The Daughter of Bodil Joensen (self.zoophilia)
submitted 2014-11-22 11:09:25 by [deleted]

Most of you should know who Bodil Joensen was. If not, I'll give you a quick rundown:

She was a Danish zoophile turned porn star who lived a truly tortured and disheartening existence. Born in 1944, she turned to Copenhagen's thriving 1970s pornography industry after being unable to pay her own way with the few skills she had working with animals, and was exploited by practically anyone with a camera. She married another zoo named Knud Andersen and had a daughter in 1972. She died in 1985, presumably of liver cirrhosis caused by heavy drinking and drug abuse.

You can read more about her here, and watch the documentary if you so wish.

Anyway, I was wondering if any of you would be interested in trying to get ahold of her now 42 year-old daughter. I know it's an incredibly far-fetched idea (given that nobody seems to know her name or whether she's still alive), but I was hoping someone would know something about her. I would largely be interested in hearing about how she dealt with having such infamous zoophile parents growing up, the tragic circumstances of her mother's passing and how she feels her life up until this point has been shaped by her circumstances. Ideally, I would also like to know what she thinks of zoophiles as a whole and whether she carries any guilt for her parents' actions.

What do you think? Can it be done?

~ T-V

DerErzbaronGomez 2 points on 2014-11-22 11:25:55

I think this would be pretty awesome but I seriously don't know how or if this idea can be realized.

[deleted] 11 points on 2014-11-22 13:56:23

Can it be done?

Yes, for a price. Money can buy you everything.

Should it be done?

No, in my humble opinion. If she had something to say - or the desire - she would come forward by herself. I don't really see what could be gained from it, or - with all due respect - I don't see that your general curiosity for the questions you asked justifies intrusion in someone's life like that.

I am pretty sure you'll either look creepy asking the questions in private, or there will be follow-up sensationalist articles on 'the famous porn star's daughter' and what she is doing today, and where she lives....etc, if you do it for your own article and publish that.

It might be a very personal and perhaps disturbing topic for her, since simply being the daughter means nothing in terms of inclination or stance. Reminding her and dragging that all out doesn't seem a nice thing to do to someone.

However, I seem to recall that the daughter of ... Mark Matthews had also written a book later, can't recall the title perfectly but: I think it was "My stepmom is a horse" or something like that. I have not managed to get a copy of it. Perhaps you should track down that book first? Would also be a great service if someone has it and it'd be posted here or in a suitable place.

So that might answer some of your questions just as much, and is a freely given account. - With the initial idea - I really don't know. Would you also drive to Mr Hand's mother and ask her questions like that?

Just my opinion, others are available.

wright-one ursidae canidae pantherinae 1 point on 2014-11-23 02:12:00

my initial thought was definitely different from what i think after reading horse42's well thought out response. it would indeed be cool.. maybe it wouldn't be so bad if you simply said you were interested in talking with her and if she had no interest, you would leave her alone without any hard feelings. shrug

ImmortalSlave 2 points on 2014-11-23 10:38:35

20 bucks says she changed her name (kinda says it all)