large group of boring bland people who go to church with a tie and actually believe that stuff who'll madly support such a campaign in spiky internet comments.

Crazy_ManMan Not a zoo, but a friend. 1 point on 2014-11-07 14:41:35

If you are in the US it would be illegal to prevent you from viewing it if I recall correctly. It is not against federal law like Pedophilia.

ImmortalSlave 1 point on 2014-11-07 18:59:58

In america or most places you won't get in trouble with the law targetting you for viewing beast porn on the clearnet since possession is not illegal (distribution can be but still never enforced). Bigger danger is someone around you has access to your PC or your router or sniffs your network and finds out. VPN + disk encryption fixes that.

Some chan sites and reddit have full HTTPS and their content is diluted so VPN doesn't add much. But even then it's a good idea to have a VPN to keep the site admins from knowing your IP and location because all of the beast/zoo site admins are either sketch or dumb as fuck and you should assume as much. If you do P2P you should get a VPN, even though everyone used to do it in the clearnet (stupid, it makes your IP public and status varies but may be interpreted as distribution).

kennel_dweller 1 point on 2014-11-10 22:53:58

Been looking up zoo content for four years, and I ain't heard a peep from any guv'ment.