Ethereum brings new possibilities for society and us (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-11-18 15:46:14 by [deleted]

Ethereum is a new WIP technology inspired by Bitcoin, it basically expands what Bitcoin already offers to a digital contracts that will run like any computer application - for example you can an agreement with your partner that to do anything with your common money the network has to get an agreement from both of you in order to allow you to execute transaction and write a terms of property division in case of divorce. For computer geeks - this is basically a decentralized P2P turing complete machine. The other possibilities are showed in this image I've found in another subreddit - I'd really recommend you to read about how cryptocurrencies work before reading the rest.

My point is that we could create a decentralized democratic foundation of zoophiles where the existing structure would vote if to accept a new member and you could have a safe financial structure(use it to promote tolerance, to support zoophiles having trouble with law etc. upon voting) without the need of government and without revealing your real identities. The only problem is to find some trustworthy founders which won't manipulate the organisation at the beginning when there are too few members. If we are serious about fighting for our rights then we should have some kind of lobby structures. There are already working demos of Decentralized Organisations(there's a wiki entry for that too) - and as a computer programmer I'm amazed by the progress the humanity has made in that field of study, it's a big pity the society is ignorant about it. People

metrio 3 points on 2014-11-18 21:42:31

oh god, no